Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1512: Everyone's complaint

Xiao Yan snorted coldly as he listened to Ye Chen's words.

Slowly walked to the side, not knowing what was thinking.

At this time, Ye Chen was already thinking about how to coax her.

"Yan'er, don't worry, there must be nothing wrong with me and this guy, and she suddenly appeared here, and I don't know what's going on."

Xiao Yan was taken aback at this moment, and slowly looked at Ye Chen.

"Then Ye Chen, did she ask your name clearly when she was outside?"

Ye Chen was stunned after hearing Xiao Yan's words and nodded gently.

"He did say this. What's wrong? Is there anything strange?"

Xiao Yan nodded softly as he spoke, and then looked at everyone here.

"I think Ye Jun is probably the man in black. What do you think?"

Donggong Yunlan naturally heard the voice of Xiao Yan talking with Ye Chen just now, and then they nodded gently.

"We also think this person is probably the one we saw before."

Ye Chen frowned slightly at this time, because he had indeed met Ye Jun on the street before.

"Could it be that I forgot that thing?"

Ye Chen was very puzzled, because if he had encountered such a thing before, he would definitely write it down.

But now he didn't remember that.

Ye Jun listened to the people and sighed softly. He also knew that it was time for him to come out to speak. If he didn't come out again, it would probably arouse everyone's anger.

"Yes, I was indeed the man in black at that time. I think about it now, I seem to have seen you."

"But didn't you say that you didn't know Ye Chen at that time, why are you his companions now?"

As soon as Ye Jun said what he said, everyone was embarrassed.

At that time, Ye Chen looked at a few people in a puzzled manner, and now he wanted to know why they didn't know him.

"Come on, I really want to know what you guys think."

Donggong Yunlan definitely didn't care about these, listening to Ye Chen's words, he stood up.

"In fact, Ye Chen, we are thinking about you. You should know that suddenly someone all over the street asked your name, and also asked where you live, what would you think?"

Donggong Yunlan's words made Ye Chen stunned, and he also agreed with Donggong Yunlan's words very much.

"You're really right. It's just that someone suddenly came to ask me about your location. I'm sure if I wouldn't talk to them."

"Well, now you know the identity of Ye Jun, let's go quickly, there are still many things to do."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, everyone nodded gently.

"Well, let's not talk about it this time, let's go quickly."

Donggong Yunlan also knew that if he kept mentioning this matter, it would make Ye Chen feel uncomfortable, and it would be hard to say at that time.

Xiao Yan sighed softly. She always felt that Ye Jun was a little strange, but she couldn't tell the strange place.

"Forget it, let's go, Brother Ye Chen, let's go and observe the venue quickly, so we can participate in that time."

Xiao Yan didn't think about anything, and left the inn directly.

Ye Chen nodded gently and looked at Ye Jun behind him.

"Then you can stay in the inn for a while, if you have anything, you can go to Wanbao Pavilion to find me."

Ye Jun listened to Ye Chen's words, stunned for a moment, and nodded gently.

"Okay, Ye Chen, I see."

Ye Chen didn't say anything, he directly followed the pace of everyone, and walked towards the middle of the city.

Because the game is approaching, everyone now has to go over and observe the place.

The streets here seemed a bit crowded only once, but those famous and capable people didn't need to be with Ye Chen and the others, crowding in the crowd like this.

At this time, Yue Luo slowly followed the crowd.

"Ye Chen, you are also going today."

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard the familiar voice, then slowly turned his head and looked over.

Only then discovered that Yue Luo had already come to a few people.

"Yes! I would have almost forgotten if it hadn't been for Xiao Yan and the others to remind me."

Yue Luo smiled as he listened to Ye Chen's words, and didn't say anything about the topic of this matter.

Yue Luo is actually very good at chatting, he really wants to befriend Ye Chen, so he will naturally pay attention to his own words.

"Then Ye Chen, let's go quickly, if we are late, there are too many people over there, we can't use it."

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard what Yue Luo said, because he didn't know what to prepare when he got there.

So now he is listening. The conversation of a few people felt a little strange.

"Ye Chen, do you not understand these rules?"

Yue Luo saw a strange place and asked Ye Chen softly.

Ye Chen coughed lightly when listening to Yue Luo's words.

"Actually not, I just don't know the rules of this world. You know, I am not from this world."

Yue Luo laughed loudly as he listened to Ye Chen's words.

"Okay, Ye Chen, since you have said that, then I will tell you what to do about this matter."

"In fact, there is nothing about this, that is, the organizer of the Ascension War after we passed, will add a mark to our star power, so that we can participate in the Ascension War smoothly."

"And that mark will continue until the end of the Ascension War."

Yue Luo's words let Ye Chen also know what he did in the past.

"It turned out to be so, then I understand."

When Ye Chen just wanted to say something to Yue Luo, he suddenly saw two familiar people behind him.

Those two people are Fang Li and Xiong Le.

"Unexpectedly, the two of them would go to participate in the Ascension Battle."

Ye Chen thought for a while, their IQ, slowly shook his head, he always felt that if the two of them really passed, they would probably be a cannon fodder.

"What's wrong with Ye Chen? What are you looking at?"

Yue Luo followed Ye Chen's line of sight, and naturally saw Fang Li and Xiong Le.

"Ye Chen, what happened to those two people? How do I feel that you seem to have any opinion on them?"

Listening to Yue Luo's inquiry, Ye Chen just felt that there was nothing to do, so he told him the ins and outs of the people he met.

Yue Luo felt more embarrassed the more he heard it, he had never thought that there would be such a dull person in this world.

Ye Chen talked about things very fast, but even though it was fast, everyone could hear the content of the story clearly.

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