Town Demon Camp, Main Hall.

Chu Heduan sat on the Chinese throne, holding a strange black mirror, and Zhao Yuan stood next to him.

"This is the storyboard, which is indeed a bit sloppy compared to the main mirror, and the function is relatively single."

Chu He said secretly in his heart.

To be honest:

this black mirror really does not have too strong functions, it is similar to a satellite phone of Zuxing, and only eight numbers can be dialed, and its value lies in the eight number owners, the more special their identity, then, the greater the value of this black mirror.


The people who made it weren't fools either: for now, other storyboard owners are still a little useful to Chu He.

"Sir, Zi Rat sent back the news: saying that he strayed into a secret realm some time ago, obtained a lot of benefits inside, and has been transported to Yunzhou through channels."

Zhao Yuan bowed and said.


Chu He's eyes froze.

There are also some alien spaces in this world, and there are more or less peculiar treasures in it, such as: the Tianfu Pond that makes Sun Shang worry, and the Great Inner Qianlong Mountain Range, and so on.

Uncharted Realms are also graded.


Basically, there are very few products below five products.

In other words: all secret realms are at least attractive to the five-rank strong, especially some undiscovered secret realms.

Among them: most of the secret realms are mastered by the imperial court, and the rest are also mastered by wealthy families, families, and large sects.


Yunzhou Town Magic Division also has three secret realms, but unfortunately two are worthless, and the remaining one will take twenty years to open.

And since Zi Rat said that he entered by mistake, his probability of entering the main secret realm is so, then, with his character of not going empty, the forces of that secret realm are probably... Gotta go crazy.

"Go down."

Chu He said in a deep voice.

"Subordinates retreat."

Zhao Yuan nodded and bowed out of the hall.

"The zodiac sign is indeed worthy of being a supreme genius."

Chu He looked at the sky and muttered.


Before he joined the Zhen Mo Division, the strength of the twelve zodiac signs had broken through the third grade, and he got him some entry exercises and pills, but unfortunately, his body had reached a critical point at that time, and he did not dare to try it rashly, thinking at that time: if there is no way in the end, try to the death again, but the sudden awakening of the system made him change his plan.

Of course: there were also doubts about the zodiac at that time, after all, although he had good intelligence at that time, his strength was too poor, and he was not sure whether there was a problem with the exercises and pills.

Shaking your head.

Chu He didn't think about this anymore, put away the black mirror, looked outside, and said calmly:

"Come out."

After a breath.


The black shadow reflected in one of the pillars outside the main hall swayed.


A figure shrouded in black robes walked into the hall, his eyes looked at Chu He with a hint of horror, and said, "

Sure enough, I am worthy of being a person who can kill Elder Tiger, and I can find out that I have to exist, you are really powerful."

No wonder he was so surprised.

You must know that in the Yunzhou White Lotus Sect, his concealment means are the strongest, and even ordinary five-grade existences cannot be discovered.


Chu He found out when he first arrived, how could he not be shocked.

"Huh: Terrible?

Chu He shook his head disdainfully: "There are three pillars outside, two shadows one and a half meters, only you two meters, do you think it's normal?" "

Black Robe Man: d (ŐдŐ๑)



It's actually folded here.

Cough.. Ahem...

The black-robed man coughed lightly twice, and said a little puzzled:

"No, how do you seem to know that I am coming, why are you not surprised at all, I am a demon?"


The black-robed people were a little unconfident.


He imagined that as soon as he appeared, Chu He would kill him, and he was already ready for all kinds of preparations.

But now: when he saw something, Chu He actually sat there calmly drinking tea, looking at him calmly.

At this time.

Chu He took a sip of spirit tea and said, "

What's the surprise, you a third-grade demon dares to break into my town demon camp, there must be a major reason."

"I don't ask: you will also say, of course, that you have to make this hundred households dissatisfied, and today is your festival day."

Shut up.

A powerful killing intent burst out from Chu He's body.

It was accumulated by killing countless demons, and although he had only joined the Zhen Demon Division for a month, the number of demons killed was several times more than most of the Zhen Mo Si hundred households.

The powerful killing intent enveloped the entire hall, making the black-robed shadow guards' faces change wildly, and the death crisis continued to surge in their hearts.

How can it be.

He could actually kill me?

Yingwei's eyes flashed with a trace of shock, you know, although his cultivation was only in the late stage of the third rank, with his unique concealment means, even a fourth-grade powerhouse could not kill him at all.

Looking at Chu He, whose face was getting colder and colder, the shadow guard did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly said

: "I am the protector of the White Lotus Sect:

Shadow Guard."

"This time, I came to know the early experience of Chu Baihu, and Zhen Mosi was not kind to the Chu family brothers, that was their stupidity."

"Lord Saint said: I am willing to help Chu Baihu take revenge and subvert the entire Yunzhou Town Magic Division."

Shut up.

His gaze was fixed on Chu He, wanting to see what reaction the other party had.

But he found that

Chu He's eyes only flashed a trace of surprise, and after a moment they returned to flat, and said coldly:

"Ben Baihu doesn't know what you're talking about?"

"If you just came to tell Benbaihu about this today, then you can't go out of this hall."


Hear Chu He's answer.

Instead of being afraid, the shadow guard was even more excited, and if Chu He directly agreed, it would not be right.

On the contrary, the other party's somewhat urgent killing is a relatively normal thinking.


Looking at Chu He, who was about to strike, he quickly said:

"If I fall here today, tomorrow, the Yunzhou Town Demon Master will know the true identity of Chu Baihu."

"However, Chu Baihu, please rest assured, my White Lotus Sect is sincerely cooperating, and everyone else knows that your identity has all disappeared."

"As long as you cooperate with the White Lotus Sect, you will not only be able to take revenge, but also quickly reach the top of the Yunzhou Town Demon Division."

That's right.

The White Lotus Sect's plan is to gradually master the Yunzhou Town Demon Division little by little through the bridge of the Chu River.

Of course, Chu He was in their plan, giving some benefits in the early stage, and completely treating him as a puppet in the later stage.


Chu He looked at Yingwei, and his eyes flashed a trace of complexity.


Cai said coldly:

"How can Ben Baihu believe in you and cooperate, you should also come up with some meeting gifts first."

"What does Chu Baihu want?"

"Ben Baihu has just come to Qingshan County, so naturally he needs to make some great achievements in order to obtain affirmation and awards from above."

"It is said that the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce is not far from Qingshan County, and your White Lotus Sect should have information about their residence."

Chu He asked calmly.

But the meaning in the words was creepy, obviously, he wanted to make a move against the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce.

"The station knows it, but the strength of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce is not bad, if Chu Baihu goes to wipe it out, I am afraid that it will not lose a lot."

The shadow guard said a little worriedly.

The Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce and their White Lotus Sect didn't care, after all, the other party didn't listen to them in the first place, he was worried that Chu River would be seriously damaged in the eradication process, and its use value would be greatly reduced.

"Who said that Ben Baihu will fight himself."

A sinister smile appeared on Chu He's face:

"Since you want to cooperate, the White Lotus Sect should show some sincerity, this hundred households hope, when I arrived at the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, they were all seriously injured, yours, understand."

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