"Don't kill me... Don't kill me. The

crocodile demon knelt a hundred meters away and roared with a desperate face.


Before he ran out of the central hall, he felt a chill below, and when he looked down, his legs had exploded into a blood mist.

At that time, the mentality collapsed, coupled with witnessing the slaughter of hundreds of demons in the entire Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, it was even more unbearable.

Or else: cold-blooded animals, I'm afraid they don't want to be scared to death!


The crocodile demon didn't understand how the elders in the hall could not react if the outside world had already fought like this.


Everyone turned their gaze to the crocodile demon.


It is the main figure of human trafficking in the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce.

It can be said that eighty

percent of the Terrans were sold from him, although he is not the mastermind, but he is definitely the most hateful person.




Chu He walked towards him step by step.

"Don't come, don't come."

"What is wrong with me: man can eat ten thousand beasts, but ten thousand beasts can't eat man, what kind of truth is this?"

The crocodile demon roared madly: "Just because the Terrans are strong, is it, why, I ask you why?"

"Lao Tzu was originally a demon race, eating two people is the same as you eating chickens and ducks, are you: Are you not guilty?"

This moment.

The crocodile demon let out a roar that reached the soul, making everyone look gloomy, but they didn't know how to refute it.

As the crocodile demon said:

it is normal for people to eat chicken, duck, fish and meat, mountains and seafood, why the reverse is not possible, it cannot be said.

They used to hate demons eating their kindred, but their Terrans also often ate demons of the same race, who is right and who is wrong.

Don't talk about ordinary people.

Even Xueqing and other sect disciples, as well as Zhen Mowei, couldn't turn around a little, and didn't know how to reply.

People eat demons!

Demons eat people!

Chu He's face was calm, and he said coldly: "It's all right."

"But, the fault is that this hundred households are Terrans, so: this hundred households say that you are guilty, and you are guilty."


the crocodile demon pointed at Chu River tremblingly, his head hanging down weakly.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the second-grade demon crocodile demon, dying of anger, that is, the ox breaking, and obtaining demon points: 40. ] The

sound of the system sounded in Chu He's mind.

"System, how many demon points do you need to ascend to the peak of the third grade."

"Host, seven thousand."

"How many demon points do I have at the moment."

"Host, 1650 points."

"It's still more than five thousand, it seems that it is a little difficult to break through just by relying on the demons inside."

Chu He said secretly in his heart.


Step by step towards the central hall.

"Subordinates are willing to enter the temple with the adults to kill demons."

Zhao Yuan immediately bowed and said.

"Subordinates are willing to go."

"Subordinates are willing to go."

Everyone asked for orders.

"Lord Chu, I know the situation inside, there are about ten third-grade demons, and adults can't enter alone."

"Just now, maybe they were discussing things inside and closing the outside world, so they didn't find the fight in the outside world."

Xueqing quickly stood up and said

, "I think that we should evacuate the Terrans immediately, wait for reinforcements to arrive,

and then make a decision."


Chu He sneered and said domineeringly: "This seat has acted all his life, so why should I help the troops." "

The Zhen Demon Guard listened to the order: stand by in place, and those who dare to break into the hall without this hundred household orders will be killed without amnesty."

Shut up.

His figure stepped into the central hall.


Zhen Demon Guard replied in unison.


Pulling out the Zhen Demon Knife in his hand, he surrounded the entire central hall.


"How is it possible without reinforcements?"

Xueqing looked shocked.

She originally thought that the eradication of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce this time was a large-scale task of the Zhen Demon Division, led by Qianhu.

But he never expected that it was just a battalion of town demon guards under Chu He, how dare he do this....

That's more than ten third-grade demons.

He went in alone, who gave him courage.

"This lord, hurry up and stop Chu Baihu."

"It's over, he's already in, this lord, hurry up and lead the Terrans to evacuate, otherwise it's all over."

Xueqing said to Zhao Yuan anxiously.


What replied to her was the cold magic knife.


Zhao Yuan directly put the Zhen Demon Knife on Xueqing's neck.

Coldly said:

"Dare to say more, send you on your way."

"The adults said to wait here, then treat them one by one, dare to move any other thoughts, don't blame me for being cruel."



Chu He stepped into the hall.

As far as the eye can see:

there is no complete place in the main hall, and ten demons are lying on the ground covered in blood, all with angry faces.


All the demons sensed something, and they all looked at the entrance of the temple.

"Zhen Demon Guard?"

"Well, you are a town demon guard, and you colluded with the White Lotus Sect to sneak up on the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, aren't you afraid of being known from above."

"Are you Chu River? Lao Tzu recognizes you, aren't you the newly sealed hero of Zhen Devil Wei, and you are in the same league as the White Lotus Sect.

All the demons shouted angrily.

They are all demons who have lived for hundreds of years, and no one is a fool, and the forefoot White Lotus Sect Snake Elder beat them all to death.

Back foot: Chu River came in, this situation goes without saying, there must be collusion between the two.


It's kind of a breakthrough in their perception.


Zhen Devil Wei has colluded with demons since ancient times, but Zhen Mowei, who has just obtained the title of hero like Chu He, should cherish feathers and be jealous as hatred.

"Sure enough."

"It is rumored: Chu River is extremely domineering and rampant, but I didn't expect you to be so rampant that you hooked up with demons... Ah..." a

demon elder screamed before he could finish speaking.

Chu He slowly pulled out the Zhen Demon Knife inserted into his heart, and said coldly: "It's really grinding, Ben Baihu doesn't have the strength to idle with you." "

And then.

Step by step, he walked forward.

With each step fell, the Zhen Demon Knife was quickly cut out, and the life of a third-grade demon also ended.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the tiger demon in the late stage of the third grade, sealing the throat with a knife, cleanly, and obtaining demon points: 200. ] 】

【Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the three-pin peak leopard demon, blocking the waist and cutting off, full of shock, and obtaining demon points: 400. 【

Ding, congratulations to the host for killing........】A

sound system improvement is sounding.

The demon points are also increasing rapidly, and it is useless to let the demons threaten, beg for mercy, and explain so much.

Just ten breaths.

All ten third-grade demons in the hall fell.

Until the moment of death: they did not believe that they would die in the hands of Chu River, and they died one by one.

"The White Lotus Sect is clean, ten third-grade demons have no power to resist, presumably for the existence of the fourth grade, not an ordinary fourth grade, sure enough, the foundation is quite deep."

Chu He said secretly in his heart.

It can be said that killing ten demons is completely effortless, and it is no different from killing an ordinary beast.

"System, current demon points."

"Host, there are 3500 demon points in total."


There are still 3500 points left.

"It's really not easy to upgrade quickly, the peak of the third grade is so difficult, the fourth grade, it seems that you still need to plan."

Chu He shook his head.

He was about to leave the hall in a big stride, and suddenly, his eyes looked at the hall for a seat...

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