What the?

Yingwei's face changed.

He thought that Chu River would open his mouth, after all: the other party had hatred with demons, so it was impossible for him to cooperate with the White Lotus Sect without paying a price.


He never expected that the other party would want to use the White Lotus Sect as a gunman, let them first beat the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce to a half-crippled one, and then, in his own appearance, pick up ready-made, real... Tough enough.


"It seems that the White Lotus Sect does not have the sincerity to cooperate."

Chu He's face gradually turned cold, and he said, "In that case, then you don't want to leave the Zhendemon Camp today."

"As for the life history of Ben Baihu, it's a big deal to go to the headquarters to explain it in person: do you guess they will forgive Ben Baihu."

"At most, that is, it affects the future career, this hundred households don't care, but the White Lotus Sect should be very sad now."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have sent you to woo Ben Baihu."


Chu He looked at the shadow guard with deep meaning.


The shadow guard was completely unable to calm down.

He couldn't have imagined that just from his arrival, the other party would guess that the White Lotus Sect was in a very bad situation now.

Obviously, at the last moment, the initiative was still in his hands, but now, he has completely lost any right to make demands.

"This matter is for the Holy Lady to decide."

"Chu Baihu don't mind, it's really a matter of great importance, but I think the Holy Lady will agree."

Yingwei said with a worried look.

He is now extremely afraid that the other party will not play according to the routine, and see that he does not agree to really shoot and keep him.


He was very confident in his concealment methods, but a voice in the dark told him: If the other party strikes, there is no way to live.

A breath....

Two breaths....


There was a deathly silence in the main hall.


The sound of Chu He tapping on the table rhythmically, each of which seemed to knock on the heart of the shadow guard.

Just when the shadow guard was about to be unable to bear it, Chu He stopped knocking on the table and said coldly:

"One day, this hundred households will not receive an answer before tomorrow night, so there is no need for cooperation."


The shadow guard hurriedly answered.

It seemed that he was afraid that Chu He would regret it, after all, he came here with the hope that he would be able to reach cooperation with Chu He.


He didn't find that he was already following the rhythm of the Chu River.

Just as Yingwei breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to say something more, he suddenly heard Chu He's cold words in his ears:

"However, this cannot erase your threat to Ben Baihu, and the most hated thing in this life is threats."


He felt a strong crisis rising from the bottom of his heart.

"Not good."

The shadow guard shouted loudly, and immediately pinched the seal with both hands.


Its figure quickly became illusory until it disappeared.


A slight tremor resounded.

It's not loud though.

However, it made the entire hall seem to tremble, and the figure of the shadow guard that had just disappeared appeared at the entrance of the hall.


He knelt on one knee and turned pale.

His whole body was trembling violently, and a drop of sweat fell down his forehead, and he wanted to wail but was afraid of attracting the Zhen Demon Guard, so he could only grit his teeth and stand firm.

After five breaths.

Its trembling body stopped.


His gaze looked at Chu He and said in disbelief,

"Ling... Soul attack, you actually will soul attack, and hide so deeply, you..."

for a while.

Yingwei didn't know how to describe Chu River.


In the perception of the outside world: Chu He is a domineering and rampant character, and the martial arts displayed are also the Dragon and Elephant Town Prison Gong.

Now it seems that its real power may be the soul, at least the soul of the third pinnacle, and also mastering the secret method of attack.

Hidden... So deep.


Before, Yingwei also suspected that there was a problem with the relationship between Chu He and Zhen Moji, but now he basically did not doubt it.

A person with such a deep, rampant, and domineering city government, his joining the Zhen Mosi will definitely not be to serve the country.

Cough. Ahem...

The shadow guard coughed twice and barely stood up.


He arched his hand at Chu He and said

, "It's nothing, the shadow guard won't disturb Chu Baihu to rest, and when the holy girl has news,

she will inform Your Excellency immediately."

Shut up.

He wanted to turn away.


Chu He waved his hand, and the shadow guard was frightened.

"The news of the residence of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce should not be told by your White Lotus Sect, so it doesn't make sense to keep up with the above."

Chu He picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of tea calmly, and said, "Let the Qinghai Gang tell Benbai the news." "

As if a calm word.

But it made Yingwei's heart chill.


This is killing without blood.

Every word or decision must bury a person in it, and it is not like a child to think carefully than himself.


Yingwei swallowed his saliva and said, "

Okay, just do as Chu Baihu said."

Shut up.

He walked towards the outside of the main hall, but halfway there, he seemed to think of something and secretly took out a jade talisman from his arms.

Then asked:

"Chu Baihu, presumably it was also a plan to die with the tiger-headed demon in Jiuyu Town."

"Of course."

Chu He glanced at the shadow guard's back with disdain, and said, "If you don't do this, how can this hundred households quickly ascend to a high position."

"Don't you think that a heroic title in the Zhen Mosi can make people rise to the sky."

"Chu Baihu... Terrible. Yingwei

looked at the jade talisman glowing green in his hand, nodded secretly, and the figure quickly disappeared into the hall.

"Huh... Pediatrics.

Chu He looked at the disappearing shadow guard and shook his head in disdain.

For those who have been educated by countless spy films of the ancestor star, he is no stranger to this kind of double-sided spy routine.


when necessary.

You can make the water more cloudy.


Black Mountain swamps.

Basilica of the Virgin.

Trample! Trample!

The white-robed holy girl paced back and forth and frowned

, "You mean: Chu He wants us to give him the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce as a meeting gift,

and is talking about the next cooperation."


The shadow guard nodded on the side.

He said again: "Holy girl, this Chu River is indeed too mysterious, not only will it attack the soul, but its city is definitely deep enough.

"In front of him, the subordinate seems to have no secret existence, and can be seen through by his eyes."

"It doesn't hurt that the city is deep."

The saint's face showed a hint of determination.

She didn't care how deep the Chu River City Mansion was, as long as it could be used by the White Lotus Sect.


She is also not afraid of the Chu River crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, once the big ship of the White Lotus Sect is boarded, it is not possible to get off if you want to.

Also: as long as Chu He agrees to cooperate, in the later stage, the White Lotus Sect has its own way to control him, and at that time, the Zhen Demon Division will serve the White Lotus Sect.


The deeper the Chu River City Mansion, the more it shows that it has cultivation value, and the greater the help to the White Lotus Sect in the future.


The holy girl nodded firmly and said, "Just do as he said, and arrange for the snake elder to cripple the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce."


The shadow guard nodded and disappeared in place.

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