"My words may help Zhao Hu, but."

Ye Chen who was fighting in front also heard Ning Jinyao's words.

"No need! I can do this myself!"

Ye Chen knew what Ning Jinyao's words meant, and her family was proficient in hypnosis.

It can be said to be pediatrics to remove this, but once it does, there is a risk of being discovered.

If it was because this Ning Jinyao was discovered, then Ye Chen would definitely not be able to escape.

"Just watch it wherever you are. I can't even handle this, so I won't be called Ye Chen!"

The flame sword in Ye Chen's hand increased again.

Although it was all like this, for Ye Chen, he still had to master a little.

These people have scattered to both sides, and I don't know who they can cheer for. One side is the boss that he respects, and the other is Ye Chen.

You have to know that Ye Chen is very likely to be better than their boss.

"Which, do you think the boss and Ye Ge have a better chance of winning?"

The person being questioned shook his head gently.

"This is hard to say. Brother Ye didn't use all his strength when he saw it, so if you know that if Brother Ye used that, Brother Zhao Hu might be gone."

"Are you talking about Fengming Arrow?"

The man did not speak and nodded softly.

The crowd shook and took a breath as they listened to the conversation between the two.

"Good guy, why didn't I remember this, so in order to protect Brother Zhao Hu, did Ye Ge didn't use any lethal weapons to fight it?"

Everyone looked at Ye Chen in awe when they thought of this.

Ye Chen felt the eyes of everyone just trying to say something, and was restrained by Zhao Hu.

"No, you have to think of a solution quickly."

Ye Chen was so angry that he was entangled by Zhao Hu. He couldn't fight, and he couldn't wake up.

"I haven't used Divine Sense yet, why don't I give it a try?"

Ye Chen was afraid that something would happen if he directly used his soul power to enter Zhao Hu's head, but now it seems that there is nothing more annoying than he has been pestering him.

"Try it anyway, don't worry!"

Ye Chen coughed slightly, and a dagger appeared in his hand.

"what is this?"

The people around looked at Ye Chen. Everyone looked at the dagger in surprise. The key is that they have never seen this style of weapon, and you must know that Zhao Hu's weapon is a big knife. Ye Chen should understand the meaning of the big knife. , How could a dagger be able to block such an attack.

Ye Chen looked at the big knife that had been split and hid it sideways, and rushed directly to Zhao Hu. With the appearance of the dagger, Ye Chen's spirit power increased significantly.

"What is happening!"

When Ye Chen rushed towards Zhao Hu, his power of divine consciousness also rushed up, and immediately smashed into Zhao Hu's body.

Everyone looked at Zhao Hu who was suddenly knocked into flight. They were all stunned. They were still evenly matched just now, but why was the situation turned around all of a sudden.

After knocking Zhao Hu into the air, Ye Chen slowly stood up, and in the moment he drove around in Zhao Hu's spirit, but he didn't find anything unusual.

"Then how was he controlled?"

Ye Chen started to be a little confused now.

But he suddenly remembered, as if the system had reminded him that this task was very dangerous.

"Unexpectedly, the danger is here."

Ye Chen smiled bitterly. Now that Zhao family spy was in the house behind, but Ye Chen couldn't get close.

"This is too awkward."

Ye Chen shook his head slowly, dispelling his negative thoughts.

In fact, it was because Zhao Hu was his own. If he were the dead man of the Nangong clan, Ye Chen would have killed him with a single blow.

Ye Chen looked at Zhao Hu who slowly got up in the smoke and put on a fighting posture.

"Can you do anything!"

Ye Chen looked at Zhao Manyang behind him and called to them.


Suddenly a familiar voice came out.

Ye Chen heard it immediately, this was the voice of Nangong Yun.

"Nangong Yun? What is he doing here."

Zhao Manyang, who heard someone talking behind him, all looked behind.

Nangongyun couldn't move her eyes when she saw that there was a girl as beautiful as Nangong Songyue in the crowd.

Zhao Manyang must have known this guy. Seeing his sight, Zhao Manyang coughed slightly and ran over.

"That, her name is Xiao Yan, she is with Ye Ge."

Listening to Zhao Manyang's words, Nangong Yun was startled and quickly retracted his gaze.

"Why didn't you say it earlier."

Nangong Yun coughed slightly and greeted everyone one by one.

"Well, Ye Ge is still waiting, what method did you just say."

"No! Why did your kid come here!"

Nangongyun smiled as he listened to Zhao Manyang's words.

"Actually, my father asked me to come, just to let me see if I need help."

After speaking, Nangong Yun directly took out a folding fan and threw it at Ye Chen.

"Brother Ye, we also have this magic weapon to control the mind!"

Ye Chen caught the folding fan thrown by Nangong Yun, listening to his words, suddenly remembered that he still had a magic weapon in his hand.

At that time, it seemed to be snatched from Nangong Hongfei.

Although Ye Chen didn't know how to use this folding fan, but he injected the star power stone to give off light.

Ye Chen smiled slightly, and the folding fan in his hand slowly turned into fiery red due to Ye Chen's star power.

The bell rang above everyone's heads, but although Ye Chen heard the sound, did Ye Chen release it against them, so this is a very ordinary bell sound to those people.

"How is it effective?"

Nangongyun saw that Ye Chen had already started to use this, and ran over quickly. After all, this method was mentioned by him. If it didn't work, wouldn't something happen.

"It's really strange, how do you Nangong family have so many magic weapons that can control the minds of others."

After listening to Zhao Manyang's words, Nangongyun smiled slightly and did not answer. If this matter is really pulled out, it is very likely that something will happen.

"Nangong Yun, I now want to know what your Nangong family think!"

At this moment, Ning Jinyao leaned over and asked Nangongyun.

"What's your opinion?"

"You'll know when you come, Xiao Yan, follow me with you."

Xiao Yan listened to Ning Jinyao's words and nodded gently. Before leaving, she saw that Ye Chen had basically stabilized her form, and she was relieved.

"Okay, ma'am, let's go."

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Ning Jinyao smiled slightly.

"Now it's Madam, I will change my name later, sister is really good."

Thinking of this, Ning Jinyao couldn't help looking at Xiao Yan, who had been following her all the time.

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