"Get out..." "Get out..."

The sound waves visible to the naked eye rushed towards the Qinghai Gang station.

What's the situation?

Wang Long looked confused, not knowing what Chu He was going to do.


The next moment.

He understood.


A cloaked man rushed out from the Qinghai Gang station, his body exuding a strong demonic aura, obviously a demon.

He said coldly:

"Wang Long, you are a waste, you can't take the initiative to give you the opportunity to kill Chu He, what does the White Lotus Cultivation do with you, this protector should not give you the news of the residence of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce."


He looked at Chu He again and shouted angrily:

"Chu He, this time it is your fate, but don't be proud, the White Lotus Sect will want your life sooner or later."

Shut up.

Its figure swept into the distance and disappeared in midair.

The speed was so fast that everyone did not react at all, but everyone heard what he said.

White Lotus Sect!

News of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce station!

Wang Long colluded with the White Lotus Sect!



The crowd seemed to figure out the key to the matter.

That is: Wang Long colluded with the White Lotus Sect to take the initiative to give Chu He news about the residence of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, and took the initiative to conceal the news of his specific strength, just to kill Chu He.

What a vicious scheming?

At this time, the chain of evidence is completely through, even if Wang Long has ten mouths, he can't tell, not to mention, the matter is basically true.

"How could he appear, Wang Long, you are so stupid."

The Great Elder looked hated that iron was not steel.

Until the moment.

He didn't continue to pretend not to know, after all, just relying on the words of the demon just now was enough to make Chu He make a move.

"I: I don't know.

Wang Long had a confused expression.

Now he.

He was also full of questions about why the shadow guard appeared in his gang's station and was discovered by Chu He.

Could it be that he planned to wait for news from Chu River here?

Damn it.

Isn't this sending him into the abyss?


He felt that everything was a little too coincidental.


Chu He didn't give him a chance to think about it at all, and shouted

: "The Qinghai Gang colluded with the demon, the evidence is conclusive, and the Zhen Demon Guard listened to the order:

Tu Zong destroyed the door, and there was no amnesty for killing."


The Demon Guards of the Town agreed.


Immediately rushed towards the Qinghai Gang disciples, and at this moment, the frightened Qinghai Gang disciples scattered one after another.

"Don't panic, rush out."

Wang Long gulped.


Around it, some Qinghai gang high-level and some elite disciples gathered, after all, it is a gang that has been passed down for a hundred years, naturally it will not be all wine bags and rice bags, otherwise, the inheritance would have been destroyed long ago.




The earth-shattering shouts filled the entire Qingshan County City.


As soon as the Great Elder stepped on the ground, the endless bluestone exploded.

Instead of rushing towards the Chu River, his figure swept into the distance, and he thought very simply.


Chu River can overthrow the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce.

Then it must be extraordinary combat power, and it is better to run away immediately if you stay here instead of desperately.

As for Wang Long.

Just stay and resist the Chu River.


Wang Long is not stupid either.

He saw the Great Elder sweeping towards the east side, and without the slightest hesitation, he immediately left all the disciples and swept to the west side.

After all: he is a third-grade martial artist, and he can jump out more than ten meters in the air with every step, and ordinary Zhen Demon Guards can't stop him at all.

Right now.

Wang Long is gambling.

Betting on whether Chu He will hunt him down or the Great Elder, although there is only half a chance of survival, it is better than staying and dying.


Chu He snorted coldly.

Stepping on the spirit horse, his body swept towards the Great Elder, and at the same time, the Zhen Demon Knife in his hand was thrown out at Wang Long.


Chu He sent a punch at the rear of the Great Elder.

"Not good."

The Great Elder's face changed.

At this moment, others simply could not make much resistance in mid-air, and could only try their best to hide to the side.


He only felt a pain in his stomach.

Look down.

A large hole appeared in the abdomen, and all the internal organs were beaten into slag by the strong force, and this was ... He's dead.

The Great Elder fell down unwillingly.


His body smashed a burst of dust on the ground, and his eyes were wide, as if he still didn't believe it at the moment of death.

How could a master of his own three-grade peak not resist just one blow and fall here.


The faces of countless onlookers were shocked.

They thought that the Great Elder would be defeated by Chu He, but they did not expect that they would lose so badly.

Lightning deals....

Naked flash deals.

Even the Great Elder at the peak of the third grade was killed in seconds, then, the result of Wang Long in the late stage of the third grade was still good.


Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction where Wang Long fled.



A restaurant on the wall.

Wang Long was nailed to the top by the Zhen Demon Knife, and his frantic struggle to get rid of it was to no avail.

A breath....

Two breaths....


After five breaths, Wang Long muttered unwillingly,

"I... I'm not convinced..."

The legs were kicked, and the head was tilted, and he completely fell.

Generation Gang Master: Pawn!


Everyone looked at the nailed Wang Long on the wall, all of them were cold and trembling subconsciously.


Chu He's figure fell back onto the spirit horse like a wandering dragon, wearing a big red cloak that was windless and automatic, and extremely majestic.


He took out a handkerchief from his arms, wiped the blood stains on his fist little by little, and his cold face revealed a trace of an evil smile.

This scene.

It even made everyone swallow their saliva wildly.

The other side.

With the fall of the Great Elder and Wang Long, the leaderless Qinghai Gang could not be the opponent of the Demon Guard who killed countless demons.

It's just a pillar of incense.

The entire hundreds of disciples of the Qinghai Gang were completely wiped out, including some disciples who had not yet stepped into the martial arts.

This gang that has been passed down for hundreds of years is completely destroyed today, and there is one more sect that has been wiped out by the Zhen Demon Si Tu Sect.

"Clean up the battlefield!"

Zhao Yuan gulped.


Hundreds of Zhen Demon Guards rushed out of the Qinghai Gang, and for the search for treasures, Zhen Demon Guards were absolutely.

In just half an hour, three carts of treasures were relocated, and the name is stolen: stolen goods.


Chu He looked at the high-level of the surrounding audience.

Trample! Trample! Trample!

Everyone was frightened and hurriedly took two steps back.

They all said:

"Chu Baihu is wise, just now I was waiting for the Wang Gang.. Scum gives misleading, colluding with demons is damned. "

Chu Baihu killed well, return me Qingshan County Qingming."

"Chu Baihu, if you have it in the future, you can order it at any time..."

The lords of many forces all began to scold Wang Long fiercely, and at the same time began to compliment Chu River.

Don't think about it.

After this battle, in the future, in the entire Qingshan County, no matter what Chu He said, no matter whether it was right or wrong, no one dared to refute it.

"Back to camp!"

Chu He reined his horse and shouted: "Tonight, open a hundred beast banquet, and all the town demon guards are open to eat." "

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