Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1077: Enchantment resurrected

Nangong Songyue watched this scene and waited quietly, waiting for this thing to be opened.

This attack was casually played by Ye Chen, so it didn't have much power, but it was enough to open this crack.

Although Ye Chen didn't know why the arrow was still there, it didn't hinder what he did. With the red flame, the black flame was intertwined.

The ground under Ye Chen's feet began to shake violently.

"catch me!"

Ye Chen yelled at Nangong Songyue, and Nangong Songyue ran over and hugged him tightly as soon as she heard Ye Chen's order.

Ye Chen directly stimulated his own star power, so that when the two of them fell, there was some cushion.

The moment Ye Chen opened the hole, the eyes of the two of them instantly seemed like daylight, and nothing could be seen.

With the appearance of a phoenix sound, the eyes of the two slowly recovered.

"Ye Chen! Look what that is! Ye Chen hadn't come to observe this place anxiously, but was attracted by Nangong Songyue's voice.

"What happened?"

Although Ye Chen heard Fengming too, because that guy created it by himself, he didn't care.

But after looking over, Ye Chen was stunned.

"This thing, what is he."

The black phoenix was actually fighting a strange behemoth in the air at this time, but it seemed that the phoenix had fallen into a disadvantage.

Because it was originally a creation, and it was because of the divine consciousness of everyone that it had the intellect, but it was still too hard to fight against this thing.

Just when the Black Phoenix was about to be defeated, it suddenly saw the flame bow in Ye Chen's hand and went straight in.

"What the **** is this!"

Ye Chen looked at the monster's goal and turned to himself, and the whole person felt bad in an instant.


Ye Chen directly put away the flame bow and flew directly towards the forest below.

When he arrived in the forest, the figure of the giant beast disappeared, but there was still a faint sound of the beast's cry.

"Boy, how come you think it would come back."

Nangong Songyue slowly shook her head listening to Ye Chen's words.

"So we are in the cave?!"

Ye Chen looked at the blue sky and the forest, and suddenly there was a trace of unreal feeling in his heart, why should there be forest and sky under the ground.

"I can't believe this, but he seems to have really happened."

"what should I do now."

When Nangong Songyue asked about it, Ye Chen directly unfolded his divine sense, and wanted to explore the surrounding things, but in this world, the divine sense did not respond.

When Ye Chen was shocked, the system actually reacted.

"Beep! The host has a new task, please check it!"

Ye Chen opened the message without thinking much.

"main mission:

Brief description: The system was negligent and allowed the host to enter such a dangerous place, please escape as soon as possible! Don't fall here!

Task content: escape at all costs and call the system directly if necessary!

Mission time: no time limit, please escape as soon as possible!

Task reward: 1000 merit points, the specific value is to be determined, refer to your performance and task completion.

Task reminder: This task is very dangerous. Although Xiao Yan is here, please come to the rescue after the host has enough strength! "

"What is this, system! Come out!"

In Ye Chen's shout, the voice of the system appeared directly in the air.

"What does the host have to ask."

"What's the matter with this mission."

The voice of Ye Chen's questioning system disappeared for a while.

Ye Chen didn't feel anxious when he arrived, and quietly waited for the system to appear.

"Because this world is terrifying, please let the host discover the others by themselves."

Listening to the system, Ye Chen nodded gently.

"I took this task."

Ye Chen didn't ask too much, because this matter was indeed his own problem. Now that the system is also involved, it shows that he also has an extra help.

"Ye Chen? Ye Chen? How are you."

Ye Chen, who had just quit, heard the shout of Nangong Songyue.

"What's the matter? I'm fine, just a little distracted."

Nangong Songyue didn't doubt anything, and nodded gently.

"Ye Chen, how are we going to leave here."

"Don't worry, now we seem to have come to an underground world, and now we still aim to find Yan'er."

Nangong Songyue nodded gently, without saying anything.

"Let's go, let's leave the woods first and see if there are any villages."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he started to walk outside.

Although I don't know what will happen to the phoenix when it enters its own flame, after all, it shouldn't cause any major problems with its own flame.

Ye Chen sighed softly, and now he couldn't stop and look at his own flame problem, he was afraid that Xingli would attract that guy.

There is no doubt that there may be humans like them in this world, but are the humans guarded by this behemoth really still humans?

Ye Chen didn't think about it anymore. Ye Chen noticed it when he was in the air just now. The forest area below can be said to be huge.

"It seems that it may take a little longer for us to go out."

"Can you hold it?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, there was no mood swing on Nangong Songyue's face, but she nodded gently.

"What's wrong with you? Why is it strange."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Nangong Hongyue sighed softly.

"It's okay Ye Chen, I just got a little uncomfortable just here."

Listening to Nangong Songyue's words, Ye Chen sighed softly. Ye Chen knew that Songyue was definitely not thinking this, but she couldn't ask her now.

"It's fine, let's continue on our way."


At this time, on the ground, everyone also felt the shock that just came, and strangely, the barrier that had just disappeared appeared again.

"How is it possible! Wasn't it crushed by Ye Chen just now?!"

On Nangong Mountain, the star power in his hand flashed, and it bombarded the barrier. This barrier was no longer a colorless one, but was slightly glowing with red light.

"What's the matter with this."

Zhao Manyang and Ning Jinyao also ran over.

"I don't know, we just didn't notice that he appeared again."

Zhao Manyang frowned and looked at this enchantment.


"What's wrong with Yang'er?"

Listening to Ning Jinyao's words, Zhao Manyang sighed softly.

"That's what Ye Ge just broke with Fengming's sword. I didn't expect it to appear again."

Ning Jinyao looked at this solemnly, frowned and didn't know what she was thinking.

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