
I thought that this matter was higher than the paragraph, but after hearing Ye Chen's greeting.

The latter immediately recovered.

Come quickly.

"Big Brother Ye...what's wrong?"

"Go in and see!"

"I... shall I go?"


"Let you go, just go wherever it comes."

"Oh... alright!"

Regarding Ye Chen's order, the latter did not dare to say more, after taking a breath of strength.

Pretending to be courageous, he headed towards the depths of the cave.

After a few breaths.

Xiao Yan scrambled and ran out from the depths of the cave.

"Brother Ye! And there are monsters!"

"Tsk...Look at your courage!"

You look back first!

Seeing that this kid was so courageous, Ye Chen's mouth also appeared helpless.

But at this time Xiao Yan, how could he hear the slightest voice.

After he fell to the ground, he just covered his head with both hands and sat on the ground paralyzed.

Just when he thought he was about to be swallowed by this monster beast.

A pair of young beast claws slowly stepped on his back.

Then I felt a chill on the back of my neck.

Turned his head nervously.

A half-large monster beast was staring at his Shuilingling eyes curiously.

"This is... this is..."

"Hehehe, you kid, good luck, you can hit this kind of luck."

"Looking at this, it should be that Huo Qiongqi had just given birth. The movement that came out just attracted the dead enemy, the Skeleton Flame Dragon."

"That mother, Qiongqi, has just given birth, and her body is still relatively weak. Given his physical condition, he won't be the opponent of the Skeleton Flame Dragon."

"But in order to protect the cubs, they don't hesitate to use their lives for maintenance."

"After the birth of the ancient sacred beasts, in addition to the smell, they recognized their relatives with the first sight of awakening."

"You got lucky..."

"Looking at him like this, he has already recognized you as Lord."

Xiaoyan slowly smiled towards her.

After hearing the sound, the latter also looked dumbfounded.


He raised his eyes and looked at the cute cub Huo Qiongqi in front of him.

Xiao Yan didn't know what to do for a while.

"Boy, don't underestimate this little guy. Ancient desolate beasts like Huo Qiongqi are willing to be your master."

"You just have fun!"

After touching Xiaoyan's head again.

Ye Chen turned his gaze to the sky.

"Let's go! It's late!"

"It's a worthwhile trip to spend half a day helping you get a little guy to accompany you!"

After Ye Chen's laughter fell.

That Xiao Qiongqi understood Ye Chen's words, after all, they were both monsters, and there was no obstacle in communication between the two.

As he said, he jumped directly from the ground to Xiao Yan's head.

Wrapped into a ball and started to fall asleep.

"This... I have a family?"

Everything happened like an illusion, and Xiao Yan was agitated more than what to do.

He touched the sleeping little monster above his head.

The fear just now has been wiped out, replaced by excitement and surprise.

Looking back at Xiaoyan, Ye Chen's eyes were full of expressions.

This child is also a struggling baby.

"Let's go! Just by the light of your pet, our road can be said to be unimpeded..."


The system probe was turned on again, and the latter locked the position of the exit in an instant.

While laughing at the corners of the mouth.

Grabbing Xiaoyan from the side, he headed towards the distant sky.

The wild forest, here is rich in resources.

Suzaku's customs clearance site cannot be found without care.

But this is not difficult for Ye Chen at this time.

After all, with the system, it is easy to find the exit.

Near the Flaming Pass.

People crowded.

But everyone did not pay attention to the situation at the exit.

Why, because today is the second day of the conference.

In any case, no one will pass through this ghost place in the Wild Forest in such a short time.

The afterglow of the morning was scattered on the top of the mountain.

Suzaku sat on the top of the mountain as usual, absorbing the warmth brought by the rising sun.

There is fire in the eyes of leisure.

Suddenly, I felt the movement in the barrier before my eyes.

Then he slowly turned his gaze to Fire Fang who was aside.

"You said who might be the first to break through this pass."

The latter did not speak.

Maybe he would recognize people like Yan Sanhuo Pomegranate before.


But for some reason at this moment, his recognition of Ye Chen has surpassed these people.

From level 1 to level 3.

Ye Chen can always give people an extremely terrifying existence.

And precisely because of this.

Right now Huoya's view of Ye Chen was gradually changing.

The Suzaku on the side saw Huoya's mind.

After smiling lightly, he said, "It seems that you have already begun to admit now."

"The adults and the small have nothing to do with it."

"tell me the story."

Huoya seemed a little hesitant at this time.

But the words held at the corner of his mouth lasted for a long time.

No matter what, he must ask it today.

"Ye Chen does not belong to my Yanzhou. Since you came to Yanzhou, the local creatures have respected you."

"No matter what, we are proud of you."


"but what?"

"But why...why your attitude obviously changed when Ye Chen came."

"Do I have painstakingly practiced under your seat for a thousand years..."

"Isn't he worthy of this newly-born Harpy?"

Huoya finally said what he was saying.

He can be regarded as a half-life that appeared in the Flame Mountain.

Who is the person with the deepest qualifications in Yanzhou?

The first one is naturally Suzaku, and the second one.

It must be the fire tooth undoubtedly.

The prestige and name established by Huoya in Yanzhou.

They had long acquiesced to Lord Suzaku's inheritance, and it would definitely fall on Huoya's body.

But things backfired.

Seeing that the deadline for the final commitment is coming.

But who knows that Huangzhou Huo and the leader of the clan have been killed inexplicably.

Huoya had to admit that Ye Chen's strength was indeed very strong.

Can improve such a high level of cultivation in a short time.

Obviously he is a bird demon, but he is not inferior to himself in flames' attainments.

This kind of horrific tactics really shocked him.

And because of this, the jealousy and anger in his heart deepened.

He already has the words of the Golden Crow of the three great birds.

Suzaku's flame...

To get it, you have to go through the fire tooth level.

See the fire teeth in front of me.

Suzaku's eyes also showed a touch of movement.

No one knows the flame teeth in front of him better than him.

No one knows what happened to the child from birth to now?

But the current situation is different, Suzaku has to do this.

"Fire teeth... forgive me. It's not that you are not good enough."

"It's not that I don't want to impart strength to you."

"It's just that compared to you and Ye Chen... he is more suitable for this power..."

The voice just fell.

Suddenly there was an abnormal movement in the space ahead.

But at this time, the flames of Suzaku had just shot back.

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