Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 904: Strong desire to survive

At this moment, a white light shot towards Ye Chen, it was the light of his spiritual power that was emitted by something.

The appearance of an object appeared in Ye Chen's consciousness.


The transparent beads were illuminated by white light, and a group of flames appeared inside the beads, a milky flame.

what is this?

and many more......

With a whistle.

Ye Chen felt his entire consciousness being pulled and flew towards the beads.


Ye Chen's mind was dumbfounded, and his body also faltered briefly.

Soon, Ye Chen came back to his senses and suddenly found that a group of milky flames appeared in his mind.

"This, what's the situation!"

Ye Chen was extremely surprised.

When Ye Chen paused, he thought he would receive a fatal blow, but he was unscathed.

Ye Chen saw clearly, and suddenly found that the black fog around had disappeared.

Qingming was restored throughout the venue.



The crowd suddenly yelled.

Wherever the man in black is suddenly blinded, his eyes are almost adjusted in midair.

His body trembled and his face was extremely ugly. He stared at Ye Chen and said, "You, what did you do?!"

He was surprised and suspicious, his voice still trembling.

Ye Chen couldn't figure it out. Seeing the man in black look like this, he couldn't help but smile, and asked, "What did you say I did?"

Ye Chen smiled and looked at the man in black, wanting to see his next reaction and answer.

"You, you, dare to steal my baby, and hand it over as soon as possible. Only if you hand it over, you can spare your life." Black said coldly.


Ye Chen sneered: "Are you asking for help?"

"Come and kneel, knock three heads, I can give it to you." Ye Chen said jokingly, looking at him interestingly, because he felt what this white flame had brought him at this moment.

It seems that there is no need to be afraid of the man in black now.

Ye Chen stared at him fiercely, furious, "You are looking for death!!"

Suddenly, Ye Chen was full of aura, violent energy swept out, and there was a lot of black energy on his body.

The man in black turned pale with fright.

He looked at Ye Chen, and suddenly said: "What you said is true?" The viciousness on his body disappeared immediately, and his aura converged.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Ye Chen was also stunned, what did he say?


"Is it impossible...Senior in black really wants to kneel for this junior!!"

"Senior in black seems to mean that, he is scared!"

"What's the situation? Why is this form suddenly reversed at dawn? Half a moment ago, I heard the black-clothed senior laugh lewdly, why do I have to kneel and beg for mercy now?"

"Bah!! What kind of black-clothed senior, I think it's a black-clothed coward!!"


Many people are full of sarcasm and disdain the people in black.

Many people also encouraged:

"Senior Black, don't persuade you, it's a big deal!"

"Don't be afraid of death! Fight this kid! Kill him!"

"Senior Black believes in yourself, you can, punch!!"

"Flush me!!"

Hearing these words, the black man's face turned black into charcoal.

Then I opened my mouth and remembered what I said earlier, "Then come here and kowtow."

The man in black looked at him with a hint of disbelief, and then asked, "Really? No! You swear."

Then, Ye Chen turned over with a smile, and said lightly: "Of course, yes, yes, false, yes."

Every word was spoken clearly, and there was a one-second pause, full of teasing.


"I laughed, this little brother is so powerful, he turns this guy in black around."

"This guy in black is so stupid!"

"There is simply no integrity. I call you senior in vain, your turtle is really disgusting to me, go to hell!!"

"Silly bird is worse!"

Note: The Silly Sparrow is an ancient alien species in the Fantasy World. It is very old and rare. It looks dull. In fact, it is also a species with a notorious lack of IQ. It will kill itself from time to time, leading to almost extinction after many years. Its shadow.

Therefore, people here often use the term silly bird to refer to people who are not good at mind.

The face of the man in black became more and more gloomy, finally terrifying.

He was extremely angry, this was not against Ye Chen.

Compared to Ye Chen, he hated people who scolded him stupid.

The anger dazzled his head, he turned his head and stared at the man who scolded him stupidly, a young man under twenty years old.

Ye Chen was taken aback, this guy just exposed his back in front of him and approached him, but he didn't respond.

Ignore myself so much! !

He seemed to have lost his mind, he had forgotten that Ye Chen was still behind.

I saw him slowly walking in front of the man, his steps were heavy, but his murderous spirit was shocked.

The young man's brain buzzed, as if the guy in black was walking towards him, his eyes were so frightened that he couldn't stop shaking.

However, it was not only him who trembled. The group of people next to the young man were not well, their hands and feet trembled, and their teeth rattled.

The man in black approaches.

A group of people snapped and knelt down together.

"Predecessors are mighty!"

"Senior is really amazing!"

A group of people trembled their teeth and spoke extremely incoherently, but they all praised the man in black for a while.

"Now, it's late!" The black-clothed man sneered, gathering energy in his hands, trying to smash into the crowd.

Everyone changed their colors. His eyes were filled with horror.

"It's over!"

"Senior forgive me!"

"I would like to be the younger brother of Senior, no, no, I want Senior's dog!"


"Senior, please fulfill!"

"Senior please make it happen!!"

"Senior, please fulfill it!!!"

The voices of the people became neat, and they were all begging for mercy. They did not dare to resist a little bit. The power of the people in black was absolutely overwhelming. There was only a dead end to resist. They knew that.

Knowing this, they can only beg for mercy.

In an instant, good regrets poured in their hearts.

They blamed their mouths, why they ridiculed this bastard, even if they want to scold, they should scold in their hearts, and they shouldn't say it.

Hey, it's too impulsive. When the mind is hot, it is all because of that Ye Chen that caused them to be impulsive. If they were killed directly, such a thing would not happen.

Just when the black man's fist was about to blast.

An unwilling struggle came from the crowd.

"Senior, wait, senior, wait!"

"It's all the silly boy's fault, I'm not waiting for the fault!"

"Senior, what we scolded was the silly boy!"

"There must be a misunderstanding. We are the dogs of senior loyal ministers, and we all support you."

"No, we can help Senior kill this dog..."

The crowd had a strong desire to survive, they caught Ye Chen and cursed, completely ignored, as if they had forgotten the fact that Ye Chen asked the man in black to beg for mercy.

Ye Chen watched, sneered, and his expression became indifferent.

The man in black heard the word silly bird and the group scolded Ye Chen, his face stretched out.

At this moment, he awoke from complete anger.

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