
A demon elder's face was furious.

He punched Chu He, of course, he also knew the proportions, and did not use his full strength, only using five percent of his strength.

However, as a bull demon with great natural strength, its fifty percent power is comparable to the ten percent power of ordinary fourth-grade early stage demons.

To this.

Other demons, including the Holy Lady and Meng Po, did not stop it.

After all.

They summoned Chu He this time to establish an alliance with him, but they must take the dominant position.

Therefore, giving Chu He a dismount now can be regarded as letting him know who is the big brother.


Chu He looked at the punch, and his face turned cold.

It also punched out.


A sound of dragons and elephants filled the hall.


Two punches intersect.



An earth-shattering noise appeared.


The Bull Demon Elder who had just made a move was blasted out on the spot and hit the giant pillar in the hall.


Its body slides down like a painting.


Weakly half kneeling on the ground, his head lowered, bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

Low roar:


"How can your power be so great."

Foggy grass?

The Holy Girl, Meng Po and the others were all full of horror.


They all became furious.

"Daring, dare to attack our elders."

"Presumptuous, Elder Ben will kill you today."

"Take your life..."

for a while.

Several terrifying auras erupted in the hall, causing the shadow guards who were only three grades to shrink in a corner, trembling.


Chu He's face was cold, and his body was like an oven.

He said:

"Why, if there is really a war, then the alliance will be nullified."


The saint waved her hand.

The elders' faces were ugly, but they had to stop and stand on the sides again.

"Chu Baihu don't misunderstand."

The holy girl said softly: "Elder Niu made a move just now, but he wanted to test the strength of Chu Baihu. "

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the new rising Tianjiao of Yunzhou Town Demon Division, and the strength of Chu Baihu really surprised this holy girl."

"First of all, congratulations to Chu Baihu for destroying the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, and secondly, we must discuss the intention of cooperation in the future."

Shut up.

His gaze was fixed on Chu River.

To be precise:

At this moment, Meng Po and the other demon elders all looked at Chu He, obviously, to see whether he was really cooperating or fake.

They're not stupid either.

With such an existence as Chu He, who knows whether he is really cooperating with the White Lotus Sect or the bait thrown by Zhen Mosi.

Although: that may be low.


Had to be defended.

Today, if Chu He showed the slightest horse's feet, then they would not let him leave the underground palace.


At this time.

Chu He's face was calm, as if he didn't care about the surrounding gaze at all.

He said domineeringly:

"Cooperation, so sincere?"

"Honza doesn't like people sitting and talking, either, you come down, or you go up, you choose one."


The saint's eyes turned cold, and then turned calm, and said

, "Then,

Chu Baihu come up."




Chu He walked upwards step by step.

And then.

In the eyes of a demon elder, Meng Po, and even the holy girl, he sat in the center of the throne.


The thin and defenseless saint was laid on one side by the arch, and almost did not fall directly to the ground.

Saint: d(?????????)

Meng Po: ( ?????????) Other Demons: (????????)???(????????)???(????????)



The saint got up, and the anger in her heart could not be suppressed.

Ma Ma Tei.

When did she receive such insults, she was actually robbed of her seat in public by others.

No way.

She can't throw in the towel.


One of his butts also sits on the Chinese throne.


The picture on the throne is extremely strange, Chu He is sitting in the center, and the saint is sitting next to it.

It's like:

the big guy and his little wife.


The holy girl suppressed her anger and said, "

Chu Baihu, since we have provided you with news, do you want to talk about cooperation next?"

"How to talk."

Chu He smiled domineeringly.


The holy girl said in a deep voice: "As long as you often report the situation in the Zhen Demon Division to the White Lotus Sect.

"At the same time, if necessary: we need to help rescue some of our partners, including killing some people who stand in our way."


The saint's gaze revealed a trace of cruelty.


She didn't say who was in the way: but, apparently, it was referring to the Zhen Demon Guard.


Chu He nodded, leaned towards the holy girl and said coldly: "Then, what benefits can this seat gain here."

"Don't worry."

The holy girl leaned back and said, "We can help you in the Zhen Demon Division to rise step by step."

"It's like providing you with the information of the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce station, and finally helping you reach the top of the Yunzhou Town Magic Division."

"Nice to work with."

Chu He nodded directly without hesitation.

Foggy grass.

So agreed?

The Holy Girl, Meng Po, and the others were stunned.

Just now, Chu He's series of performances made them think that the other party would be difficult to get, but they didn't expect that they agreed on the spot.


The holy girl smiled brightly and said, "This holy girl appreciates Chu Baihu's decisive style, but before cooperation, Chu Baihu still needs to do a small thing and bring it up." "

At the moment.

Outside the main hall, there was a sound of footsteps.


Several guards escorted a man to come quickly, and at the same time a shout sounded:

"Chu Baihu, you actually colluded with the demon, you must not die well."

"To return the title of hero to you, you are right to support your people, right to be: are you skin?"


A man wearing a Zhen Demon guard robe was pressed to the ground, and the token hanging on his body was: the small flag of the Third Army and the Ninth Battalion.

At this time.

He was looking at Chu He with an angry face.

"This is a small banner of the Zhen Devil."

The holy girl pointed to the small banner of Zhen Devil and said, "We captured it not long ago, and it will be handled by Chu Baihu." "

Shut up.

The atmosphere in the hall became solemn.

Many demon elders, including Meng Po, stared at Chu River, obviously, this was the last trial.


Chu River can kill the town demon guard cleanly.


It proves that he is indeed ruthless enough, not an undercover agent sent by Zhen Mosi, on the contrary, it is intriguing.

Under the gaze of everyone.

Chu He slowly got up.

Step by step, he walked towards the Zhen Demon Guard below, and his mind recalled the scene when the other party came in just now.

Before he fully entered the hall, he began to scold himself, so how could he know that he was here.


There are.




Under the Chu River approaching step by step.

The Zhen Demon Guard's face began to turn pale, and although he was still angry on the surface, there was a trace of fear hidden in his eyes.

It is really the fear before death.


At this moment:

Eighty percent of Chu He was sure that the other party had already defected to the White Lotus Sect, and as for the remaining two percent, he could only blame him.


Chu He's big hand raised and waved down on the spot.


A demon elder shouted.


Instead of stopping, Chu He was faster.


Zhen Mowei's head was crooked on the spot: pawn.

And at this time.

Chu He slowly took out a handkerchief, wiped the blood on his right hand, and said with an evil smile at the corner of his mouth: "

Is there any, this seat can kill enough at once."

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