After a long time.

Qinger, who was sobbing, turned her gaze to the two people in front of her.

After thinking for a long time.

Said slowly.


"I did get a serious illness when I was two years old."

"That time Bashan went out for half a month, and I was the only one at home."

"Ten days, the three children have a high fever."

"But later, I don't know why, when I was looking at San'er the next day. He has already recovered."

"Restore as before? Overnight?"

Hearing this, Long Xiaodao frowned again.

Aside Bashan said again: "Brother, you said, did you make a mistake."

"Little San'er is at home and has always been well-behaved. He has never caused trouble, except for cultivation."

The latter turned his eyes to the boy in front of him.

Long Xiaodao slowly touched his waist.

"Is it true? We will know if we try."

After a murmur, a glass container appeared in the latter's hand.

"this is...."

"Dragon Blood..."

"Um... Ye Chen is not in the clan, this is the blood collected from his daughter. Although Xiao Nizi is weak, there is Ye Chen's dragon blood in her body."

"Try it first."

With that said, Long Xiaodao worshipped his hand, and then slowly dripped the dragon blood in the container onto the latter's eyebrows.

Just for an instant, a rancid smell came out suddenly.

The long-closed eyes opened in an instant.


Following Ba Yun's weird roar came from the corner of his mouth.

Ba Shan and Qing'er were also completely dumbfounded.


Just when this evil spirit wanted to rush out of the body.

Alongside the dragon trail immediately moved.

Between raising his hands, probe the throat with a silver needle, and perform silver needle detection at the eight major acupoints on his body.

After the eight channels of the odd meridian were sealed, this prevented the evil spirits from bursting out of the body.


After the latter's eyes condensed slightly, as the blood of the evil spirit was sealed, he fell into a coma again.

"This...what the **** is going on?"

On the side, Qing'er's pupils spread in awe.

Long Xiaodao said with a solemn expression.

"Ghost evil. It seems that I'm still a step late..."

The latter's eyes were already worried.

"That's why I came here."

"The evil ghost is already ready to do it."

"Master Bai Feng sent me here specially to let the Youyanshangshanhu family go to join the Huoyu clan."

"But... why does this appear in my son's body?"

"These evil creatures themselves are the souls of the dead, but are transformed by the fallen monster's mind in ancient times."

"They were unwilling to die like this, and then they hid in the corner along the long river of years. Quietly waiting for the opportunity to come."

While speaking, Long Xiaodao slowly touched Ba Yun's little head.

Looking at the extremely solemn and painful Ba Yun with his small face, Long Xiaodao was also distressed.

"These ancient evil spirits cannot condense entities, but they can attach their willpower to living things."

"As far as I am, they have divided the bodies of the present creatures into levels and arranged them from low to high."

"These things must be clear to you."

"I told you about this a long time ago. Xiaosan was born and attracted a vision of heaven and earth."

"In the eyes of these ghosts, this is definitely a superior container."

"I just heard Brother Bashan say that there is always a voice in Xiao Bayun's body and then guide him, teach him tricks, and make him stronger."

"You said that Ye Chen's remnant soul exists inside his body."

"But. This is not the case..."

"Based on what I know about Ye Chen, he has never just told him about practice, and he won't let the latter learn by hand."

"In this way, there will only be one..."

Speaking of this, Bashan and Qinger probably have guessed the truth of the matter.

When the two exclaimed again, Qing'er was already on top.

"This...what should I child..."

Qing'er seemed to be in despair and didn't know what to say for a while.

And just when the latter was at a loss, the silver needle that pierced his throat was gradually corroded and brightened by a ghostly spirit.

The strange smell that suddenly appeared in the air surprised Long Xiaodao when he turned his eyes again.

It's too late.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

Suddenly, a creepy voice made the difference between the two of them happy.

After the silver needle was broken free,

A burst of **** evil spirit suddenly filled the room.


"Little San'er!"

Seeing Ba Yun suddenly tossing up.

Ba Shan was shocked, and after looking around in a blink of an eye, some of Ba Yun's originally kind eyes contained only extreme killing intent.

"Finally dominated the dominance of this body..."

"Although it is not as good as my previous body, at least it can last a while."

"After I completely dominate him, I will change to a new body..."

While speaking coldly, the latter's eyes drifted to Bashan and Qing'er beside him.

"What to look at!"

"Who are you? Get out of my son's body!"

"Who is it? Hahaha..."

"Junior! Without me, do you think your son could grow up so quickly?"

"My uncle is fortunate that you have bitten the Shanhu family! It is a blessing to your whole family!"


Bashan gritted his teeth and was furious, and the strong wind in his hands had gathered.

The thunder punch has quickly condensed.


The punch fell on the latter.



Qinger exclaimed from the side.

But the next scene shocked her again.

The moment Bashan's giant fist touched the latter.

Stopped out of thin air.

"Do it?"

After Ba Yun raised his brows, an extreme light spread again.


The extreme blood red thunder spread out from inside the latter's body.

The turbulence burst into this small room.

In the blink of an eye, this small room was instantly razed to the ground by the latter.

The light wave spread, provoking all the people of the entire family of Shanhu.



After everyone arrived, the scene in front of them made the scene panic.

The youngest was actually fighting Bashan.

Moreover, with the strength of his father, it seems that he does not have the ability to clean up this kid.

"Mom! What's the matter!"

Ba Rou and Ba Kong rushed towards the latter.

But at this moment, Qing'er couldn't explain why.

Watching the battle between the two father and son with tears in his eyes.


It was another thunder strike, which directly knocked Bashan back several meters away.

"Tsk.... Is this the only way to kill the patriarch of the mountain tiger family? Ridiculous..."

"This voice? Not the third child!"

"Hey! Who are you?"

Ba Kong stepped out and questioned the young child in front of him.

Hearing the sound, the latter glanced at Ba Kong in reality, then the corners of his mouth curled up again without speaking.

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