Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 903: Inside the dagger

For a moment he burst out laughing.

Everyone did not see the scene, but heard the sound.

It was the voice of the black-clothed senior's overjoyed.

Everyone understood what was going on. It seemed that the young man was mostly cool.

Hey, why are so many people who like to die? Knowing that it cannot be done is stupid!

Everyone did not understand, and they were puzzled and ridiculed.

When Xiao Yan and Zha Fei heard this voice, they were moved with horror, and their faces paled with fright.

"How is Brother Ye Chen?" Xiao Yan was very nervous.

She blamed herself for not being able to protect Ye Chen, this **** black mist made her unable to see Ye Chen's situation.

She held her small green hands together, praying in her heart that Ye Chen would not have trouble.

"No, Brother Ye Chen won't lose." Xiao Yan secretly said: "Brother Ye Chen is the strongest, he has never lost! He can't be defeated!"

Although thinking like this, I am still not sure. This time, he is the top four super powerhouse, even stronger than before.

In fact, Xiao Yan didn’t know that this time he was not the strongest. To say the most powerful, he had to count yesterday’s burly man, who came with Gao Yang, a woman in red, the deputy head of the Qijuemen, and killed the man in the city. He is the strongest among them.

But he is dead.

The reason why this one will be so strong this time is because of the black air.

If you don't know how to crack the black spirit, the burly man who died yesterday can only draw with him.

Ye Chen thought crazy.

He glanced around, his body kept moving back and forth, avoiding the oncoming attack, and he was observing and thinking.

"How did you break this game?"

Ye Chen panted, his stamina was a little weak, and he had no time to run the breathing method after being madly chased.

At this time, his pupils shrank, not afraid, but he found something strange.

The two auras chased for a long time, the fake body could only launch an attack close, and could not attack Ye Chen without getting close to him.

Ye Chen already knew this, he had already judged that the real body was the one that continuously drove the black air blade attack.

Strangely, Ye Chen could see a connection.

The real body and the fake body are still connected to the entire black mist.

Vaguely, Ye Chen noticed that the black energy in the entire venue would flow toward the fake body from time to time, flowing out of it, as if it were transformed and renewed through him as an intermediary.

And above the fake body there is the drag of the real body's soul, part of the soul is attached to the fake body, that is, on the dagger. A layer of strange energy was shrouded on it, so that the part of the soul can be simulated as exactly the same as the real body, and Ye Chen probed carefully and found the connection.

Thinking of these, through Ye Chen's connection, Ye Chen thought of the connection between them.

The real body controls the fake body through the spirit, and is using the fake body to control the black energy in the entire venue.

In other words, the center of the man in black is not the real body, but the fake one!

Only by destroying the fake body or preventing the spirit between the two, they will instantly lose contact between them.

Ye Chen nodded, determined to his own speculation.

He quickly came up with a countermeasure.

Two methods, one is to control or destroy the fake body, and the other is to cut off their spiritual connection.

Ye Chen's head spins rapidly, each line vibrates, the material exchanges between the lines, and a hissing sound flows in his mind.

Various ideas become clear.

To control or destroy the premise of the fake body, one must approach him. He is at a disadvantage, and he is now being pursued. Once he does not retreat, he will definitely accelerate the danger of death.

At that time, not only the real body, but also the dagger will instantly make him fatal. Before he can touch the dagger, he may die.

There are also ways to destroy the dagger through long-range attacks.

But there is not much left in his power, is it really possible to destroy it?

Besides, Ye Chen didn't know how the dagger's defense was. What if the charged blow fails or is useless?

It consumes the only strength, but the gain is not worth the loss, and in the end it is the most waiting to die.

This method is full of uncertainty and danger.

This is a gambling, Ye Chen is obviously not inclined to this choice.

The second method: cut off the connection between them.

Soul contact!

Shenhun has many functions.

Spirits are generally divided into five major levels.

Elementary Divine Soul, Intermediate Divine Soul, Advanced Divine Soul, King Divine Soul.

This is the classification of the magic world.

But there is a mortal soul under the divine soul, and only when the star power reaches a certain level, the mortal soul will automatically mutate into a divine soul.

There are few ways to cultivate spirits in the magic world.

All the common people here only know the power of the stars, but don't know the soul, and few people can take the initiative to cultivate the soul.

All, most of their souls are weak.

This is also why Ye Chen can rely on this to greatly improve his strength.

Ye Chen's spirit can already be said to have reached a high-level spirit, and the generation of the spirit can spread in a range of thousands of miles. Detecting objects and perceiving breath and emotion are basic abilities.

This level has natural coercion, and has suppressing power on low-level spirits.

It will have an impact on low-level spirits, such as loss of consciousness, shock, and fear.

But Ye Chen wanted to cut off the divine and soul connection between the two, but Ye Chen had never tried it. The main reason was that this kind of ability required corresponding cultivation techniques to have that kind of ability.

Ye Chen smiled bitterly, then his eyes were serious.

His face solemnly stared ahead.

Ye Chen's divine consciousness came on top of the fake body, a strange light circle was on the surface of the dagger, and part of the soul of the man in black was inside the dagger.

Divine consciousness can be implanted into the spirits of others and make them have an impact on others, which is caused by spiritual energy.

This kind of energy is completely different from the star power. It cannot be touched or seen, and cannot be easily sensed.

But to cut off the spiritual connection between the two through the spiritual power generated by the divine sense is like smashing a cup in the space of your hand.

There is no way it is difficult to do it.

What should I do?

"Try it! Only by doing this, can there be a glimmer of hope."

Ye Chen used his mind to invade the dagger of the fake body, trying to break this connection like a force.

A thin film of black air on the surface, attached to the dagger, absorbs black air from the outside, and produces black air out of the lower half.

Ye Chen's divine sense approached, did not receive rejection, was sucked in by it? ? ! !

Shensi came inside and felt the situation inside, which surprised Ye Chen for a while.

"what's going on???"

Countless black air that was thick and liquid, Ye Chen's divine consciousness and spiritual power entered into it, and it even lit up the entire space.

His spiritual power was like a source of white light, which became the blazing sun here, and the darkness was immediately dispersed.

The space is endless, invisible only, and there is no boundary up and down, suddenly it is all white.

These black auras are the essence, and their mental power is clearly invisible and innocent, how can they become white light so that people can see it?

Ye Chen was puzzled at this point.

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