Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1511: Consolidate again

Although Ye Chen didn't know what was in this training ground, he also felt that since this was made by Donggong Yiming, the things in there must be quite complete.

So I really thought it was pretty good. After entering again, this training place directly brightened his eyes.

He didn't expect that there were a lot of familiar auras in it.

Those seem to be dolls that can fight him.

But Ye Chen didn't pay attention because he didn't know how to trigger those things for a while.

What Ye Chen wanted to condense was his own sword intent, but this thing was very illusory, and it was hard to think about.

Ye Chen sighed softly, wondering what was thinking in his heart.

When Ye Jun took out a piece of communication in his house, he was in contact with people in the family.

"Lao Zhang, I have found Ye Chen, knowing that you let me down so abruptly, why are you so anxious to bring Ye Chen back to our family?"

During the communication, the elder sighed softly while listening to Ye Jun's words.

"Child, we also know the dangers facing our family."

"This Ye Chen is very appreciated by us, so as long as he comes to our family, he will definitely get countless benefits."

Ye Jun nodded gently.

"Wait a minute, kid, have you found Ye Chen?"

Ye Jun was very puzzled at this time, and nodded gently to his elder.

The person in the communication was obviously anxious and asked Ye Jun in front of him softly.

Although Ye Jun didn't hide anything from the elders in his family, he nodded gently.

"Yes, Elder Ye Chen, he is indeed by my side, you won't, now you want me to get him over."

The person in the communication coughed slightly after listening to Ye Jun's words.

"How could it be, how could I let you do such a thing?"

"Child, what you have to do now is to stay with Ye Chen as much as possible. Waiting for our next instructions."

Ye Jun heard his words, she wanted to ask why she was waiting here for information from people in her family.

"Okay, I see, if the elder has anything, please notify me as soon as possible, and I will try my best to stay by Ye Chen's side."

After Ye Jun finished speaking, the communication stone hung up. Ye Jun looked at the dull stone in his hand and sighed softly.

Because the words of the elder in the communication stone are completely different from what he heard when he came from the family.

"It's too strange what the **** is going to make such a decision in the family."

Ye Jun thought for a long time but didn't expect it, slowly shook his head and lay down on the bed.

After lying on the bed, she thought of Ye Chen again.

Ye Jun didn't know why, suddenly there was such an idea in his heart.

"What's going on? Why did he suddenly appear in my mind like this?"

After Ye Jun thought for a while, he suddenly found something wrong.

He sat up directly from the bed and looked around suspiciously.

But she found nothing, because she was the only one in this house.

And outside her room was very noisy, as if someone was arguing outside a house far away.

Ye Jun sighed softly, then lay back on the bed.

"What on earth should I do? How could it be possible to stay by Ye Chen's side so that he won't be suspicious?"

At this time, Ye Jun suddenly couldn't figure out the thoughts of those in his family.

Ye Jun sighed softly, simply stopped thinking about it, closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

No words for a night

Early the next morning, Ye Chen got up, looked at a few people in the house, and nodded gently.

"Unexpectedly, what are you all looking for me for?"

"Brother Ye, you won't forget about this, this ascension battle is about to begin, we have to go to the venue to take a look."

Ye Chen, listening to Zhao Manyang's words, he was stunned for a while, and after thinking about it, he suddenly remembered that there is still this problem.

Ye Chen hadn't had any sense of time in the past two days, and even when the Battle of Ascension began, he almost forgot.

"Because I was a bit busy these few days, I really almost forgot about this, then let's go and go and have a look.

The crowd sighed softly as they listened to Ye Chen's words.

"Okay, don't sigh, let's go."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Zhao Manyang nodded gently and rushed towards there.

In fact, at this moment, Ye Jun suddenly came out from the side.

"That Ye Chen, are you going out to play? Can you take me?"

Xiao Yan looked at the girl who appeared suddenly, was stunned, and looked at Ye Chen suspiciously, as if waiting for his explanation.

Ye Chen felt Xiao Yan's eyes and coughed twice, and quickly introduced him to everyone.

"In fact, there is nothing, just this person who came to my room yesterday."

Listening to Ye Chen's introduction, Xiao Yan and everyone slowly looked at this shameless girl.

Because Ye Jun didn't wear those good-looking clothes at all now, he just wore all the clothes casually in order to avoid being chased by people with intentions.

"Brother Ye Chen, what about her name, please introduce it to me as soon as possible."

Ye Chen coughed slightly as he listened to Xiao Yan's words and nodded.

"Well, don't worry, I will tell you now, she is called Ye Jun."

Hearing the guy in front of him, whose surname was Ye, everyone was stunned.

"I didn't expect you to have the same surname. Are you two from the same family?"

Donggong Yunlan asked a very impossible word at this time.

Because Ye Chen is not a person in this world at all, but now he has completely regarded himself as a member of this world.

"Big Brother Ye Chen, why are you talking."

Xiao Yan also came to Ye Chen's side at this time and asked him softly.

Ye Chen sighed gently, and shook his head to several people.

"The two of us are definitely not in the same family, so don't worry, you will feel a bit unreasonable when you say this."

Xiao Yan snorted softly as he listened to Ye Chen's words.

"Okay, Brother Ye Chen, you start to think I'm a bit unreasonable to make trouble now, don't you? That said, this girl is so beautiful, then you must think she shouldn't be unreasonable to make trouble, right?

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words and sweated down. He didn't expect that Xiao Yan would be so difficult.

"Yan'er, listen to me, things are not what you think."

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