"We definitely don't have Ye Chen's methods, what do you think?"

Ning Jinyao said as she walked towards the entrance of the cave.

"In the earthquake just now, I think it's likely that the cave below has changed."

Nangongshan didn’t answer Ning Jinyao’s question directly, and now he is sure of this enchantment anyway

It can't be opened.

Ning Jinyao must also know about this, and the question just now was just asking for solace.

"From here before, you can clearly see below, but now, there is only darkness left."

Ning Jinyao nodded softly while listening to Nangongshan's words.

"Does that mean that the place where Ye Chen is now is a bit hard to determine."

Listening to Ning Jinyao's words, Nangong Mountain was stunned and didn't know what to say.

"Then their intelligence just now, is it directly useless?"

Hearing this, Nangongshan nodded, the expression on his face was a little unnatural.

This cave is controlled by their Nangong family, but now they don't even know the information below.

They are also dull to say it.

"This is the negligence of our Nangong family, I'm sorry."

Ning Jinyao sighed lightly, did not say anything, now Ye Chen has gone down, and there is no practical effect to talk about it.

"I think everyone here can let them go, and there is no excitement here."

Ning Jinyao looked at the people around and frowned slightly.

Ning Jinyao's current identity is very sensitive. Although everyone in Los Angeles basically knows her, Los Angeles is a city after all, with a lot of people, coming and going for a long time.

Many things may happen, and Ning Jinyao's identity may also be exposed.

Nangongshan nodded softly when he heard Ning Jinyao's words, and went straight to deal with the matter.


Ye Chen below has taken Nangong Songyue for a while, but there is nothing strange here, there are trees next to it.

"Ye Chen, do you feel a bit weird here."

Listening to Nangong Songyue's words, Ye Chen nodded gently. He also just felt that there were some strange things in the surrounding trees, and it seemed that there was a kind of energy that blocked Ye Chen's divine consciousness.

"Don't worry, let's go in one direction first, and we will always find a way out."

Ye Chen looked at the trees in front of him, climbed up directly, and looked at the surrounding scenery.

Looking at the surrounding things from the top of the tree, it is still a little uncomfortable, because there are too many trees around, and Ye Chen's eyes only turned around, and he felt a headache.

The sky here is endless. Although the sky is very blue, there is no sun.

"How is this going."

The more Ye Chen looked, the more he couldn't touch his mind. It was obviously underground, but there was no boundary in sight, as if he had formed a world by itself.

But this Ye Chen naturally didn't believe it. There was probably a shielding formation or a treasure of words here. In Ye Chen's imagination, he couldn't even think of whether there was anyone living here.

"How far is it from the ground."

Ye Chen thought in his heart, because of the black mist, Ye Chen didn't have any information about this cave.

If you use that outer shell as the boundary, can you tell how big this one really is?

Ye Chen suddenly remembered that his own divine consciousness had been fully developed on it, but he still didn't see the boundary.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen also understood that this place must be really big.

He didn't know how big the place Ye Chen could cover now, but he would definitely be bigger than Luocheng after unfolding.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but take a breath, Los Angeles is not too small, and now Nangong's family is west of Los Angeles, not in the middle.

Ye Chen jumped off the tree directly and walked towards Nangong Songyue.

I found that he seemed to be looking at something on the ground.

"What's the problem?"

Nangong Songyue nodded gently, and pointed to the ground in front of her.

"Look at what this is."

Listening to Nangong Songyue's words, Ye Chen nodded gently and leaned forward.

"This is a footprint?"

Nangong Songyue nodded gently.

"When you just went up and looked around, when I was walking around, I suddenly saw a footprint here."

"How about Sister Xiao Yan's?"

Ye Chen listened to Nangong Songyue's words and shook his head slowly.

"This is not hers, but does this footprint mean that there are people living here."

Nangong Songyue listened to Ye Chen's words and did not answer, and she was not too sure that this thing would simply not be said.

"I'm not sure, but Ye Chen, if you say this, do you already have an idea."

Ye Chen nodded gently, Nangong Songyue was indeed right. Since there are footprints, it means that there are people living here.

"Let's walk in the direction of the toes of this footprint. In this case, we might meet that person."

Of course, Nangong Songyue had no objection and followed Ye Chen directly.

"If I know this is the situation, I shouldn't let you come down with me."

Nangong Songyue smiled slightly when she heard Ye Chen's words.

"It's okay, let's just come out and play with you together."

Ye Chen smiled slightly and shook his head slowly.

"This isn't as simple as going out to play, you can see the behemoth just now, we are likely to have an accident this time."

Ye Chen thought of the prompt in the system.

"Is it super dangerous?"

Ye Chen sighed softly, although he knew this was the case, he still had no choice now.

"Let's go, I'll talk about the next thing later, anyway, isn't it not dangerous yet?"

Nangong Songyue smiled at Ye Chen while talking.

Ye Chen stared at this smile for a moment, then laughed too.

"Okay, I'll talk about things later, don't worry, I will definitely take you out with Yan'er."

Nangong Songyue smiled slightly when he heard Ye Chen's words, and said nothing.


The two of them walked for a while, and found that a small river had appeared here.

"Ye Chen, come and see!"

Ye Chen didn't know what to think about, he was already a long way behind Nangong Songyue, and there was no other way but to call him to let him follow.

Ye Chen responded and ran over quickly.

"There are still fish here!"

This time not only Nangong Songyue was surprised, but Ye Chen was also surprised.

You know this thing is the first living thing they came here to see.

"I just don't know if I can eat it."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Nangong Songyue was stunned, and just wanted to say Ye Chen, suddenly her stomach groaned.

"how come!"

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