Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1919: Sovereign's arrangement

Ye Chen was also a little melancholy at the moment, but now, he has no retreat.

Now that he had confronted that organization, Ye Chen was ready to fight them to the end.

"Okay, you go back too."

Zhu Xinjian didn't say anything, and was taken into the storage ring by Ye Chen.

Because everyone knows Ye Chen's situation now, and only Ye Chen is still thinking about what to do.

Ye Chen also got some information at this moment, and he finally realized that something was wrong.

"It looks like I'm going to speed up the improvement of my strength."

Ye Chen thought about this quietly in his heart, looking at the darkening sky outside, Ye Chen finally made up his mind.

He walked out of his room directly, Ye Chen was about to break through to level 40 in that cave. Ye Chen knew very well what the decision I made afterwards meant, but now Ye Chen suddenly felt a sense of threat. And this feeling of threat was not given to Ye Chen by those people, but Ye Chen originally had it.

After Ye Chen came to the cave, he obviously felt something wrong here.

At this moment, the aura radiating from it made Ye Chen feel a touch of threat.

After Ye Chen communicated those energies before, the smooth feeling was gone.

"What's going on? It's obviously how long I haven't been here, why is it like someone has set a trap here?"

Ye Chen slowly took out his phoenix stone and directly sealed this place, and the cave after the Qixi Festival was sealed, the breath that Ye Chen had just given to Ye Chen disappeared in an instant.

Ye Chen also knew what was going on right now.

"It turned out to be the case, it looks like someone has discovered this place and started monitoring it."

But Ye Chen has such an identity, he is completely worthy of the person who is monitoring here.

Therefore, after Ye Chen shielded the breath here, he directly entered the cultivation process, and the rest of the matter was no longer under his control.

Duanmu Liu also encountered some difficulties here. The two of them originally wanted to take the corpse away, but they suddenly discovered that the corpse would not be accepted by their storage ring.

"Brother, what shall we do now?"

Lin Le looked at Duanmuliu suspiciously, and Duanmuliu had nothing to do at this moment.

"It looks like this corpse should already be the corpse of a very high-level dragon race. Because of the kind of energy carried on his body, it would never enter such a different space at all."

"If this is the case, let's go and bring this news to the Sect Master."

Duanmuliu was a little scared at the moment, he would be discovered after staying here for too long.

So he walked out directly with Lin Le.

Lin Le glanced at the dragon's corpse and sighed softly.

There is no way to do this. After all, facing this level of power, it can only be done like this.

And halfway through, it seemed that they had realized what would happen. When they just wanted to leave, a black hole suddenly appeared in front of them, and the man slowly walked out of the black hole.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be exactly the same as I expected."

Duanmuliu and Lin Le looked at the Sect Master who suddenly appeared in front of them, and hurriedly saluted them.

"The Sect Master didn't expect that you would come here in person."

Listening to Lin Le's words, the man nodded softly.

"I am definitely coming here. After all, according to Duanmu's explanation, this dragon must be extraordinary, and if you want to take it back, there is no way at all."

"So I have a look, and I can figure out what it is. Okay, let's go! This corpse really has nothing to use."

"By the way, you two still have a task to stay here, so I will leave first, and don't touch it for now, lest it will be discovered by people in the dragon clan."

"Duanmuliu remember to report to me as soon as you have something. After all, the power in the dragon clan is actually very strong now. Although you haven't seen it, there are still a lot of guys in the dark."

"By the way, please tell me, Ye Chen, although he is here on behalf of the Ye family, he does not mean that he can walk sideways here completely with his identity."

"After you two must protect Ye Chen, there is likely to be something else coming to him. You must tell me directly when that happens."

Duanmu Liu and He Linle nodded softly as they listened to the words of the Sect Master.

"Okay, Sovereign, we are all clear."

But even though they said that, they were still a little strange, what kind of things Ye Chen encountered.

But now this matter is still a bit hard to say.

So they didn't ask too much, just answered their suzerain.

"Well, now that you know it, I won't keep it. You can take this kit."

Lin Le stretched out his hand and accepted the kit handed over by the lord.

"This is actually different from the nervousness of players like me that you got before. As long as you open this sect, all the people in the sect will receive a message, and then open it in front of them, and come to the portal to support you."

"Of course I will also receive the information. If you really can't deal with it, then rely on me."

The Sect Master went back directly after speaking, and did not continue to say anything to the two of them.

It just ignored me and Lin Le, looking at the kit in front of me at the moment, my mood was a little hard to calm down.

To know that opening this kit means that this is a matter between the entire sect, but apart from the last time they explored the ruins, they have not really seen the sect master, which time they took all the people to go with .

In other words, what Ye Chen will face afterwards has reached a very difficult level.

"I didn't expect this to happen. It seems that the Sect Master's respect for Ye Chen far exceeds our imagination."

Lin Le nodded softly as he listened to Duanmu Liu's words.

"Well, brother, let's go out now and find Ye Chen. We still need to tell him what the Sect Master said to us."

Duanmuliu listened to Lin Le's words without refuting, and walked out slowly.

It's just that on the way back, he seemed to have thought of something.

"After winning and remembering, no matter what happens, you must protect Xiao Yan and Ye Chen."

Lin Le was stunned when he heard Duanmu Liu's sudden coming, but he recovered in an instant and nodded gently.

"Brother, I know."

Duanmu Liu let go of his heart only after exhorting it again.

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