
Wang Long saw Chu He's face pensive.

Thinking that the other party was thinking about how to attack the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, this opportunity was definitely a golden opportunity.


The reason why the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce is mysterious is that it will change its residence from time to time, and it is here now, maybe: it will disappear tomorrow.

Therefore, if you want to eliminate it in one fell swoop, then you need to strike when it does not react, that is... Today.

Think of this.

Wang Long said here: "

Sir, the relocation of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce is too common, and according to the information I got, it seems to have changed recently."

"I also hope that the lord will report this matter to the above as soon as possible, so that the headquarters will send a large army to suppress it, and the strength news obtained below may not be accurate, everything, it is better to be safe."


Chu He's gaze looked at Wang Long.

Shen Shen said:

"The Wang Gang Master has a heart, this matter is decided by the hundred households, and in the future, the Qinghai Gang will be covered by the Zhen Demon Camp in the county town."

"As long as this hundred households don't speak, no one will dare to touch you, hurry back and enjoy short-term happiness."

"Thank you for your grace."

Wang Long thanked with a look of surprise.


He could hear what he was saying, but he only said it briefly for three years that Chu He had been on duty.

He didn't take this seriously at all, because he could already see that Chu He was about to act.

With the strength of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, Chu He is probably fierce here, and even if he can get lucky enough to come back alive, he will definitely be severely punished.

"My lord, retreat."

Wang Long arched his hand at Chu River.


Under the leadership of Lu Feng, he left the Zhendemon Camp.

When back in the gang.

Wang Long took out a jade talisman from his arms, and several special ripples were carved on it, and it clicked lightly:

one sound after another came from within.

Exactly: the conversation between Wang Long and Chu He just now.

"With this jade talisman, even if the entire army of the Zhen Demon Camp is destroyed by then, the gang master will be able to pick it up."

"At that time, all the fault will be attributed to Chu He's arrogance, and even if he can not die, he will be sent to the dungeon."


This time, this gang master looks at how you die.


Zhen Demon Camp Hall!

Chu He said in a loud voice: "Gather all the town demon guards, and set off in half an hour to kill the demons and remove the demons." "


Lu Feng promised and quickly went out to pass the order.

"My lord... I'll go prepare the horses.

Zhao Yuanarch said.


He wanted to persuade Chu He not to act rashly, then Wang Long was probably some kind of conspiracy.

However, when he saw Chu He's calm, murderous face, he quickly swallowed the words back.

Because he knew: since he can see the problem, how can adults not see it.

Presumably: it has already been fully prepared.

What he has to do: just follow the grown-ups.

Half an hour later.


The gate of the Zhen Demon Camp opens.

Trample! Trample! Trample!

The sound of hurried horses' hooves resounded throughout Qingshan County, and Chu He led a hundred horses to quickly leave from the south gate and disappeared from everyone's view.

Such a big movement.

Frightened the many forces in the city again, until they saw Chu He leading a hundred horses out of the city, they all calmed down.


Then they began to speculate about what Chu He was going out to do.

A new broom sweeps clean.

The first two burned so vigorously, so where will this last fire burn?


Everyone began to inquire.

At last.

Hearing that Wang Long had been to the Zhen Demon Camp in the morning, they sent people to the Qinghai Gang to inquire, of course, they didn't ask anything.

I only heard:

Wang Long is in an unusually good mood today, and he is sleeping together.


Three hundred miles south of the city.

There is a mountain range, known as: the Sky Mist Mountain Range.

Because it is shrouded in a faint mist all year round, the vision of ordinary people is less than three meters here, and even the vision of a first-class martial artist is basically within ten meters.


Few creatures stay here!

They are afraid of getting lost in this mist, it is said: in the depths of the Sky Mist Mountain Range, there is a peerless demon existence, and this white mist is the turbid breath it exhales, of course: many people do not believe it.

An entrance under the mountains!

An old man sat on a rocking chair and drank small tea.

Sou! Sou!

Two figures appeared in front of the old man, one of them was a frog head and the other was a fox head, and said:

"I have seen Elder Shu, I will wait to come to the Chamber of Commerce."

Shut up.

The two of them each took out a piece of spirit crystal and respectfully handed it to the old man.


The old man only had a second-grade peak cultivation, but he was indeed the gatekeeper of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, and without his permission, others simply could not find the specific location of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce in the mist.


The old man took the spirit crystal and waved his big hand.

Two green leaves appeared in the hands of the two and said, "Follow the leaves, you can naturally find it."

"Thank you Elder Shu."

The two demons agreed.


The frog demon hugged the fox demon and whispered: "Say okay, I will bring you here to see the world, and the posture you promised must not be forgotten." Vixen

: "Oops... Dislike. He


The fox demon slapped away the frog's big hand and twisted and walked towards the mist.


The old man looked at the two who disappeared and secretly wiped his nosebleeds:

"Mad, don't talk about martial virtue, seduce Lao Tzu, this centuries-old dryad, gee... The figure is really good. Shaking

his head.

The old man wanted to close his eyes again.



A sound of shaking mountains sounded in his ears.

"Foggy grass, an earthquake!"

The old man rolled over and jumped up with a scared look, looked left and right, and finally looked straight ahead.

His eyes widened suddenly, as if he had seen a ghost, and he even rubbed his hands twice.


The scene ahead remains the same.


In front of them, hundreds of demon guards rushed at great speed, and the person at the head was even more dressed: wearing a red rusty dragon brocade robe.


The old man swallowed his saliva wildly, not believing:

"How is it possible, how could Zhen Devil Wei track down here, why didn't the above receive news in advance."

"Could it be... Act privately. "


The old man guessed the general situation of the Zhen Demon Guard in front of him.


The old man immediately took out a piece of jade from his arms and punched a piece of spiritual power into it, and he was about to say something.


A ghost of light crossed!


Yupei exploded into flying ash.


The Hundred Horse Town Demon Guard stopped right in front of the old man, and the endless killing intent was all shrouded in his body, making his face change greatly.

"Old man."

Zhao Yuan gulped and said, "Say, how to go in the direction of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, otherwise, don't blame Lao Tzu for being ruthless." "

Haha..." the

old man laughed up to the sky and said, "

I want to know the address of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, it's a dream, tell you: the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce is not something you can afford to mess with."

Shut up.


The old man turned into a cloud of blue smoke and disappeared on the spot.

Foggy grass?

The faces of all the town demon guards changed, and they didn't even find out how the old man disappeared.

You know: the news brought by Wang Long, the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce is in this mountain range, and there is an elder who knows its specific address.

Right now.

The old tree disappeared, and they struggled to find it again.


Chu He looked at the disappearing tree with a disdainful face...

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