

The earth-shattering sound of collapse attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone brushed their eyes in the direction of the hall, and at this moment, the dust was everywhere, and it was gradually blown away by the breeze.


The dust dissipated and everyone saw the situation.


The next moment.

They were all stunned like sculptures.


Countless gasping sounds appeared.


Countless fragments of demon corpses appeared in the dust, thick blood stains and broken corpses could be seen everywhere on stone pillars, on blasted walls, and on the ground, and it was difficult to imagine what kind of battle had been experienced in the hall just now.


What shocked them the most was the center of the hall.


An elephant demon spanning tens of meters lay on the ground.

His body was broken and his head was half deflated, obviously he could not die again, but his incomparable momentum made everyone understand that he must be an absolute demon before his death.


Above its body!

Chu He, wearing a red rusty dragon brocade robe, stood quietly, holding a bloody magic knife and raging anger.

Drops of blood were flowing down his robe, and the Zhen Demon Knife was stained with blood red and dripping blood.


Chu River was like a killing god coming out of hell.


Zhao Yuan put one hand on his chest, held up the Zhen Demon Knife, and


"Lord Hundred Households is invincible,

suppress all demons!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The hundred town demon guards shouted in unison:

"Lord Hundred Households is invincible and suppresses all demons!"

"Lord Hundred Households is invincible and suppresses all demons!"


the earth-shattering cry resounded for hundreds of miles.

The few creatures in the frightened mountain range fled in all directions, far away from the location of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce.

Duh! Duh!

The token in the hand of a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect flashed.


A scene appears above it.

Exactly: the picture of Chu River standing on the corpse of the elephant demon.




Chu He walked from the corpse step by step, and the killing intent on his body did not converge too much, so that everyone did not dare to look directly.

"My lord."

Zhao Yuan stepped forward and bowed and said.

"Collect all the demon corpses, there are ten third-grade demons and one fourth-grade demon in the hall."

Chu He's face was cold, and he stepped on the horse and said: "At the same time, transmit the news of the collapse of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce back to the headquarters. "


Zhao Yuan nodded in reply.


Quickly command a hundred town demon guards to start cleaning the battlefield, and a large part of these hundreds of demons are useful.

For example: tiger demon, leopard demon, wolf demon, these fur, bones, meat are all valuable things.

The meat of demons above three grades.

It is also very precious to first-class martial artists, which can quickly increase the power of qi and blood, making it easier for warriors to break through.

Right now.

Destroy hundreds of demons of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce.

Whether it is selling money or for self-use, it can make the overall strength of Qingshan County Town Demon Guard go to a higher level.

Of course.

Not all demons are useful, like dog demons, pig demons, butterfly demons... etc., there is no edible value at all.

Or: unless they break through the fourth grade, they have edible value, and the basic demons held in the Qingshan Dungeon are such demons, otherwise, they have long been eaten by other town demon guards.

For a moment.

After cleaning up the battlefield, the Zhen Demon Guard tied up the demon corpses one by one, and tied them behind the spirit horse.

"Back to the city!"

Chu He shouted loudly and reined his horse.


Hundreds of Demon Guards quickly followed.


This time, their speed was much slower, after all, they still had to lead many fellow Terrans out of the Misty Forest.


point: It is the profession of the Zhen Devil Guard:

to protect the civilians of Daqian from demons, and to maintain the stable survival of the civilians of Daqian.

"Senior sister, let's..."

a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect walked up to Xueqing and whispered.

The meaning is obvious

: ask them where to go, after all:

there is nowhere to go now, and as for returning to the Excalibur Gate, they are looking for death.

So, they can now be said to be homeless and have no idea where to go next.


Xueqing looked at the Zhen Demon Guard in front of her and said, "Go and participate in the Zhen Demon Guard assessment and become the Zhen Demon Guard."

"Of course, Senior Sister doesn't force you, if you don't want to, then go and worship other sects."

Shut up.

Xueqing walked forward with a determined look.

His gaze looked at Chu He in front of him with a trace of adoration, not mixed with any other emotions, only admiration.

It was he who saved his life.

It was he who led the Zhen Demon Guard to save everyone's lives.

Or did he enter the extremely dangerous hall alone, forcibly kill all the top demons, and protect everyone.


He was arrogant and domineering, but at this moment, in Xueqing's heart, his back was infinitely raised.

"Senior sister, I'll go!"

"I'll go too."

"Slash demons and save the world."


Several Divine Sword Sect disciples all said with a firm expression.

From the fact that they dared to follow Xueqing and take the initiative to enter the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce as bait, it showed that they were righteous people.

The group left the mist forest in a mighty way, and in the nearest county seat, they were put down by the town demon guard.

"Accelerate, get back to the city before night."

Chu He shouted loudly and said, "Tonight, there is still a battle that has not been fought, and the Qinghai Gang should also be destroyed." "


The Hundred Horse Town Demon Guard answered in unison.


They all rushed towards Qingshan City at full speed.


Aoyama Castle!

Above the walls.

Countless people stood and looked into the distance from time to time.

Most of them were sent by the major forces in the city to investigate the news, and a few came to see the excitement.

At noon today:

Chu He led the Hundred Horse Town Demon Guard out of the city and disappeared, no one knows where to go, only this news.


Even a fool can see that Chu He should leave to burn the third fire, who doesn't want to know where to burn?

"You said: Where is Chu Baihu leading his command, could it be that the forces of the lower county provoked him?"

"Can't it, just those small families in the county below, just send a small banner to solve it, so that Chu He will not personally lead the team."

"Yes, it's not logical."

The young man who had just spoken scratched his head helplessly.

After all.

What he just said was just speculation.

"Since it's not the forces of the county, is it the surrounding demon forces..."

An old man touched his beard and said, "There are only a few famous demon forces around Qingshan County.

"The only ones who can let Chu Baihu personally lead his subordinates to go on the expedition are: White Lotus Sect, Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, Yin Ghost Mountain, Ten Thousand Corpse Cave... Several.

"Not likely."

Another old man retorted: "No one knows about the White Lotus Sect and the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce station, Yin Ghost Mountain, Ten Thousand Corpse Cave... Several demon forces are not close, and they are all about to leave the Great Dry Land Realm.

"Besides: those few demon forces rarely come to plague our Qingshan County, and if they rashly attack them, they may have been fruitless."

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

For nearly a hundred years.

With the gradual increase of demonic power, many state capitals have no longer implemented a hegemonic suppression mode.

It is a semi-soft policy.

As long as the demon forces that do not cause great harm to the Terrans, the Zhen Demon Division will keep the well water from the river.

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