Card pool....

Gao Bucheng and Feiyu froze on the spot.

The two only felt a chill rushing from the heart of their feet to the heavenly spirit cover, and the cold hairs on their backs stood upside down.

Gao Bucheng only has the cultivation of the late second grade, and facing the Chu River in the late third grade is not much different from the ants.

"Great... My lord.

Gao Bucheng turned around and said firmly: "It's all in the lower sect, and they are willing to bear the punishment."

"No, I bumped into you."

Fei Yu blocked in front of Gao Bucheng and said, "You rush at me for anything, it has nothing to do with my master." "

Master and apprentice affection!

Hold each other accountable!

A sneer appeared on Chu He's face.

For people like Feiyu, at first glance: it seems to be very good, has a sense of justice, respects the master, has a good talent, and loves to challenge authority, very similar to the heroine in the TV series.

But: such a person has a serious illness in the eyes of Chu He.

In the TV series: Every time such a woman makes a mistake, a male protagonist will appear to save her, or rely on her character to gain the appreciation of a certain big guy and soar into the sky.

But that's a TV series, in reality: it's basically difficult for such a woman to live for more than two episodes before she will be killed.

Because she can't see the situation clearly at all, she only knows how to see the truth of things with her own vision.


Chu He kicked out.

A trace of dragon groan and elephant roar sounded.

"Not good."

Gao Bucheng hurriedly stretched out his hand to resist and protected the flying feathers behind him.



A vibration sounded along with two sounds of breaking the air.


Gao Bucheng and Feiyu were kicked hundreds of meters out on the spot.

Syllable! Syllable!

The two crashed into the wall of a building at the same time, and then slid down like a painting.



The two spat blood at the same time, and their faces turned pale.


Gao Bucheng couldn't care about the injuries on his body, and immediately got up and handed over his hand:

"Thank you Lord for your mercy."


He guessed that Chu He would most likely not kill him and Feiyu in public, after all, both of them had official bodies, but the face that should be given still had to be given, otherwise he would be worn by Zhen Mosi in small shoes in the future.


Gao Bucheng helped the fainted flying feather to leave at great speed.

Until the moment of fainting, Fei Yu had not yet figured out why Chu He would treat her like this, which was a bit different from her experience in the first half of her life, which made her unacceptable.


Inside the attic in the distance.

A black shadow was hidden in the corner, his eyes looked at the scene that had just happened below, and muttered:

"Sure enough, he is equally cruel to the people in the official government, it seems that the information is eighty percent right, and he has no special sense of belonging to Daqian, which is worth wooing."

"However, looking at his actions today: to kill all those who seduce demons, he obviously also has a grudge against demons."

"It seems that you want to win him over... Blood is required. "



Chu He snorted coldly, his gaze scanning the audience.


All those who were seen subconsciously bowed their heads.

If: they just had the idea of coming out, now, they have nothing at all.

After all:

the tragedy of high dishonesty and flying feathers happened.

Even the six doors that also belong to the imperial court, Chu He, are not in their eyes, not to mention that these are already on the blacklist of the Zhen Mosi: sects, families, and gang members.


As soon as there is a blocker, he will be slandered by Chu He as a remnant of the white lotus, and the demon comrades will be killed on the spot.

"Lord Gunsho has arrived."

A loud shout suddenly sounded.


An old man strode over under the escort of everyone, it was none other than Qingshan Gunsheng: Zhao Shu.

"I've seen Lord Gunsho."

Everyone saluted.

According to the current official position distribution of Daqian; The official rank of Zhao Shou and the official rank of Chu River are the same level.

However, the six gates in the county are subject to the county guard, but the town demon guard is not under its jurisdiction at all, the two: do not invade each other, even: if necessary, the county guard must be controlled by the town demon division.

People kneeling in the distance shouted

, "Sir, you are coming, you must be the master for me..."

"Lord Gunsho, they are complete bandits, I slept well with the concubine of the ninth room at home, and I was suddenly arrested, which is to kill people."

"Adults are in charge of the people's women, and the people's women are by them... They... Whew...,"

cried a rough woman weighing five hundred pounds.

This scene.

Let the people next to him can't help but grin, you make up a decent reason, this sentence: ghosts are hard to believe.


Zhao Shu waved his big hand, and the audience fell silent.

"Rest assured, this official is the guardian of a county, and he will definitely not let anyone or any department kill innocents."

"If you have any grievances, you can tell this official, and this official wants to see who dares to be presumptuous under Lang Lang's affairs."

His voice fell.

A trace of white light appeared between heaven and earth, adding a bit of righteousness to it, as if he was a great Confucian.


Chu He's eyes froze.

With his insight, he naturally knew that white light was the Haoran righteous qi of Confucian cultivation, and to be able to use Haoran righteous qi, he must open the Confucian Palace.

Those who open the Confucian Palace: The worst also has a second-grade cultivation, and looking at Zhao Shu's white gas concentration is likely to be the peak of the second grade.

And a Confucian palace like Zhao Shu who opened up a Confucian palace as a county keeper is rare in Yunzhou, and it is rare after all.


"There is a good show to watch."

"Zhao Junshou was originally a person who loved to pretend, and today, I am afraid that he will be compared to Chu He for the sake of pretending."

"You guys said: If they want to really win, who can win, I estimate that it is Chu He, his domineering is more serious than Zhao Shu."


Everyone looked like they wanted to watch a play.


They are all optimistic about Chu He, after all, the other party's domineering is far and near famous, although Zhao Shu opened the Confucian Palace, but obviously it cannot be his opponent, and there is a high probability that he will lose.

Of course.

Afterwards: If Chu He came up murderously and slaughtered Zhao Shu, then the cola would be bigger.

Zhao Shu's identity is not comparable to Gao Insincerity, if he really falls here, he will definitely set off an uproar.

"Lord Gunshou loves the people like a son..."

"Lord Gunshou is the star of our Aoyama-gun."

"Lord Gunshou, I love you..." Many

prisoners seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, and they praised Zhao Shu fiercely, saying that it was sky-high.

Let Zhao Shu be extremely happy.

He walked to the high place step by step, and at this time, a guard suddenly ran to his ear and whispered:

"Sir, that Chu River has just severely injured Gao Bucheng and Feiyu, and he has no scruples at all."

"Also, he is extremely murderous, no matter who he is, those who do not deal with him will be crippled, and the heavy will be killed."

"It is said that the top just can't stand him, but because his heroic status cannot be managed, he was sent to Qingshan County, just to make him make a big mistake here and punish him."

What the?

Gunsho's face changed wildly.

He looked at the cold face of Chu He on the opposite side, as well as the strong killing intent, and his subconscious body trembled.


I just happened to hang around the ghost gate.

Must leave immediately.

No way.

Wouldn't it be a loss of face for me to leave now.


Cough.. Ahem...

Zhao Shu coughed lightly and said, "

Today, this official heard that someone was killing innocents here,

so he rushed here with the mentality of loving the people like a son."

"However, I didn't expect it to be a group of accomplices who colluded with demons, since this is the case, then it should be killed."

"Lord Chu, if your official is busy with affairs, you will not be delayed in carrying out your tasks, and you can come to the mansion to drink tea when you have the opportunity."

Shut up.

Zhao Shutou did not look back into the distance.

Foggy grass?

What kind of divine turn is this?

Last breath: righteousness and awe-inspiring, for the people!

Next breath: All are guilty, I will withdraw first!


The literati really can't be trusted! →_→


No one noticed that the guard who had just spoken secretly gestured in the direction of Chu River.

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