Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1124: Words of the dead tree

"Do you really want to know?"

Ye Chen heard Baqiao's words and slowly looked towards her.


Listening to Ye Chen's words, Baqiao didn't even know what to say.

"Forget it, I think you probably won't be able to help much if you know this."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Baqiao suddenly became a little unconvinced, and looked at Ye Chen and raised his eyebrows.

"Tell me, I can still accept it."

Ye Chen looked at Ba Qiao's appearance and nodded gently.

"All right, then I will tell you something I expected."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Ba Qiao nodded gently.

"You didn't hear when the tree spirit was talking to me just now, so it's actually quite normal for you to think this is."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Baqiao didn't feel anything, so he nodded gently.

"What the tree spirit meant just now is that there must be a guy who is very difficult to deal with."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Ba Qiao remembered that when she passed here again before, he heard a roar.

"Does that have something to do with this?"

Baqiao thought in his heart, but he was not sure whether this was true or not, so he held back and said nothing.

"How do you have any ideas."

Ye Chen finished speaking, looking at Baqiao who seemed to be thinking about something there, and asked her opinion.


Baqiao was stunned when he heard Ye Chen's words, and then nodded gently.

"Well, actually I still don't understand too much, but in this case, does it mean that the following thing is a bit weird."

Listening to Baqiao's words, Ye Chen sighed softly. Now these are just speculations. When the time comes, we still have to see if there is really anything below.

"Then shall we take them down?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Ba Qiao also looked at the few people behind him.

"If you really want to go down, it's better not to bring it, otherwise it's easy to get into trouble."

Baqiao didn't say what would happen, so he talked to Ye Chen like this.

Ye Chen nodded gently.

"Let's go, there is a waterfall ahead, I hope there is really a portal below."

Ye Chen had already determined that there was something below, but it was really hard to say what it was.

In fact, this is just a bit of emotion, Baqiao didn't care, the two slowly looked towards the waterfall below, and sighed gently.

"Ye Chen, how deep do you feel here."

Ye Chen slowly took a walk with the consciousness, but still didn't see anything under the waterfall.

However, this trembling sound told Ye Chen that there must be a lake below.

Ye Chen looked at the waterfall below and thought about it. Now that this goes on, it is really still very uncertain.

If there is something below that Ye Chen is really not good at fighting in flight, at most it would just drop a Fengming arrow.

"Baqiao, have you thought of how to get down?"

Ye Chen said while summoning the flame longbow, slowly looking down.

As the flame arrow appeared instantaneously, Ye Chen also let go of the tensioned bowstring.

The flame arrow flew down in an instant.

Watching this scene, Baqiao quickly ran over, looking down in amazement.

The arrow shot by Ye Chen didn't actually have much attack effect, it was more of an illuminating effect.

The flame arrow flew slowly down the waterfall, illuminating the cliffs on both sides.

Ye Chen and Baqiao watched quietly here.

"Except for the depth, there seems to be nothing in this place?!"

Ba Qiao said this, and suddenly the flame arrow disappeared. Ye Chen looked at this in surprise, knowing that there must be something in it.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Ye Chen to think of this, and suddenly a loud roar came out directly from below.

"Who interrupts my rest anymore!"

Ye Chen frowned slightly as he listened to the giant roar below, how could this sound be so familiar to him.

As soon as the roar fell, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from above.

"What is this!"

Baqiao watched this scene nervously and hid behind him.

Ye Chen still stood still, but the flames on his body had slowly risen, and he felt that this must be a fierce battle.

Ye Chen quietly looked at the black shadow in front of him, without speaking.

The black shadow flew out and brought out large drops of water, all scattered on the ground near Yechen.

When the water droplets came into contact with the leaf dust, they slowly turned into steam and disappeared directly in this place.

"Oh it's you!"

Ye Chen looked at the giant beast in front of him quietly, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. This black shadow was just as he thought, it was this five-ring behemoth.

"That's right, it's me, now I want to go down and take a look, I don't know if you like it or not!"

At this time, Ye Chen was still joking with this behemoth.

From Baqiao's point of view, he is really not nervous at all.

For Ye Chen, this is actually nothing nervous at all, because he has already played against it before, and Ye Chen also knows that the Fire Phoenix can directly suppress it.

Now it can be said to be evenly matched.

The giant beast looked at Ye Chen quietly like this, and didn't know what to think about.

"Very good! Since you dare to interrupt my rest, there is nothing to say."

Listening to what the giant beast said, Ye Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, he still didn't really know what the giant beast wanted to do.

"Oh! Listening to you, is there any new way to deal with me?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, the giant beast snorted coldly, and the flames slowly drifted out from the corner of its mouth.

"Since you want to know, I don't bother to say it."

As soon as the beast's voice fell, he roared toward it.

I saw a sound wave visible to the naked eye slowly spreading towards the surroundings.

"What is happening!"

"Brother Ye Chen! What does it want to do."

Just when Ye Chen wanted to stop him, Xiao Yan suddenly ran over. The sound made Ye Chen's figure stagnate, and he didn't shoot out the Fengming arrow in his hand.

A time to stop was missed.

"Why are you here! Songyue! What is she doing!"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan nodded slowly, indicating that she didn't know, and now she didn't know why Ye Chen wanted to yell at herself, so she stared at Ye Chen in a daze.

Ye Chen looked at Xiao Yan quietly like this and didn't speak, but he seemed to want to say something, but he still held back and didn't say anything.

Seeing the appearance of Xiao Yan in front of him, Ye Chen sighed gently.

"Well, there is nothing to do. Now this place is not something you can participate in. You should leave this place first and tell Nangong Songyue to let her take the distance from the people."

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