Turning his head stunned, at the same time, Ba Shan's mouth was also smiling.

"I am so disrespectful of the old in front of my children. I also say that my children are not educated, I think you are."

He changed his panic expression before, Ba Shan's hands were wrapped around his chest, his eyes piercingly looked at the man in red.

Three children on the side mobilized their thunder power.

Want to break free from the shackles of men.

But as the latter pulled out of thin air, only then did he realize that the Thunder, which he should be proud of, seemed so unbearable in the latter's eyes.

"Smelly boy..."

After a secret curse, the thunder was resolved by a wave of blood evil.

Then Ba Yun was astonished.

His body was slowly placed on the ground by the latter.

He touched the little guy's head and stepped forward quickly.

Hugging directly with Naha Mountain.

"Fatty man! Long time no see!"

"long time no see!"

When people at the scene saw the scene in front of them, they were surprised.

Why are the two men who were still fighting and holding each other now?

"You guy! The taste is still so low. What kind of stuff is wearing this red!"

"Those who don't know think you are getting married!"

Face ridicule.

The latter not only rolled his eyes.

"I am scheming the world, who is like you and Ye Chen, married early."

"I will play for another two years."

"What? Ye Chen got married?"

"With whom?"

Upon hearing this, Ba Shan and Qing'er beside him were surprised.

"This guy! I don't know how to call me about getting married! I still haven't put my big brother in the eyes!"

"As for others, see if I don't tidy up and clean him up!"

Ba Shan rolled his sleeves and shouted.

The trio of Ba Rou and Ba Kong and Ba Yun stared at Bashan in front of them.

Surprised in my heart.

In their eyes, his father was a strict father who never made a joke and was domineering wherever he went.

But today... why stand with this man in front of you.

Just like an old hooligan.

"Hi.... There was a reason for the incident. Strictly speaking, it is not a marriage."

"But the matter has already been determined, as for whom it will take."

"You can guess it, right?"

"To tell you the truth, now of the three of us, I have the oldest generation."

"You are Ye Chen's eldest brother, and I, hehe, Ye Chen's eldest brother."

Speaking of this, Long Xiaodao didn't forget to pat his chest proudly.

"But then again, you fellow, don't know how to introduce it to me."

"This is my sister-in-law, right?"

Long Xiaodao turned his gaze to Qing'er aside.

Hearing the sound, the latter smiled slightly.

"Hey, look at my memory. Come on, Qing'er, I will introduce you to him. He is called Long Xiaodao. He is the brother of Ye Chen and I. He is also the brother of Solanum."

"Sister-in-law! Just made you worry, your lord has the courage, don't be angry!"

"Everything is blamed on this guy Bashan. You said that getting married is such a big deal. He didn't even know to tell me. He really doesn't take his brother seriously."

"Don't be poor."

Ba Shan cast an angry look at Long Xiaodao.

Then he turned his gaze to the children beside him.

"Now! Get to know, this is your **** Uncle Dragon."

"Hey! You guy."

"Are you smearing uncle like this?"

"Otherwise, how stalwart do you think your image in their hearts is?"

There was nothing to say about being Bashan.

The latter sighed.

He touched the little son's head smoothly.

"Things are not humans!"

"Unexpectedly, you and Ye Chen's son will both grow up so much in a blink of an eye."

"Like me, still a dead bachelor."

"It's annoying!"

"What? Ye Chen gave birth to children?"


Partial room.

Long Xiaodao and Bashan sat facing each other.

"I didn't expect it! Time flies so fast."

"Yeah! I still remember that we were in the dark tower for trials yesterday."

"Today, your children are enough to go to the black tower."

Long Xiaodao said with a smile on his face.

The latter's eyes also radiated clouds.

"I'm old... I'm old."

"By the way, I asked you just now why Ye Chen didn't come."

"Tsk... he!"

"Are you still not sure?"


The latter heard the sound, shook his head, and smiled slowly.

"To say that my son is so like Ye Chen, I sometimes suspect that San'er is not my own."

Ba Shan shook his head with a wry smile.

"Tsk tut..."

"I feel that kid too. It's just a matter of time before you surpass your father."

"Hey... a generation is better than a generation after all! Otherwise, where is our monster family's hope in the future."

"By the way, you guy, I hurried to come to me this time, I'm afraid I didn't hold any good farts, right?"

Ba Shan's words fell.

Looking at the man in front of him, the latter's eyes were extremely solemn.

"Brother... we are in big trouble."


"Little San! What are you kidding overhearing here?"

The words sounded behind him.

Ba Yun turned his head slowly, crying in his eyes.

"Mom... Isn't Dad my real father?"


As soon as the words came out, the latter was already full of black lines.

"You kid..."


When Qinger was about to teach the latter, the door was suddenly opened.

At this moment, he saw the solemn Ba Shan looking at Ba Yun.


The teenager has not called out yet.

Seeing that the latter has been picked up.

"Bashan! What are you doing!"

Qinger rushed into the house.

At the same time, he saw that Ba Yun had been stunned in place.

But Ba Shan and Long Xiaodao were sitting together in a group.

Looking at the Ba Yun in front of him with piercing eyes.


"Bashan, what are you doing!"

"Don't touch her!"

Just as Qinger was about to step forward, the roar of Bashan on the side had already sounded.

After hearing the sound, Qinger's consciousness was a bit panic.

Since marrying Bashan until now, the latter has always been loving and affectionate towards himself.

Rather than shouting, even if you speak loudly, it doesn't exist.

But today...

After hearing the sound of the Dragon Trail, he immediately cleared the siege.

"Sister-in-law, don't get me wrong, the eldest brother is not targeting you, you sit first!"

"It just so happens that I have to ask you something, I hope you can truthfully explain it."

The latter slowly raised his head, looking at the serious Long Xiaodao in front of him.

"it is good...."

Slowly nodded.

"Sister-in-law, have you ever been to other places since San'er was born?"

"Or, did you leave you for more than twelve hours."



"It's too long, I can't remember..."

"In those three years, have there been any physical conditions, such as serious illness, or..."

"I... I really don't know!"

When people are nervous, how can they think of these problems?

She was worried that her son's Qinger's eyes had been on Ba Yun, and she had no other thoughts.

Seeing this on the side, Ba Shan also felt unspeakable suffering in his heart.

Slowly stepped forward and put Qinger in his arms.

Long Xiaodao on the side did not speak, quietly watching the two in front of him.

Just wait for time to pass by. Perhaps the latter's mood has rarely eased.

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