"So where the hell is it going?"

The young man looked puzzled.

Of course.

There are also several big forces that know through the Qinghai Gang that they are going to the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce.

And guessed that the Qinghai Gang must be using some kind of trick inside to let the arrogant Chu River into the trap.


They seemed to have foreseen the scene of Chu River's embarrassed return.


they doubted that Chu He would be completely destroyed in the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce and never come back.

That's okay for them... That's great.

One side of the city walls!

A one-armed scholar stood quietly, exactly: Chu Nan.

There were still many beautiful girls around him, talking and flattering, wanting to get on Chu Nan's bed.


From start to finish.

Chu Nan didn't even look at them.

"Second Master, don't worry, the family master is powerful, no matter which demon station to destroy this time, it will be fine."

Zhang Hu said on the side.


His gaze into the distance from time to time proved that he was also worried.


Chu Nan nodded, his face calm.

In its mind.

Elder Meng's voice sounded: "Boy, your brother has always planned everything, and there will be no accidents." Chu

Nan: "I know, it's just, I will enter the imperial capital soon to catch up with the exam, and I want to see my eldest brother more before that."

"It's a pity that my talent is too weak, and I'm only gradually reaching the early stage of the second grade, so I can't help my eldest brother too much."

Meng Lao: "....." "

That, you are already very against the sky, as long as you open up the Confucian Palace again, you will definitely become a giant in the future."

Chu Nan: "I just want to hurry up and get the merit test now, so that when the eldest brother has difficulties in the future, I will help." Meng

Lao: "You are really a brother control..."


Time passes by minute by minute.

Just as night was approaching, the deafening sound of horses' hooves sounded in everyone's ears, resounding throughout the world.

"Foggy grass, look..."

said a young man in surprise.

At this time.

Without his reminder, everyone had already looked into the distance.


Chu He, dressed in a red rusty dragon brocade robe, led the Hundred Horse Town Demon Guard to rush back at great speed, and the red cloak fluttered in the wind.

None of the hundreds of demon guards were missing, and the endless killing intent made everyone who was separated by several miles tighten their hearts.

"Look behind them."

The youth roared again.

Everyone also paid attention to the scene behind them at this moment, and saw that each spirit horse had an iron rope tied to it.

At the other end of the iron rope, there were demon's heads and stumped limbs, numbering no less than hundreds.


Everyone felt a cool breath rushing from their heels straight to the Heavenly Spirit Cover.

The scalp is numb.


"There are so many demon corpses, where did they go to slaughter, it's too ruthless."

"At least they are all second-grade demons, and some are third-grade demons, it seems that they should all die today."


Everyone couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

"No, the elephant demon at the back is obviously not a third-grade demon, judging by its size and momentum, at least it is also a fourth-grade demon."

An old man swallowed his saliva and said.

As soon as these words came out, the disciples of many forces could not calm down, and immediately began to transmit messages to the rear forces.


Many people were frightened by this terrifying scene and sat on the ground on the spot.

Don't blame them for being timid.

Mainly living in the county town, many people have never seen demons above the second grade in their lives.

What's more, seeing hundreds of demon corpses with their own eyes at once, or corpses, who can not be frightened and afraid.

Many girls were even more frightened with soft legs, squatting on the ground and crying, but no one dared to laugh.


Everyone is about the same.


Meng Lao: "Your brother is really extraordinary, that elephant demon is at least a peak cultivation of the fourth grade, and your brother is only in the third grade... When did he become the peak of the third grade? "

Don't blame Elder Meng for being surprised.

When he saw Chu He two days ago, the other party's cultivation was only in the middle of the third grade, and he had just broken through that kind.

Now, in just two days, he has broken through to the peak of the third grade, one layer a day, and trouble?

When was it so easy to break through?

Could it be:

Chu River is... Power reincarnated?

"Calm, it's normal for my brother."

Chu Nan said with a calm expression.

It can be said that with his worship of Chu River, even if he breaks through to the ninth rank now, he will not be too surprised.



The Hundred Horse Town Demon Guard stopped under the city gate.


At this time, it was already the closed time of the imperial court's rules, and Qinghai City had already closed its city gates.

"Return of the Zhen Demon Guard, quickly open the city gate!"

Zhao Yuan gulped.


At the city gate.

The two groups of guards looked embarrassed.

They all received gifts from the Qinghai Gang in advance today, and their request was not to open the city to Zhen Devil Wei.

They didn't take this too seriously, after all, they were under the direct jurisdiction of the county guard.

In this matter, the county guard also acquiesced.


Everything is in accordance with the regulations.

But now: they all saw the countless demon corpses with their own eyes, thinking about Chu He's style.

"Captain, how... What to do.

A soldier asked.

"Cold mix."

The captain cursed angrily: "Hurry up and open the city gate, if you provoke that killing god, no one can keep us."

"Yes, yes!"

Immediately, two groups of soldiers went down to open the city gates.

Boom! Boom!

The gates of the city open.

Chu He led the town demon guards to rush into the city, and many demon corpses in the rear were also dragged on the streets, leaving trails of blood.

This scene.

Make everyone even paler.


They were frightened enough just by looking at it from a distance on the city wall, and now they are even weaker when they look at it up close.

For a moment.

The entire Qingshan County City knew the news that Chu River had returned intact and brought back hundreds of demon corpses.

Qinghai Gang Station.

Wang Long was in a good mood and was talking to many concubines, but there was a sound of extremely fast footsteps outside:

"It's not good, it's not good to help the master."


The guard opened the door directly.

His gaze subconsciously glanced at the bed, and saw a burst of pure white and delicate skin, tender dripping.

After all, Wang Long is the leader of a gang, and his power is monstrous, and his concubines are naturally all beautiful women, which makes the guards extremely envious.

But the next moment.

He saw somewhere in his gang and pouted wordlessly.

Secretly said:

"It's really blind, waste so many beautiful women."


Its gaze towards the women revealed sympathy, with such an existence... Uh-huh, it's painful enough.

", who let you in."

Wang Long shouted angrily.

"Help Lord, the big thing is not good, Chu He is back."

The guard hurriedly said: "Not only are the hundred horses under your command undamaged, but they have also brought back hundreds of demon corpses, which are coming to the station. "


Wang Long's face changed.

Before he could say anything, he heard the sound of horses' hooves outside, and at the same time there was a shocking shout from the Zhen Demon Guard

: "The Qinghai Gang colluded with the Demon Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, and on the order of Lord Chu:

Tu Zong destroyed the gate."

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