Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1065: The traitor was me

"It looks really good-looking."

Ning Jinyao sighed softly. Fortunately, she is not long now, otherwise she really can't compare with Xiao Yan.

"Okay, the rest of the matter should be almost the same, we can just go directly, don't worry too much."

Ning Jinyao knew that they were still worried about Ye Chen, but when Ye Chen took out the bell, she knew Ye Chen had won.

She also recognized the two magic weapons, one is to control people's sanity, and the other will disturb people's minds.

Taking one out alone may not be of great effect, but after these two magic weapons are together, the means of controlling people can have several levels.

Listening to Ning Jinyao's words, both Xiao Yan and Nangongyun nodded gently.

They don't have the experience and observation power of Ning Jinyao, so naturally they don't know that Ye Chen has basically set a victory.

After the bell rang, Ye Chen knew that he had won.

"It turns out that a pure spirit attack is useless, but is it to be a little offensive?"

Ye Chen looked at Zhao Hu, who was standing still there, and walked over slowly.

After patted his shoulder, Zhao Hu, who was patted on the shoulder by Ye Chen, suddenly fell to the ground as if he had fainted.

"Come on!"

Ye Chen directly called out the people who were still waiting.

As those people swarmed up, Ye Chen also slowly looked towards the room. What happened just now was because Ye Chen was not alert and let him take advantage of the loophole.

Now that Ye Chen is prepared, it is so easy to control the person next to him like he did just now.

"Brother Ye, if we want to go up, just push him directly."

Ye Chen shook his head slowly.

"No, I'll go in and have a look, and you will just be able to respond outside."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, the people outside did not move. Ye Chen's words were still very important to them.

As the door was slowly pushed open, Ye Chen walked in.

Ye Chen looked at the decoration in the house, there was nothing special, but it felt a little dark in the house.

The door behind him slammed shut, but Ye Chen didn't care, because in his divine sense, the black robe man had already arrived in front of him.

"Young Master Ye sit down."

The voice of the black robe made Ye Chen frowned.

"Are you a man or a woman? This voice is neither human nor ghost."

Heizhao laughed loudly when he heard Ye Chen's words, Ye Chen looked at him suspiciously, but Ye Chen didn't know what he wanted to do.

However, the attacks had already accumulated. If this black-robed man had any changes, Ye Chen's attack would be there in the first time.

"So what do you think, you want to be a spy in the Zhao family."

The black robe man stopped laughing as he listened to Ye Chen's words.

"How can I say it, what is a rape, and I haven't done anything that hurts the world and reason."

Ye Chen didn't speak, and slowly approached him.

"Well, since you are here, come and sit here for a while, I have a good tea here."

Ye Chen listened to this black-robed man and looked at the seat in front of him. He was not afraid of the black-robed man. Since he wanted to sit down and talk, it was naturally okay.

Ye Chen sat down slowly, as the saying goes, stretched out his hand not to hit the smiling man, he didn't expect that this guy still had the thought of talking with Ye Chen.

"So what do you think."

Ye Chen wasn't in a hurry, watched him make tea there, and said something smoothly.

"I didn't think about anything."

Ye Chen listened to this black robe man's words, chuckled lightly and nodded slightly. In Ye Chen's eyes, this man was playing haha, so he didn't want to talk about the point.

"Come on, Master Ye drink tea."

The black robe man greeted Ye Chen to drink tea, and nodded gently when he looked at the steaming tea.

Ye Chen is not afraid of him being poisoned, Ye Chen's current physique is nothing more than toxins, and will not survive in Ye Chen's body at all.

"Young Master Ye, so you are here to catch me."

Ye Chen didn't speak or move this time, so he stared at him quietly.

"I am actually very surprised why you want to harm Zhao Gaoyi."

The black robe man laughed as he listened to Ye Chen's questioning.

"How could I kill him, it's just that he takes the blame."

Ye Chen frowned slightly as he listened to the words of the black robe man and did not speak.

"So what do you want to do in Zhao's house."

Ye Chen wasn't in a hurry, because this black-robed man seemed to know a lot of things, and Ye Chen felt that he could get some information from him.

"My home is here, why can't I come, Ye Gongzi, what you said is not quite good."

Listening to the words of the black-robed man, Ye Chen was stunned, and suddenly found that this man was more difficult than he thought.

"Forget it, I just want to know who you are."

Ye Chen didn't bother to circle with him, and went directly to the subject.

Seeing Ye Chen's expression, the black robe man did not answer, and slowly picked up the teacup, and the hood slowly slipped off. This time it was Ye Chen's turn to be stunned.


Zhao Gaoyi smiled slightly and looked at Ye Chen in front of him.

"Young Master Ye don't have to be so surprised, you should have known this a long time ago."

Ye Chen smiled and nodded while listening to Zhao Gaoyi's words.

"I don't know that you are the traitor! I'm afraid you are not farting."

Although Ye Chen was very angry in his heart, he definitely couldn't show it on his face.

"That, indeed, is pretty much what I thought in my heart."

"I didn't expect it to be you!"

Zhao Gaoyi drank the tea in the cup and looked at Ye Chen slowly.

"When I first met you, I knew that you were not an ordinary person. In fact, I was not hypnotized, but reached an agreement with Ning Jinyao's family."

"I will protect their eldest lady, and then they will hand over the family secret technique to me."

"But this is a secret transaction."

Having said that, Zhao Gaoyi slowly looked at the door and sighed softly.

"Ye Gongzi, your people are too close to you, go and let them leave, I will naturally talk to you about the rest."

After finishing talking, Zhao Gaoyi put on his hood and slowly entered the back room.

Ye Chen looked at the back of Zhao Gaoyi's departure and thought about what Zhao Gaoyi said just now.

"Which Zhao Gaoyi is true if you say so?"

Now Ye Chen was really stunned. The key is that what Zhao Gaoyi said was too confusing. He said that his hypnotic ability belonged to Ning Jinyao's family, does that mean he knew it at all.

Ye Chen sighed slowly, stood up and walked towards the door.

The door was opened with a squeak, and Ye Chen stood at the door watching the people slowly coming here and coughed twice, and the sound appeared directly in people's ears.

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