"Zhen Demon!"

The earth-shattering drink made the entire Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce tremble, and the crocodile demon withdrew his palm in fear.

They all looked at the end of the market, and saw that the Hundred Horse Town Demon Guards rushed out from the depths of the fog, all of them murderous.

The first one: one is dressed in a red rusty dragon brocade robe, his face is cold, and his momentum is so majestic that everyone cannot look directly.

"Zhen Demon Guard!"

"It's Lord Zhen Mowei who came to save us, hahaha... Demon, your end has come, it has come.

"It's our Daqian's town demon guard, the old man knows that the imperial court will not give up on us, and the old man will...

"Is this the Lord Zhen Mowei in Abba's mouth, they are so majestic and dashing..."

The people in the many iron cages wept with joy.

At last.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Everyone knelt down and shouted loudly,

"I beg the lord to kill the demon and avenge his fellow soldiers."

"I beg the adults to kill the demons and avenge their fellow soldiers."

"I beg the adults to kill the demons and avenge their fellow soldiers."

A cry from the heart resounded in the sky above the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, making many timid demons fearful.


"Zhen Demon Guard?"

"Chu River?"

Xueqing and the other disciples of the Divine Sword Sect had complicated faces at this moment.

They looked at the Zhen Demon Guard who appeared, they were both happy and ending, happy that they didn't have to die again, and the end was that they were actually saved by the Zhen Demon Guard Chu He, who they hated the most before.

This moment.

The already collapsed faith is even more shattered.


"It's not good, the demons listen to the order and quickly drag him down, I will go and pray to all the elders and protectors."

The crocodile demon shouted in horror.


He was about to run towards the central hall, and he thought very simply, as long as he could escape there, he would be safe.


The sudden appearance of the Zhen Demon Guard surprised him, but he was not too worried, because after the panic, he saw that there was only one battalion of Zhen Demon Guard, and the third-grade powerhouse was only Chu He.

And they have a hundred demon chamber of commerce, there are no less than ten third-grade demons alone, and today, they are still discussing in the central hall.


As long as the elders in the hall discover the situation, they can come out and kill this camp of town demon guards, and then move the address.



Chu He's eyes were cold, and he shouted:

"One does not stay, kill!"




A hundred town demon guards immediately lined up to kill many demons.


Chu He waved his big hand.


A ghost light flickered continuously in the void.




One by one, the heads of second-grade demons exploded like fireworks.

"Ahhh... Block it for me. The

dog-headed demon picked up the old man of the Terran and blocked it in front of him.

But the next moment.

Its head still exploded in place.

A bunch of red and white old men of the Broken Terran tribe were all over their bodies, but they did not have any fear, but instead picked up crutches and kept beating the corpses of the dog-headed demon.

"Demon, return my son's life.."

"You pay me back.. Life.. Life.. Kill you... Kill you..."

The old man sat weakly on the ground and muttered

, "Son, did you see it, Lord Zhen Devil Wei avenged you,

and the demon who ate you died... Daddy misses you..."

Staged throughout the battlefield.

Many demons who were killed and destroyed by the Zhen Demon Guard were pounced on by a group of Terrans, frantically grabbing, biting, and cursing.

Even, many people bite off the flesh of demons, which shows how much they hate these demons.

I have to say:

After killing with Chu River for a long time, it is very tacit to let the Hundred Horse Town Demon Guard cooperate, and the accumulated anger is equally terrifying.

At the same time: the demons of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce rarely go out to fight, and the whole is relatively scattered, which is difficult to resist at all.


Everywhere there are voices begging for mercy:

"Don't kill me, I am a silver wolf in my body, willing to be a car for adults, riding very majestic."

"Spare your life, I haven't done anything bad, and it's normal to eat dozens of races."

"Ahhh... Don't kill me, I'm just here to visit the Chamber of Commerce, this is my concubine, I'll give her to you and spare my life." The

frog demon pushed out the fox demon and said.


Drops of liquid flowed from under the trembling body.


was actually scared to pee.

Many Zhen Demon Guards frowned.

And at the moment.

The fox demon first glared at the frog demon with an angry face, and then looked at the opposite demon guard with a weak face:

"As long as the little woman's life is spared, the slave family is at the disposal of the adults."

"Okay then!"

Lu Feng nodded, and the Zhen Demon Knife in his hand swung out on the spot:

"Just send you back to the west."


The heads of fox demons and frog demons ascended to heaven on the spot.

"I see that fox demon is good, why don't you stay." Ark asked after slashing a demon to death.

Lu Feng: "I'm afraid of getting sick." Ark

: "That's right, too." "


In the middle of the battlefield,

boom! Boom! Boom!

One by one, the corpses of the second-grade demons were stacked by a special force, and blood flowed out from below.


Chu He stepped out.

Appearing above the pile of corpses, his hands were on his back, his face was cold, and with the demon corpses trampled under his feet, as well as the river of blood, it was like a peerless killing god descending into the world.


At this moment, many Terrans looked at this killing god, and at the same time they were afraid and had a little more respect.

After half a column of incense.

Nearly two hundred demons of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce were all killed and captured, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood, of course, as long as the second-grade demons were killed by Chu River.


All the iron cages that held the Terrans were opened, including some who had been taken to restaurants, inns, etc., and the Terrans were rescued.

They all stood on the side of the battlefield, looking at the fierce faces of the captured demons, eager to pounce.

"Lord, a total of one hundred and thirteen demons, seventy-six demons captured, please adults decide."

Zhao Yuan bowed to the Chu River above the demon corpse pile.


Chu He's icy voice resounded in heaven and earth.


Zhao Yuan nodded.

He originally planned to bring this group of demons back to the dungeon, maybe he could ask something useful.

However, since the adult wanted to kill, he naturally did not have any doubts, and at the same time felt Chu He's domineering.

"Swing the knife!"

Zhao Yuan shouted: "Chop!" "


Seventy demon heads rolled down in unison, leaving not even a final word.

This scene.

The many rescued Terrans were startled, and one by one they took two steps back, revealing fear.

"So ruthless!"

"So overbearing!"

"It's terrifying!"

Xueqing and the other eight sect disciples turned even pale.

Last moment: They thought they were going to die.

The next moment: all the demons who want to kill them die.

At this time.

Looking at the domineering and majestic Chu River on the demon corpse pile, Xueqing unabashedly showed admiration.


The figure of Master Venerable Jian came to mind.

The corners of his mouth muttered:

"The murderous name, the indiscriminate killing of innocents, sanctimonious appearance, a sect of grandmasters, haha... Compare with him... What kind of man is Master. "

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