
The sky is just shining!

There were already many people wandering around the Zhen Demon Camp, and from time to time they looked at the gate of the Zhen Demon Camp.

They were all sent by the major forces in Qingshan County, of course, not to monitor the Zhendemon Camp, but to see what earth-shattering moves Chu He would make today.


Today, it is the third day from Chu River to Qingshan County, but it allows the major forces to live like a year.

After all: no one has ever seen the Qinghai Gang, the largest gang in the city, on the first day, and the hundreds of households that slaughtered hundreds of people on the second day.

It's simple: ferocious!

"Well, that's not... King Gang Lord.

An undercover agent had a slightly surprised expression.

The other spies also looked towards the gate of the Zhen Demon Camp, and saw Wang Long, dressed in a brocade robe, standing there.

"What's the situation, Wang Long has just been taught by Chu Baihu, how could he suddenly come to the gate of the Zhen Demon Camp."

"Could it be that if he wants to be tough with Chu He, isn't he looking for his own death, can't he be so stupid."


Many undercover agents are a little skeptical of life.


According to normal logic: Wang Long was so humiliated, he should not show up for a short time, allowing time to dilute everything.

As for his coming to find trouble with Chu River, they are also thinking blindly, this probability is basically zero, go to the Zhen Demon Camp to find a hundred families trouble, then it is better to directly find a rope... Die what about it.


In front of the Zhen Demon Camp.

Wang Long's face was calm, but his heart was extremely excited.

Yesterday: After the shadow guard left, he immediately discussed the matter with the Great Elder, hit it off and agreed to the next set.

Regardless of whether the White Lotus Sect wanted revenge or not, as long as it was consistent with the outcome they wanted, then it could cooperate.

Right now.

It depends on whether the big fish of the Chu River will be hooked.

Cough.. Ahem...

Wang Long lightly raised his throat and shouted: "

Qinghai help Wang Long, ask to see Lord Chu Baihu."

Shut up.

It stood quietly and waited.

After three breaths.


The gate of the Zhen Demon Camp opens.

Lu Feng walked from the inside, his gaze looked at Wang Long not far away, and muttered, "It turns out that the stupid lack that the adult said is him.

"This little flag, what did you just say?"

Wang Long looked at Lu Feng with a puzzled expression.

"Ahhh... It's nothing.

Lu Feng waved his hand and said, "Lord Baihu is resting, you go to the side hall and wait for a while." He


Without waiting for Wang Long to say anything, he turned around and led the way ahead.

Wang Long did not hesitate, hurriedly followed Lu Feng's pace, and walked towards a council hall in the Zhendemon Camp.


"The king is waiting here, I'll call my lord." Lu Feng led Wang Long into the council chamber and turned around directly.


Wang Long's eyes scanned the council chamber, his face embarrassed.


There was not a chair in the entire council chamber, just an empty hall and a strange drop clock.

The silent hall and the chaotic sound of water droplets made Wang Long's heart become more and more impetuous, constantly pacing back and forth.


Outside the hall!

A hint of disdain appeared at the corner of Lu Feng's mouth.

Last night, Chu He said to him: There is a fool who will come to the Zhen Demon Camp today and let him find a quiet place to dry.

At the time, he still wondered who the fool was.


it was Wang Long, but at the same time, he also worshipped Chu He even more, obviously, adults had long known that Wang Long would come.


Lu Feng strode towards his residence.

That's right.

He didn't mean to summon Chu He at all, but planned to go back to sleep and sleep.


Time passes slowly....

Before I knew it, it was almost noon.

And the council chamber did not.

Wang Long had long been unable to maintain his composure, and stomped madly in place with an angry look to vent, opening his mouth and shouting silently.


He did not dare to leave, nor did he dare to wander around.

After all.

Who knows if it is Chu He's conspiracy, if he goes out and is slandered by him as a military plane, wouldn't he be unlucky.

Therefore, he could only wait in the hall, while constantly greeting Chu He's various relatives and friends for "good health".

Just when Wang Long couldn't help but call people.


The inside of the main hall opens.


Chu He's figure strode in from outside, followed by Lu Feng and several other town demon guards.

"Quick, put the Chinese seat down." Lu Feng greeted.

Several town demon guards placed a Chinese seat in the center of the hall, and Chu He lifted his cloak and slowly sat on it.


Lu Feng immediately handed over a cup of ginseng tea.

From beginning to end, Chu He did not look at Wang Long, as if the other party did not exist.


Really good at posing.

If you don't pretend to be forced, you can die. ╰(‵□′)╯

Wang Long looked at Chu He's posture, the roots of his angry teeth itched, and he couldn't wait to immediately pull it off the throne.

He took two deep breaths and said, "

I have seen Lord Hyakuhu."

"It turned out to be the king gang master, sit!"

Chu He waved his big hand.


Wang Long's face froze, and he looked left and right.


There is not even a raised place, where are you asking me to sit, on you? There is no sincerity at all.

"In front of adults, how can I sit."

Wang Long said with a smile: "The day before yesterday, because my unfilial dog offended the adults, I couldn't sleep for a few days next."

"I have been pondering how to make amends to adults, and it just so happens that today, I got a conclusive news below."


Wang Long immediately took out a scroll and handed it to Chu He.

He said excitedly: "This is the resident information of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, and there is also its approximate strength on it.

"As long as the adult reports this matter to the headquarters of the Zhen Demon Division, then he will definitely get the above reward."


Lu Feng took the scroll, opened it and placed it in front of Chu He.


Above is the address of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce.

At the same time, it is written that it has the power: one demon in the late third grade, one demon in the middle of the third grade, six demons in the second grade, and about fifty demons in the other first grade.

Is it strong?

Very strong.


For the current Qingshan Town Demon Camp: it is not impossible to eat it completely, as long as it is prepared.

"My lord..." Lu Feng's

face showed a hint of excitement.


He was all thinking about it, and he wanted the Qingshan Town Demon Camp to eat this demon force, and at that time, it would be far greater than the credit reported.

Because: For Zhen Mowei, the most precious thing is merit, only more credit can be exchanged for all the resources they want, so that they can quickly break through their current cultivation.


Chu He looked at Wang Long and showed a meaningful smile.

It's really good enough to play tricks.

The strength of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce has weakened by at least eighty percent, and within the news taught by the White Lotus, there are no less than ten third-grade demons alone.

There are no less than thirty second-grade demons, and about a hundred first-grade demons, which are the largest demon forces around Qingshan County.

It is impossible for a battalion of town demon guards to eat.

Of course.

Little is known about its strength.

Most of them only know that there are one or two third-grade demons, which can be regarded as a not weak demon force.

This is also the reason why Wang Long dares to hide so much.

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