Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1123: Will of the Treant

"Big Brother Ye Chen tree spirit, is it good or bad?"

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's inquiry and shook his head slowly.

"In the world, there is no concept of who is good and who is bad. What is just is everyone's opinion on this matter."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan nodded softly, as if he knew something, and he didn't seem to understand at all.

But Ye Chen didn't struggle so much, and now his intuition told him that the real battle had just begun.

"Brother Ye Chen, haven't you been to that waterfall last time? Is there anything unique?"

Ye Chen shook his head slowly. He went at night at that time, and he had no idea of ​​that place at all.

"I don't know this too well. I went at night at that time, but at that time I just used Divine Sense casually, and I didn't find anything dangerous."

Xiao Yan nodded gently, then turned and returned to his team.

Ye Chen was thinking about the meaning of the words of the tree spirit just now.

"It looks like this crypt should not be an ordinary crypt."

"It's probably a small world on its own."

Ye Chen sighed softly. Although he didn't know why the tree spirit wanted to help him, he could only keep going now.

Ye Chen and the tree spirit did not have any fierce battle, on the contrary, they seemed to be friends, talking there.

Then the tree spirit died unexplainedly.

"What are the things it said at the end."

Ye Chen sighed softly. He still doesn't understand what the words after this tree spirit mean, but what is certain is that there must be something under this waterfall.

"Forget it, I don't want to do it now, but listening to him, there seems to be something underneath."

Ye Chen has this kind of character. Since he can't figure it out, he should think about another question. There is no benefit in thinking about it all the time, but it may make you more uncomfortable.

Ye Chen just thought about it as he walked, slowly following up with Xiao Yan.

The small river on the side also slowly dried up. Ye Chen sighed softly as he watched this scene. As soon as the water ran out, the fish in Hanoi suffered.

Ye Chen shook his head and walked over slowly.

"Let me save you guys. You don't have to repay you like that, just let me promise you."

When everyone listened to Ye Chen's words, they all looked at Ye Chen who was catching fish below.

How can I save them? I just want to eat fish.

But because it was just a fish, everyone just thought it was fun and didn't care about these things.

Ye Chen looked at the fish in his hand and nodded lightly. These fish couldn't escape Ye Chen's palm because the water was gone. Ye Chen looked at the extra fish and smiled slightly.

Originally, Ye Chen was worried that everyone's rations were not enough, but with the assists of the tree spirits, he didn't need to worry about eating anymore.

"Brother Ye Chen, don't catch it anymore, I think these are enough!"

Xiao Yan on the shore couldn't stand it anymore, urging Ye Chen loudly.

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Ye Chen coughed awkwardly and nodded gently.

"okay, I get it."

Ye Chen looked at the fish on the river beach and shook his head slowly. There were still a lot of fish here, but Xiao Yan refused to catch it.

Ye Chen put the fish into the ring and walked out slowly.

This thing is originally for emergency use, so you don't need to take too much.

Ye Chen walked out slowly, and in the shocking eyes of everyone, the harpoon in his hand was also put away.

"Well, let's leave now, or we will waste a lot of time."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, everyone looked at the luminous stone above.

It was found that the luminous stone had begun to slowly darken as expected.

"This, but now we have nowhere to hide."

Baqiao looked around as he spoke, because the original trees had long since withered, and the people who were still protected by leaves were actually exposed under the eyes of those giant beasts.

Now I can only pray that no giant beasts will come over.

When Ye Chen observed it, the sound of the waterfall slowly appeared in everyone's ears.

Everyone looked forward in astonishment. They thought there was still a long way to go, but they didn't expect it would be so easy to get here.

"Let's go, go over and take a look."

Ye Chen saw the few people cowering and didn't dare to step forward, so he walked over first, and shook his head at the few people.

Ba Qiao nodded lightly, and followed Ye Chen.

"Yan'er, you and Songyue are here watching, call me if you have anything."

When Ye Chen saw Ba Qiao coming, he urged Nangong Songyue and Xiao Yan to move forward.

Nangong Songyue and Xiao Yan both wanted to say something to Ye Chen, but after looking at the people behind them, they also knew that it was not the time for willfulness.

The people behind actually didn't have much strength, so they could only let Xiao Yan and Nangong Songyue watch.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, sister Yan'er, are you still worried about the strength of Ye Chen?"

Nangong Songyue looked at Xiao Yan's appearance, and comforted her aloud.

"I'm not worried about him, I'm..."

Xiao Yan stopped talking for half of his speech, and was stunned.

Nangong Songyue also froze for a moment, and then looked at Xiao Yan slowly, waiting for her next word.

But Xiao Yan didn't seem to want to say anything anymore, and just like that, there was a strange calmness between the two.


Ye Chen, who was walking on the road, slowly asked Baqiao beside him.

"Have you been here before?"

Baqiao listened to Ye Chen's words and sighed softly.

"I know this place, but I have never been there."

Ye Chen nodded lightly. Although Ye Chen didn't know if Baqiao had any hidden feelings, he wasn't going to delve into these issues now.

Listening to Baqiao's words, not only did Ye Chen not feel happy, but Ye Chen was also worried, because this showed that no one knew what was inside or what was dangerous.

"It's okay. With our current strength, there shouldn't be anything that can stop us."

Ye Chen listened to Ba Qiao's words, and shook his head with a wry smile. You must know that although Ba Qiao didn't hear what the tree spirit said to him, the tone couldn't be as simple as saying that there was only one portal below.

"What you think is too simple."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Ba Qiao looked at him suspiciously. She always felt that Ye Chen wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to speak.

"Ye Chen, why do you say that?"

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