"Not good."

Wang Long immediately shouted, "

Quick, quickly gather the disciples, let the elite disciples bring blades,

and protect the family members of the gang master."

"Also, go and send a message to several gate valves in the state capital, and say: That Chu Baihu wants to slander the gang master."

Shut up.

Wang Long took out his combat knife and rushed outside.


The high-ranking members of the Qinghai Gang, including the Great Elder, all rushed towards the outside of the station at great speed, their faces extremely gloomy.



As soon as Wang Long and the others came out, they saw that the entire station was surrounded by the Zhen Demon Guard, and in front of them was a cold and domineering Chu River.


Not far away, the corpses of hundreds of demons stood quietly.


The hearts of the high-level leaders of the Qinghai gang sank to the bottom.

They also know more or less today about Chu He leading his command to kill the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce.


They thought that the Chu River would not be much worse if not completely destroyed.


Unexpectedly, not only was he not harmed, but he really destroyed the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce.

If they were just shocked, then Wang Long and the Great Elder were completely in a hellish posture.


Wang Long shook his head and muttered in disbelief, "That Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce has ten third-grade demons, how can it be destroyed by a battalion of town demon guards." "

And then.

He looked at the demon corpse in the distance.


As far as the eye can see, there are many corpses of third-grade demons, especially the elephant demon corpse that is tens of meters on the last side, although its head has disappeared, but it does not hinder the terrifying momentum emanating from its body.

Four-rank demon?

How is this possible.

Chu He was able to kill the fourth-grade demon, he was not obviously a late third-grade demon... Fog grass, how did it become the peak of the third grade?

"Helpmaster, what should we do now."

A Qinghai gang leader walked up to Wang Long and whispered: "With our strength, it is impossible to kill it."

"Moreover, if we are tough with Zhen Mo Wei, afterwards, we will definitely be hated by Zhen Mo Si."


There was a hint of concern on his face.

It's not just him.

The other Qinghai gang leaders are also worried, don't look at their usual mighty behavior, but they are also afraid in the face of the Zhen Demon Guard who often slaughters the sect and destroys the door, after all: no one is not afraid of death.

Not to mention.

He was killed on charges of colluding with demons.

"Don't panic!"

Wang Long waved his hand.


After the panic just now, he has regained his composure.

In particular, he was even more relieved to see countless civilians gathered around, including some lords of power.

Cough.. Ahem...

"Chu Baihu, what does this mean."

Wang Long coughed twice and said, "

My Qinghai Gang is a regular gang, registered on the county system, why did you bring the town demon guard to kill for no reason."

"Could it be that just because the first two Japanese gang masters offended your brother, you have to declare a personal vendetta and use the Zhen Demon Guard as a private weapon."

Shut up.

Wang Long's face showed a hint of sadness and indignation.


A weak being oppressed by the powerful is general.

This scene.

Resonate with the onlookers, including those of many forces.

Although he did not dare to question Chu He.

But they all communicated:

"Yes, although the Qinghai Gang has done a lot of bad things, it is indeed a bit nonsense to collude with demons."

"Chu He's move is too domineering, today he can kill the Qinghai Gang, tomorrow, maybe he can destroy us all."

"Yes, he can't be allowed to do that."


Many of the lords of the forces looked firm.

Langsheng said

: "Chu Baihu, this sect is not questioning you, but wants to say:

If the Qinghai Gang really colludes with demons, then its crime deserves death."

"However, if you have no evidence and want to destroy the Qinghai Gang, then I will definitely go to sue and ask for your life."

"Yes, this family master also means this."

"The old man also means this."


The lords of many forces echoed one after another.

And that's all.

Exactly: what Wang Long wants to see, let this matter continue to expand, and involve the entire Qingshan County forces.

In this way: if Chu He wants to kill the Qinghai Gang by himself, it will definitely anger all forces.


Even Zhen Moji couldn't suppress it.

After all!

Although Zhen Mosi is domineering, it is also an institution of the imperial court, and slaughtering a gang for no reason can be regarded as violating discipline.

Of course.

If there is evidence, then it is considered to be in compliance.

To this.

Wang Long did not believe that Chu He could come up with evidence, after all, he had already prepared for the worst.



Zhao Yuan shouted angrily, "When you first came to report, you said that there were only two third-grade demons in the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce.

"However, in reality, there are ten third-grade demons, and there is also a fourth-grade demon, which is clearly united with the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce."

"I can't do it if I want to quibble."

Shut up.

The Zhen Demon Knife in his hand was drawn, and he looked like he was about to open it.


Wang Long and the Great Elder, who heard this, looked at each other and smiled.

"Haha... Slander.

Wang Long stepped out, took out a piece of jade from his arms and said

, "Everyone: Today, I went to the Zhen Demon Camp to report to the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce station,

but I was going to let Chu Baihu report it."

"Moreover, I can say: the specific strength of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce is uncertain, it is Chu Baihu who thinks that he can do it, so he led the Zhen Demon Camp to kill him alone, how to come back." Just put the blame on me.

"Could it be that Zhen Devil Wei can oppress us like this?"

Shut up.

He shot a ray of light into the token in his hand.


One voice after another appeared from Yu Pei, it was: Wang Long reported the situation to Chu He.


"Little voice: the plans of these bigwigs can be guessed by you and me, and it is unknown which is right or wrong."

"Also, maybe it's Wang Long's design, but I thought about the way back in advance, and now, with this jade pei here, Chu River is really difficult to handle."

The crowd began to communicate.

Right now.

The lords of many forces also basically guessed the approximate plot, but Wang Long did what he did without leakage and occupied justice.

And they must help Wang Long, to be precise: they are also helping their own future.

One but.

The Qinghai Gang was killed today on trumped-up charges.

After that:

how can they be better off.


Today, no matter what, they will stand on the side of the Qinghai Gang, even if they offend Chu He because of this.



Zhao Yuan whispered to Chu He: "Now if we really want to kill hard, I'm afraid that the headquarters side..."


The meaning is obvious: now that the Qinghai Gang occupies the righteousness, it is indeed not worth the loss to force itself.


Chu Heduan sat on the spirit horse, his face cold.

It can be said that from the beginning when Wang Long asked, to the time when everyone began to speak for the Qinghai Gang, he did not have a trace of fluctuations.

"Evidence of constructing demons?"

Chu He sneered and shouted: "

Get out of the main seat..."

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