"Leave these for you."

Said slowly towards Xiao Yan in front of him.

No matter how rare these things are, in Ye Chen's eyes, they are still not very useful.

After the voice fell, the latter was obviously happy.



After Ye Chen grinned, he locked his gaze to the distance again.

There is a big fish waiting for him!

Sushen turned his gaze to the sky, and the system probe started again.

The target zoomed in, again looking for the creatures around.


After a burst of sound from the system in the sea of ​​consciousness.

After Ye Chen thought, he locked the target slightly.

"Xiao Yan! Let's go!"

He greeted Xiao Yan around him, and Ye Chen joined hands with him, turning into a gust of wind, and headed towards the horizon.

In the Yanshi Valley.

Inside a cave, wailing sounds from time to time.

Ye Chen and Xiao Yan arrived here within half an hour.

Perceive the sound echoing in the cave.

The fear of the latter has deepened into the bones.

The body couldn't help shaking again, there was no way, this roar like a magic sound, for the current Xiao Yan, it was a bit too scary.

"Brother Ye! Are we really going in?"

"What? Are you scared?"

Hearing the sound, Ye Chen turned his head and smiled at the boy in front of him.

"Ah... no, it's just..."

Xiao Yan seemed hesitant, and Ye Chen chuckles about it.

Not much to say, don't worry, kid, there will be nothing wrong with me.


It's not our turn to do it now.

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yan still didn't understand what was going on.

Just listen to the cloud from between, suddenly there is a shocking sound.

In the entire Yan Forest, it seemed that there was a sensation.

The flames flying all over the sky seemed extremely humble at this moment.

The flame turned again, the air wave spread, and the black shadows covered the sky and sun fell down in the sky.

The rising clouds, the spreading waves.

There is also smoke and dust flying all over the sky.

The scarlet dragon figure fell into sight.

When hitting the ground.

Suddenly the mountain shook, and the wind rolled in the clouds.


"Ancient Flame Desolate Giant Beast! Skeleton Flame Dragon!"

Burning the flesh and blood in the crimson flame.

Make the bones bright and bright.

After raising the sky with a long roar, one after another, the sky-shaking low growl came out.

With the magic sound entering the body, Xiao Yan's face once again.

Good guy, why is this force so strong.

Subconsciously lowered his head slightly, and at this moment, the latter did not notice the two Ye Chen in front of him.

The murderous eyes have locked in the cave in front of him.

Trouble came, and the wailing in the cave fell.

Then a sturdy, elk-like monster beast walked slowly out of the cave.

The body of an elk has the appearance of a tiger and a leopard.

Among the four iron hoofs, crimson fire was burning one after another.

At the same time as the streamer spreads, the flames have reverberated from all around the body.

Seeing the monster beast so far, Ye Chen's mouth was happy again.

"Hehe, I know, this trip will not come in vain."

This beast is a legendary monster beast.

Rumor has it that this monster beast has long since disappeared.

But I didn't expect to see this monster beast here.

"Brother Ye... Next we..."

"what should we do?"

A skeleton flame dragon was enough for him.

But now there is one more one. If they are found, the consequences...

The young man was extremely panicked, and Ye Chen's mouth was still smiling at this time.

Don't worry, it's not our turn to take action.

After a low laugh again.

When I saw the two monster beasts in front of me, they started roaring and roaring.

At the same time as the streamer glowed, it was soaring into the sky.

After the two monsters roared, they collided directly.

A simple impact can make this Desolate Forest vibrate again and again.

The flames soared into the sky, and the waves broke people's hearts and souls.

In the flash back and debauchery, the phantoms of the two ancient great monsters gradually became huge in this flame.

At this time, Ye Chen looked with gusto, and Xiao Yan on the side was so scared that his soul was about to fly.

After living so long, it was the first time he saw such a terrible situation.

The action volume of these two monsters is too huge...

Perceiving the flashing light from the horizon, Xiao Yan's body was shaking crazily.

"Tsk...this is not enough!"

Touching Xiaoyan's head, Ye Chen said cheerfully.

If you want to become a big man, you will have to experience such a scene sooner or later, if you are afraid of it.

After he...

But Ye Chen also understood that, after all, the battle before him was of an ancient level.

"Relax... soon. Soon!"

The two monsters are evenly matched.

And obviously, there is no concession.

If nothing goes wrong, losing both sides should be the greatest possibility.

At this moment, as the Huoqiongqi iron hoof gathered strength, locked the skull of the Skeleton Flame Dragon.

The latter's iron claws also pointed towards Qiongqi's heart.


The goals of both sides are critical, and there is no hesitation in their hands.

The iron hoof is like a sharp sword, and the bone claw is like a gale machete.


One trick fell.

When panicking, the two finally couldn't resist this force, and both fell on the ground.

The flames receded, and both sides exhausted their last bit of strength

Seeing that the battle has settled.

Ye Chen adjusted his clothes and patted Xiao Yan on the side.

The frightened boy was holding his head, not daring to look up.

After opening his eyes again, he saw the situation under him.

"Big Brother Ye... is it over?"

"Let's go! It's time for me and the fisherman to appear!"

He took Xiaoyan and walked quickly to the two monsters.

The strength of the ancient monster beasts was revealed in both of them.

This strong momentum has to be called a visual feast.

"Today is considered cheap for me."

Seeing this, the corner of Ye Chen's mouth opened a radian.

His eyes looked at the corpse before him.

Even if it is death, amazing spiritual power can be revealed in its corpse.

This is the ancient monster.

"Big Brother Ye, this demon core should be able to help you..."

"Hehe, pretty good."

Pulled the demon core from the heads of the two demon beasts.

Ye Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth.

High-level demon cores should be able to improve their cultivation base by a lot.

"Almost...you can pick up two demon cores for nothing without doing anything."

After a satisfied smile.

Just about to greet Xiao Yan to the entrance of the cave.

But at this moment.

Suddenly inside the cave, there was a sound of wailing after another.

His eyes turned to the dark cave.

Ye Chen came interested.

After investigating the spiritual power, it was discovered that there were monsters in the cave?

After careful exploration with mental power again.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth curled up.

"It looks like I will open my eyes soon..."

"Xiao Yan?"

"Xiao Yan?"

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