Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1918: Feeling of Ye Chen

Ye Chen sighed softly, but he also knew that there was nothing to do. During the battle, if something like that really happened, Ye Chen would not be able to make other better reactions again.

Although it was a little late, Ye Chen also decided that if he could find a medicine to enhance his soul power, he would give it a try to see if he could awaken this soul again.

"When I reach that level, I should also get such a treasure."

Ye Chen naturally searched through the pages of Xiaotong's book to see if he could find something that supplements soul power, but after searching for it several times, he didn't find any related items.

Ye Chen could only give up, but this also reminded Ye Chen that there was no such thing recorded in the encyclopedia among such powerful sects.

Doesn't it mean that there is no such thing in this world.

Although Ye Chen knew about this, he was still a little unwilling.

"Forget it, I'll talk about this later, I don't believe it, I still can't find such a thing."

Ye Chen looked around and closed his doors and windows.

He took the boy out slowly and put it on the table.

After Xiaotong came out, he already realized what Ye Chen wanted to ask him. He flew directly in front of Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, do you have anything you want to ask me?"

Ye Chen also nodded at this moment.

Then Ye Chen took out the Zhu Xin Sword.

"Boy, do you know this guy?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the boy was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the sword on the table.

After taking a look, the boy shook his book page.

"I don't know this, but if you want to ask about weapons, Ye Chen, you should look at Xiaowu."

Ye Chen, listening to Xiaotong's words, suddenly remembered, and quickly took out Xiao Wu.

After being put on the table, Xiao Wu already knew what Ye Chen wanted to ask.

"Okay, Ye Chen, you called out for me, although I already know, what exactly do you want to know."

"I have indeed seen this sword, but it is not in our sect."

Listening to Xiao Wu's words, Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, and looked at Xiao Wu suspiciously.

"What does this mean? Could it be Xiaowu, you know other weapons besides your sect."

"Yes, although I have been in the sect and haven't gone out, there are countless monks who come to our sect and let us help them repair their weapons."

"And among those weapons, I naturally saw this sword, but the sword at that time seemed very fragile, and there was no such powerful sword spirit as it is now."

"I don't know the rest."

After Xiaowu finished speaking, Ye Chen looked at the Zhu Xinjian on the table and nodded gently.

"Boss, why are you suddenly saying this?"

Zhu Xinjian also woke up at this moment, questioning Ye Chen suspiciously.

After seeing Zhu Xinjian wake up, Xiaotong and Xiaowu went straight into Ye Chen's belt and didn't come out again.

Ye Chen looked at this scene very helpless, but it is indeed a problem now.

"Actually, there is nothing else. I just want to see where you are from."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Zhu Xinjian was also very helpless.

"Boss, if you have anything you want to know, just ask me. Maybe I know more than the two of them."

"But boss, your two books look like I have seen them before, but they didn't have that powerful power at that time."

"So you all seem to know each other. Forget it, it seems useless to say so much now. By the way, do you know something about the Dragon Clan?"

Zhu Xinjian listened to Ye Chen's question and thought about it, but after thinking about it for a while, he still didn't think of anything.

"Ye Chen, to tell you, I don't know much about the dragon clan, because long ago, they were a relatively mysterious race. There is no accurate information about the dragon clan in each of our sects. It is only recently that the dragon clan has become more active. Got up."

Ye Chen listened to Zhu Xinjian's words, stunned for a moment, and slowly thought about what happened around Xiao Yan.

Because if this is the case, it is likely to be inseparable from what happened to Grandpa Xiao Yan's generation.

"It seems that this black hole organization is indeed the key point of the whole thing."

When Zhu Xinjian listened, Ye Chen uttered the name and roared.

"Boss, how do you know this!"

Ye Chen listened to Zhu Xinjian's words, stunned for a moment, and looked at him suspiciously.

"What do I know? Are you talking about the organization of black holes?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Zhu Xinjian trembled with excitement.

"Yes, boss, this is what I said."

"I also heard about this organization from my previous master."

"What they have done is nothing good. They are still killing innocent people in a very good situation, but they are all those who are in high positions or very powerful, and no one dares to openly challenge them for a while. They, because all the challengers are dead."

Ye Chen listened to Zhu Xinjian's words, and couldn't help taking a breath.

Because if you really say it like this sword, then everything is probably a bit troublesome.

"It looks like something is going to happen this time."

"Boss, if you get into trouble with this organization, you must pay attention, and you must pay attention to hiding your traces."

Ye Chen nodded softly as he listened to the sword's instructions.

"Don't worry, your boss, I still know a few things, but now it seems that the organization that is a black hole hasn't paid attention to me yet."

Zhu Xinjian sighed softly at this moment.

"Boss, I don't know how to tell you."

"If the black hole organization looks at you, there will be no notice at all."

"So you have to be careful at all times, there may be attacks."

"And their strength is very strong, forcibly confronting them, there is definitely no benefit."

Ye Chen heard the words of Zhu Xinjian suddenly thought of the guy he had met in the Battle of Ascension.

"Perhaps you are right, those guys are already eyeing me."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Zhu Xinjian couldn't help taking a breath.

"Boss, you have to prepare now, but on the Dragon Race side, they shouldn't dare to make any storms."

"It's hard to say."

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