"I wonder if my own judgment is true."

After Donggong Yunlan finished speaking, he slowly looked at Ye Chen on the side, wanting to know his opinion.

Ye Chen didn't think much about this, because Donggong's family was a family of the upper realm, it was true. Thinking of this, Ye Chen coughed slightly, and slowly looked at Donggong Yunlan.

"This is easy to say. The old man's words must be more trustworthy than untrustworthy. If this is the case, I think a lot. It can be said that the Donggong family was indeed the family of the upper realm before."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Donggong Yunlan was also excited.

"Then Ye Chen, if you say so, is our Donggong family really a family of the upper realm."

"But why didn't my father tell me."

Listening to Donggong Yunlan's words, Ye Chen smiled and said nothing.

"Okay, don't think about it so much now, there will be more things then."

As soon as Ye Chen's voice fell, a familiar voice suddenly appeared in Ye Chen's mind.

"Ye Chen, what's going on, why is there such a strong upper realm aura here."

Listening to what was in his mind, Ye Chen suddenly remembered that there was still a person in this white fog sword.

Immediately began to talk to him.

"Senior Donggong, is there any other place where you can enter besides that cave with your portal?"

Listening to Ye Chen's question, the voice in Ye Chen's mind also fell silent, seeming to be thinking about it.

Ye Chen was not in a hurry, just like this slowly following Donggong Yunlan's back, the two of them walked forward together.

"In fact, there is a backup portal, but I don't know where it is set."

Ye Chen nodded softly as he listened to Donggong Yiming's words, and the words passed.

"Could it be that your portal is in the upper realm now?"

"Otherwise, how could so many things suddenly appear."


Donggong Yiming listened to Ye Chen's words, and didn't know what to say for a moment, so he was taken aback.

"That's likely to happen, but it's really weird to leak such a big breath."

"And the concentration here will wake me up, it's terrifying to think about it this way."

Ye Chen sighed softly as he listened to Donggong Yiming's words.

"Senior, what you said is that there are any treasures here?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Donggong Yiming's voice appeared in Ye Chen's mind almost instantly.

"What you think is the same as I think. I think there is a possibility that a treasure will be born this time, but you have to know that this is definitely dangerous. With your current strength, you have to take precautions."

"I'm afraid someone from the upper realm will come down and look for this thing."

Ye Chen nodded softly after listening to Donggong Yiming's words, and now he also understood the value of this treasure, but now it seems that the upper realm is probably still no one down.

"Then can I go directly over there to strengthen that treasure now?"

Ye Chen rejected this idea as soon as it appeared. There are still too many people here now.

Under the gaze of everyone, something might happen, and it is very likely that Donggong Yunlan will directly turn his head against him.

Ye Chen would no longer believe in the rules that were just made by lip service.

Ye Chen sighed softly. Although there was a faint mist around it, it was still very bright here, but the mist was indeed a bit weird.

Ye Chen couldn't even see this situation outside, otherwise he wouldn't just come in unpreparedly.

"Now it's likely to be back late."


Just when Ye Chen and the others were exploring, Zhang Qu also brought people here.

Everyone knew that Donggong Yunlan and the others had already arrived by looking at the tight footprints here.

"Master, what shall we do."

Zhang Qu listened to the question from a nearby person, and slowly turned around.

"It seems that the Donggong family has already stepped forward. Now you have to know that for every second of delay, your money will be lost. Do you know how to come!"

"Got it!"

When everyone heard that they were likely to be deducted, they were all excited about it.

Listening to the people's words, Zhang Qu nodded gently.

"Very well, let's go now!"

Listening to Zhang Qu's voice, everyone here took a step and filed in.

"I didn't expect the Donggong family to be so fast. Hechen nodded softly when he heard Zhang Qu's words."

"It seems that the news from the Donggong family is much faster than us."

Zhang Qu slowly shook his head and glanced at Hechen beside him.

"Let's go, I have a hunch that we can directly find someone from the Donggong family."

Hechen nodded softly when he heard Zhang Qu's words, and said nothing.

The two entered the forest together.

Zhang Qu was stunned when he watched this scene.

"What's going on here, why is there so much mist suddenly."

He Chen also responded loudly when he heard Zhang Qu's shout.

"No! Master, this is not mist."

"This is the breath of Xingli."

Listening to He Chen's words, Zhang Qu was stunned for a moment, and felt it too.


Ye Chen, who was walking in front, suddenly felt something, and slowly glanced behind him.

Donggong Yunlan felt Ye Chen's extra work, and looked at him suspiciously.

"What happened to Ye Chen?"

Listening to Donggong Yunlan's question, Ye Chen slowly shook his head.

"No, I just suddenly felt something behind me."

Donggong Yunlan slowly looked behind Ye Chen, and she found that there was only the white mist there, not even a trace of the human figure.

"Should not, I didn't see anything."

Listening to Donggong Yunlan's words, Ye Chen nodded gently.

"It seems that there is really nothing, maybe I am too sensitive."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Donggong Yunlan nodded gently without saying anything, and continued to walk forward.

Ye Chen looked at Donggong Yunlan's movements and slowly retracted his gaze.

In fact, Donggong Yiming suddenly said to him just now that someone had entered this wood, and Ye Chen's divine consciousness happened to detect this thing.

Someone entered the forest. Among those who had just started, Ye Chen didn't find anyone he was familiar with, but after Zhang Qu entered here, Ye Chen also understood.

This is the person from the Zhang family that Donggong Yunlan said before.

"I didn't expect their news to be received so quickly."

Ye Chen ticked softly and directly chased him towards Donggong Yunlan.

"We are going a little bit faster, how long will it take to get to that place."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Donggong Yunlan looked at him suspiciously.

Although Ye Chen's attitude was very strange, he still said how far it is now. Fantasy: Invincible starting from the egg, the latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/146245.html Fantasy: starting from the egg invincible full text reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/146245/Fantasy: starting from the egg invincible txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/146245.htmlFantasy: starting from the egg invincible mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/146245/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (the first thousand and sixty-sixth Chapter Event Start) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Fantasy: Invincible from the Egg", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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