
Qinghai Gang station, in a room.

Wang Long lay on the bed unable to sleep, and his mind kept recalling the picture of kneeling on the ground two days ago.

Now: this picture has become his inner demon.

As soon as he closed his eyes, the image appeared like a slide show, making him unable to sleep at all.


Because of this, he didn't dare to go out at all, for fear of being pointed at by other known beings.


"My King Dragon swore that he would crush the corpse of the Chu River into ten thousand pieces."

Wang Long turned over and cursed angrily.


He was going to call a few concubines over, and since he couldn't sleep, he would do something serious.

After all: he had just lost an elite son, and he had to make up for it immediately.

"Gang Master Wang, you want revenge?"

An eerie voice suddenly sounded.


Wang Long was startled by the sudden sound.

He immediately rolled over and pulled out a long knife from under the bed, blocked it in front of him, and looked ahead with a cautious face.


A black shadow stood quietly, exuding a faint magical aura.


"What a demon, dare to break into the mansion of the gang master in an upright manner, don't you know that my gang elder is on the side?"

"There is still a town demon camp station in the city, Chu Baihu knows no, it is the Lord who kills demons without blinking, if you attract him, you don't know how to die."

Wang Long kept saying like a machine gun.


The more you speak, the louder you get.

It was not that he was timid, but that he found that he could not see through the demon in front of him, but he gave him death threats.

The reason why he just said this: first, he wanted to attract the Great Elder not far away, and second: to see if he could scare the unknown demon on the other side with the name of Chu River.


The shadow guard looked at the cautious + frightened Wang Long, his eyes flashed with a trace of disdain, and said:

"The entire room has been blocked by my secret method, no matter how you shout, you can't hear it outside."

"Don't worry, if I want to do something to you, you have just been a dead man, and I have come to help you fulfill your wish."

My wish?

Wang Long's eyes lit up, and he said in a deep voice: "This gang leader doesn't know what you're talking about? "

Let Chu He die."

Yingwei helplessly spread his hands and said, "Isn't this your wish, I have heard what I just said." "


Wang Long's face froze.

He didn't expect that the whining he had just made was heard by the other party, but at the same time, he also saw that the shadow guard did not mean to attack him.

This moment.

Hatred of the Chu River once again prevailed.

"How can I help?"

"Simple, isn't that Chu River rampant, you can provide him with the address of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, at that time, add a few compliments to the side, presumably, he will definitely not be able to bear it, and will attack."

The shadow guard said quickly: "As long as you lower the overall strength of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, he will definitely lose a lot.

"At that time, presumably even if he has the title of this hero, he will definitely fall from above."


Hearing Yingwei's words, Wang Long's face was stunned.


Expressing ecstasy because he discovered this meter... Feasible.

With Chu He's personality, it is indeed easy to be instigated, at that time, it may directly destroy the whole army in the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, and even if it returns, it will suffer heavy losses and be severely punished by the headquarters.


After being held accountable, there was nothing wrong with him.

Inside: He only needs to put it mildly and take himself out.

"Why help the Lord."

"What benefits do you want to gain in the middle, and which force are you: the White Lotus Sect?"

Wang Long said with a heavy face.


He had basically guessed the identity of the shadow guard, after all, there were not too strong demon forces around Qingshan County.

Among them:

the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce is already very strong.

And, just now, Yingwei's tone was extremely flat when he said the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, proving that he didn't care, most likely it was the White Lotus Sect.

"You don't have to ask knowingly."

The shadow guard frowned and said, "That Chu River is in Jiuyou Town, and the Holy Girl ordered that he be allowed to die.

"However, at present, the elites in the sect are doing big things, and there is no time to deal with him, so I just rely on my hands."

"Of course, you also have to pay some benefits."

"Yes, nice to work with."

Wang Long did not hesitate and immediately agreed.

He originally thought that he would need to wait for a long time, so he put it in front of him like this, how could he hesitate.

After half a column of incense.

Kagee left Aoyama County with a satisfied look.

He muttered in his mouth:

"I originally wanted to talk to him for free, but I got some unexpected gains, and I still want to fight with Chu He with this IQ, and I don't measure my strength."


Just when Wang Long studied how to report to Chu He on the second day.

Zhen Demon Camp, Central Hall.

Chu He took out the division realm and probed a trace of qi and blood into it.


The storyboard bursts with intense light.


Information emerges from above.

Qingzhou Little Chi Guy: "I'll go, I actually came to the newcomer, this is the eighth black mirror, come quickly report the identity." Peerless

little goblin: "Don't fool the newcomer, little brother, come to your sister's bowl, the future sister covers you." "

Wolf Thousand Miles: .


One message after another emerged.

Still the most active people, the others either did not show up or did not send messages.


Chu He nodded a few times on the black mirror.


A message emerged

: Kill God:

I come, I conquer!

Qingzhou Little Red Guy: ???

Peerless Leprechaun: ????


This is the pretend offender who took it, how to run them here to pretend to compare, kill God, this name: Well... Absolutely perfect.

Qingzhou Xiaochi guy: "Newcomer, we all have five-character names, why don't you name two, not in the group." Peerless

leprechaun: "Sister is just curious about how you have such a personality and how you have survived to this point."

Several people were all irritated by Chu He's name and the words that had just been sent, and they all became sarcastic.


This is exactly what Chu He wants to see.

He is shaping an arrogant, murderous personality.


Next, he has to arrange a background for his trumpet, so that he is qualified to be on an equal footing with everyone.


It took out the black mirror body and began to act.

On the mirror!

The information emerged

: the big guy:

"@??????, you even came in, can your master know about this?" Killing

God: "You know my master?" Also proficient in the technique of ultra-long-distance communication, you are..." The

big guy: "Don't guess, since it is your fate to get it, this mirror is harmless, presumably your master will not be angry." Qingzhou

Little Chi Guy: "I seem to see something I shouldn't see, this new big guy actually knows, Foggy Grass... Foggy grass. "

It's not just him.

Several other people were also shocked enough, although they didn't know the identity of the big guy, they also guessed that the absolute ninth grade was above.

And looking at the chat just now, it was obvious that the new god-killing master was on the same level as the big guy, or even a little stronger.

This... Killing God is not ordinary.

Looking at the information constantly scrolling on the mirror, a trace of an evil smile appeared at the corner of Chu He's mouth, and then began the last task

: the big guy: "Mission: There is a hundred demon chamber of commerce in Yunzhou and Qingshan County, destroy him, take the ancient books in his collection, points:

500." "

Killing God:" This task, Honza took over. "

That's right.

He did not want to hide his identity.

Don't think about it, once the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce is destroyed, the other few will definitely be able to guess that the killing god is Chu He.


That's what he wanted.

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