"Host, it takes nine thousand demon points to break through now."


A smile appeared on Chu He's face.


It takes 12,000 demon points to break through the fourth grade, but after devouring the Dragon Blood Fruit, you only need 9,000 demon points.

One dragon blood fruit saves three thousand, which proves that other heavenly materials and earth treasures are also very useful to Chu River.


At the very least, top-level treasures are required.

Like those top-grade demon meats eaten tonight, plus some spirit wine stored by the Qinghai Gang, it didn't have much effect at all.

"It seems that you can only pin your hopes on the demons, and, if possible, store some demon points in advance."

Chu He muttered.

That's right.

He had known before that as his cultivation continued to improve, it would become more and more difficult to obtain demon points.

Therefore, when the cultivation is not too high, you can properly press the cultivation and get more demon points.

Of course.

It can't be pressed for too long.

After all: Chu He is not suitable to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, he is used to arrogance and domineering, then he needs to quickly improve his strength.

"Come out."

Chu He said coldly.


A strong coercion enveloped a corner of the hall.



The figure of the shadow guard emerged, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.


His eyes looked at Chu He with shock.

How can it be.

Shouldn't he be in the late stage of the third grade, how did he break through to the peak of the third grade without seeing it in one day, what kind of perverted breakthrough speed is this.


Today, when the Qinghai Gang was overthrown, although Yingwei also glanced at Chu He from a distance, he was in a hurry to leave at that time, and did not find that the other party had broken through to the peak of the third rank.

Moreover, his intuition told him that Chu He's strength was not as simple as breaking through one layer, and the danger to him was several times greater than the previous one.


The shadow guard swallowed his saliva furiously and said, "

Chu Baihu, my family's holy daughter personally summoned, I want to invite a hundred households White Lotus Sect to the station, I don't know if it's okay."


He took out a cloak.

He said: "This is a cloak that closes the five senses, don't be surprised by the hundred households, after all: the information of the station cannot be leaked." "

Shut up.

His face showed a hint of apprehension, afraid that the other party would not agree.

After all:

Chu He's domineering and arrogant he has seen it.

Moreover, there is also the most important point, that is: he can't beat the other party at all, if he makes the other party unhappy, he is afraid that he will not be miserable.


Chu He waved his hand.


The cloak was turned into flying ash by a stream of qi and blood.

"Not good."

Yingwei's face changed wildly, and he thought that Chu He was going to make a move against him, and he didn't dare to run away without any hesitation.


The next moment.

He felt an indescribable force pressing on his shoulders.

Turn your head and look.

The Zhen Demon Scabbard was pressing on his body, and at the same time, the huge suppressive power emanating from above made him dare not escape at all.

"Chu: Chu Baihu adult, small: And there is no malice. "

However, the disciples of the White Lotus Sect have all sworn poison, and if they leak the information of the station, they will not die well."

Shadow Guard said tremblingly.


But he didn't lie: every White Lotus Sect disciple had to go to the temple to swear, and those who violated it: they must not die well.

This place is a fantasy world, and the oath is not issued arbitrarily, and once it is violated, it will really be eaten back.


Feel that increasingly repressive force.

The shadow guard closed his eyes in despair, and had to say: to be sent by the Holy Daughter, he is indeed reliable in terms of loyalty.

Can follow.

He heard a disdainful voice:

"Isn't there anything mysterious under the Black Mountain swamp, speaking of which, it can also be regarded as under the jurisdiction of Qingshan County."

What the?

Yingwei's face changed.

Surprised: "

How is it possible, how can you know the news of the White Lotus Sect's residence, this should not be."

"My White Lotus Sect station is so deeply hidden, even if other demon forces don't know, where do you know."


Chu He didn't bother to answer him.

Zhen Mosi has been able to suppress the people and the public for so long, how can he never probe the news of the White Lotus Sect.

It can be said that

many of the state demons should know the location of the White Lotus Sect and other demon forces, but they did not act rashly.

After all: now the Zhen Demon Division is no longer the force that can overwhelm heaven and earth before, and the demon is also small as before.

"Let's go!"

Chu He said coldly.


Its figure disappeared into the hall, and the shadow guard behind hurriedly followed.


Under the Montenegrin swamp.

Basilica of the Virgin.

The saint sat above, Meng Po stood on the left, and several high-rise people below, all of them were fourth-grade strong.

Whip! Whip! Whip!

A guard quickly ran into the hall, bowed and said

, "Pray to the Holy Daughter, Lord Shadow Guard has returned,

and he has led a man wearing a red rust dragon brocade robe."

What the?

The faces of several demon powerhouses changed.

How come.

Shouldn't Chu River be covered by a cloak?

Since the guards could see his appearance, wouldn't it mean that he could also see the situation of the White Lotus Sect's station.

"Damn, what did the shadow guard do?"

"It's really insufficient success and more than failure, it seems that the shadow guard is no longer suitable for doing big things, and needs to be punished."


Several strong people have already begun to study how to deal with the shadow guard.


Even the Holy Girl and Meng Po were stunned.

Before they could say anything, they saw an icy voice coming from outside the main hall:

"Why, this is the hospitality of the White Lotus Sect."


A domineering sound of footsteps was accompanied by an anxious voice.

"Chu Baihu... You can't get in.

"You need to wait for the summons of the Holy Lady."

"Lord Chu... Father.. Can you please stop?

"No matter how much you dare to talk nonsense, you will never have to open your mouth."

"....." for

a moment.

Chu He walked into the main hall.

His gaze swept around.


Directly in front of them sat the Holy Daughter, Meng Po, and on the left and right stood five demon powerhouses, all of them imposing.

"The saint is a mid-fourth-grade demon, and there are five fourth-grade demons, although their cultivation is not weak, but it is nothing."

Chu He secretly said in his heart: "However, that old woman's strength is a little strong, the peak of the fifth grade, or the sixth grade?" "

Unexpectedly, a White Lotus Sect in Yunzhou would be able to exist in the sixth rank, and it really deserves to be the first cult."


Chu He had a new understanding of the White Lotus Sect.


Now what he sees is only the surface strength, behind it, there may not be some hidden strong people.

No wonder: Zhou Cang did not dare to act rashly, with such strength, even if Zhen Mosi could eat it, it would definitely hurt his vitality.

At that time:

I'm afraid that not to mention the gate forces as demons, even some other demon forces may not be able to suppress them.

"Why, I was shocked to see Ben Baihu." Chu He showed an evil smile on his face, and said domineeringly:

"Or you guys give Ben Baihu... Knock one. "

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