Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1177: Curse of the Upper Realm

"If we just rush over now, we will be there soon."

Before Donggong Yunlan finished speaking, Ye Chen interrupted her directly.

"We will go straight to you now, where are your people now."

Donggong Yunlan was stunned by Ye Chen's words and then slowly looked at him.

"Because we got the information before, now we have set a season point before that portal."

Ye Chen nodded gently.

"Then we will go there now."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Donggong Yunlan nodded gently and said nothing.

Although she didn't know Ye Chen, she could tell from Ye Chen's attitude that there must be something urgent now.

So she didn't plan to disturb Ye Chen or something.

"How do you feel, we can get there soon now."

Suddenly Donggong Yunlan rushed to a headache, and slowly fell to his knees.

Ye Chen frowned as he watched Donggong Yunlan's movements, because in his spiritual sense, there was no attack.

But why would Donggong Yunlan be like this.

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Donggong Yunlan slowly shook his head and took a deep breath.

"I'm fine, but suddenly I started to have a headache."

Ye Chen felt those slowly approaching, and he gritted his teeth and directly carried Donggong Yunlan on his back.

"There is no time now, so I will wrong you first."

"Now you give me the way and I will take you along."

Although Ye Chen could feel that someone was coming, Ye Chen still didn't know how to go about the direction here and the mark left by Donggong Yunlan.

Ye Chen sighed gently, feeling the state of Donggong Yunlan behind him, and now Ye Chen had already begun to think about whether to encounter the Zhang family.

"Go, go there."

Donggong Yunlan pointed to the road in front of Ye Chen, and then slowly lay on Ye Chen's back.

Ye Chen nodded lightly, lifted his feet and walked in that direction.

As soon as Ye Chen left here, Zhang Qu came here.

"Do you know the remaining way?"

Zhang Qu asked a man in black on the side, wanting to know where to go.

The man in black did not speak, and slowly pointed to the place where Ye Chen had just gone.

Zhang Qu nodded lightly, signaled to Hechen, and then the Zhang family and his party rushed over.


"It seems that this place still has a lot of points."

When Ye Chen was going, he also saw the surrounding scenes. There were blood stains on the ground, but Ye Chen did not find the existence of the corpse.

"How is this going."

Ye Chen looked at this suspiciously, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Senior Donggong, do you feel it?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Donggong Yiming, who had been silent just now, also had a voice.

"I just felt a strange fluctuation here, but the White Mist Sword only appeared for a moment and was directly sealed."

Ye Chen was also surprised at this time.

"But why haven't I been disturbed by that energy."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Donggong Yiming didn't say anything.

Started to remind Ye Chen.

"This matter may be a little more complicated now. If you encounter something that cannot be solved, draw your sword."

Listening to Donggong Yiming's words, Ye Chen nodded heavily.

"I see, Senior Donggong, what should I do with the rest."

Donggong Yiming groaned after listening to Ye Chen's words.

"Let's talk about the rest at that time, I have never seen such a weird thing before."

Ye Chen nodded gently, without saying anything, now the stone door over there has slowly appeared in Ye Chen's field of vision, and there are still several figures around, but if these are from the Donggong family, then It's really too little.

Ye Chen didn't think about it anymore, he rushed over with a sigh of relief. Now he is not only about to bring Donggong Yunlan there, but also about telling them that Zhang Family has already arrived.

When Ye Chen felt it, looking at the scene here, he didn't speak. The ground was very clean and there was no blood stain.

But all the people here are dead. The figure just now shows the scene where the killed person is still standing.

Seeing this scene, the white mist sword on Ye Chen's waist shook, and he seemed to want to get out of the sheath.

Ye Chen took a stern look at there, did not approach, now means that it is very likely to be close to the door, will be killed, and also had to hide first, waiting for the Zhang family to explore the way for him.

Ye Chen looked at a **** on the side and hid directly, Donggong Yunlan was still in a coma, and a mysterious power that Donggong Yiming had just said appeared, and directly sealed the Baiwu Sword.

Ye Chen also guessed that Donggong Yunlan was probably also attacked by Dao.

Ye Chen also guessed. Just now Ye Chen felt from the divine sense that there was no aura at all on the bodies of those people, and it could be said that they were dead.

In Ye Chen's view, were these three people probably killed because of that thing?

"Could it be that it shocked and died."

When Ye Chen was thinking, Donggong Yiming's voice slowly appeared in his mind.

"Ye Chen, now you leave here quickly, this thing can't be touched."

Ye Chen was puzzled, but he knew that Donggong Yiming would not let him leave for no reason.

"Why is this."

Donggong Yiming listened to Ye Chen's words and sighed softly.

"Now I think of it too, that thing."

Ye Chen didn't speak, and nodded gently, waiting for the words behind Donggong Yiming.

"That is a curse on the upper realm."

Ye Chen frowned slightly and didn't speak. Although he didn't know what this thing was, he felt a little strange.

"This, curse?!"

Donggong Yiming was able to sing as well, and his voice trembled.

Ye Chen was also stunned for a while, not knowing what to do.

"Yes, in the upper realm, there are so many things that are headaches for powerful people, and only that one can clear this thing."

Ye Chen naturally knew which one he was talking about, but such a thing appeared in the lower realm, really good.

Ye Chen steadied, his mind, and nodded lightly. Now he is ready to take Donggong Yunlan away from here. As for the people in the Zhang Family, he doesn't care, nor does he care.

If Zhang Qu really died here, then he would be relieved, right?

Now the most important thing is not this, but thinking about how to leave here.

Now the main road is occupied by the Zhang family. If you want to leave, you can only wait for them to come here.

Ye Chen sighed lightly, otherwise he would kill him.

Ye Chen's eyes condensed, and he looked at the figure slowly approaching in the distance. Fantasy: Invincible starting from the egg, the latest chapter address: Fantasy: starting from the egg invincible full text reading address: starting from the egg invincible txt download address: starting from the egg invincible mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (one hundred and seventy-seventh Zhang Shangjie Curse) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Fantasy: Invincible from the Egg", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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