
When Chu He saw the old man, the system did not respond.

Then it proves that the other party is not the body, or even the doppelganger, it may be a projection.


Its essence must be around.

Tree old?


Chu He's gaze swept among the trees on the edge of the mist, and finally stopped on a huge locust tree.

[Sophora Tree Demon: A second-grade demon, who is good at concealment, tracking, and provoking techniques, and is also proficient in the way of projection. ]

Criticism: Bad old man, old unorthodox, sullen one, host, quickly give him a fire. "


"Subordinates are here!"

"Set fire to that tree and burn that tree to Ben Baihu." Chu He's big hand pointed to the locust tree in the distance and said coldly.


Lu Feng promised.

He took out a fire fold from his arms and walked towards the locust tree, although he didn't know why Chu He did this, he just had to do as ordered.


The locust tree began to tremble wildly.

An old face emerged from the tree, and said in horror: "Lord Hyakuhu, you can't burn it.. Can't be burned.

"I'm just the gatekeeper of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, I really haven't done anything bad, and the little demon can show the adults the way."


The locust tree shook its body, hundreds of leaves fell, and after that, hundreds of leaves flew to Chu River.

"Lord, you only need to hold these leaves, you can quickly find the residence of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce."

"The little demon really has no means of transmitting messages, and he will definitely not report the news, please spare your life."

The dryad cried and begged.

It can be described as: those who hear are sad, and those who hear tears!


Lu Feng stepped forward to collect all the leaves, and then distributed them to all the Zhen Demon Guards.


Chu He shouted.

The Hundred Horse Town Demon Guard immediately pulled his horse to follow, killing intent.

"Hmph... It's really going to find death. Elder

Shu looked at the departing Chu He and the others, with a cold face.

He has no means of communication.

However, there is no need to use means, with the strength of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, this town demon guard will be killed when it steps in.

Even if they offended the Zhen Demon Division because of this, it was a big deal that their Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce would change another station, and they would still be dashing.


Zhen Mowei had already stepped within ten meters of the mist.

Zhao Yuan turned to Chu He and asked, "My lord... This locust tree demon. "


Chu He said coldly.

There was no fluctuation in his face, as if killing a dryad was as simple as killing a chicken.


Zhao Yuan promised.

A wave of the hand.

Immediately, there were several Zhen Demon Guards who practiced fire system exercises, bending their bows and shooting arrows, and the arrows were full of fire oil.

Sou! Sou! Sou.

Count the arrows in unison.


Then came the bitter howl of the dryad:

"Ah... Zhen Devil Wei, you must not die well... Don't talk about martial virtue

..." "Even if this demon turns into ashes, he will not let you go, this demon curses you for peeing wet shoes, farting and crashing shit..."

The Zhen Demon Guards in the distance were all expressionless.

They were originally doing the work of slaying demons and removing demons, and how could they care about the dying curse of a demon.


In the fog!

There is a market that spans a radius of ten miles, and bronze demon flags are erected around it to disperse the internal mist.

On the bazaar!

There are all kinds of items for sale: spirit treasures, demon secret methods, elixirs, ancient books, including population.

That's right, population.


One of the largest stalls is the 100-person shop.

On the stall!

There are dozens of large iron cages, each of which imprisons no less than dozens of people, men, women, and children, and of all types.

In front of the iron cage, a fat old man stood upright, his face was faintly visible with some evil crocodile patterns, and his strength was at the peak of the second grade.

"Those who come from the south and those who go north, take a look here."

The crocodile demon old man clapped his hands and said, "Look, these are all high-class people, men and women, old and young, everything you should have."

"Buy it back, whether it's looking at a gate, being a pet, or making a tooth sacrifice."


The crocodile demon also patted the cage and roared.

Its head began to appear in the shape of a crocodile, and its 180-degree mouth seemed to eat people on the spot.


"Take a look!"

The crocodile demon looked satisfied and said, "How energetic, this is definitely chewy and fragrant to eat."

"This brother loves meat when he sees it, or two to drink, I will pick you two fine skin tender meat."

"Good, I'll send it to the Drunken Immortal Tower."

A wolf-headed demon nodded.

"I want two too."

"I'll send one to my house in a moment, and if I want my mother's, I'll cool it first and then eat it."


Many demons began to pick up.

In one of the iron cages.

"Sister... I'm afraid!

A little boy said as he held another beautiful woman.

"Don't be afraid, my sister will protect you."

The beautiful woman said with a firm face.

His body also exudes a wistful momentum, and it is obvious that he is a true martial artist.

Her name is: Xueqing.

He was a disciple of the Divine Sword Gate, and before, he had discovered that someone was secretly arresting people from villages, or people coming and going to caravans.


She didn't feel the breath of the demon.


She joined forces with righteous people in several sects to secretly investigate, and finally found some clues.

Moreover, they also found that the strength of the other party's demons was very strong, so they specially reported this matter to the sect.


The leader Jian Fuji personally ordered: let them take the initiative to be captured by the demons, and carry the tracking secret treasure with them.

In this way, the Divine Sword Sect could unite with several major sects to send disciples to wipe out the entire demon stronghold in one fell swoop.

"Senior sister, why can't Master and Senior Brother come."

A teenager moved to Xueqing's side and said in a low voice: "Wait any longer, this group of people may be divided by demons."

"With a few of our strengths, we simply can't prevent such a thing from happening, and we may also be sold."

"Wait a minute."

Xueqing shook her head.

Her gaze looked at several iron cages around her, and a total of ten disciples sneaked in, the strongest was her, and in the early stage of the second grade, several others were cultivators of the first grade.

With such strength, let alone stop this group of demons from dividing people, even if it is difficult to break free from the iron cage.

In this way:

a personal race was captured, or sent to the Drunken Immortal Tower, or taken away by demons, but the end was self-evident and must be extremely tragic.


A black-robed figure appeared next to the iron cage where Xueqing was.

"Senior Brother."

Xueqing's eyes suddenly lit up.


The black-robed figure wore a cloak on his head, and his body also exuded a faint demon aura, blinding the demon probe.

Under his cloak, a handsome face emerged, it was the contemporary Tianjiao of the Excalibur Sect: Sword Five.

"Senior Brother, you are finally here, what about Master and them?"

Xueqing asked anxiously in a low voice.

"Master, they are on their way here, this matter is hidden, are the disciples known in our sect here?"

Jian Wu looked at the four sides and asked.

"It's all here."

Xueqing nodded and said, "This matter is hidden, and the eight disciples who know about it, including me, are all in the iron cage.

Jian Wu grinned: "It's all in... That's fine. "

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