Let me send warmth, I am the one who really lacks warmth!

Will the 500 million that I just got go to waste again?

Hey, what a pity.

Forget it, he still doesn't care about the system in general, he knows that it is impossible not to do the task, not only to deduct merit points, but also to be punished.

This evil system is not a fair and just system at all.

Bitter haha~

Ye Chen was sad now, he didn't want to think about this task, he should wait two days for his recovery, he was in a bad mood, and he would never start to throw money now.

It's a pity that the money is spilled, and it's uncomfortable. Let's warm it up for a while and feel the warmth.

Only when you are warm can you warm others.

Ye Chen walked slowly. Drooping his body, walked back to the auction venue.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen, what happened?

Senior Ye is in a bad mood? ?

Did Wang Buer run away? It's worth it! It's horrible!


Everyone scolded Wang Budu secretly in their hearts.

How do they know the hard-working brother, now the wind is messy, and they have realized the true meaning of life.

Ye Chen returned to the table and did not speak. When others saw him, his eyes were full of fear, and he dared not ask more.

After holding back for a while, City Lord Zha Ji smiled and said, "Senior Ye, are you...?"

The lord Zha Ji couldn't help but asked curiously.

Ye Chen waved his hand, knowing what he wanted to ask, "I'm just in a bad mood, go ahead and let me accept the younger brother. I don't need to auction the quota anymore."

Cha Ji nodded, reincarnated and walked to the side of the stage to order the matter.

Many people on the stage were already restless, looking around, looking around, yelling, "Will this auction begin yet?!"

His tone was irritable and angry. Obviously, this auction was terrible.

The host cleared his throat and said loudly: "Don't panic, everyone, the auction is about to begin, and the next auction item is Yanyang Jade Pearl!"

"Please keep your eyes on Baoyu!"

The host said, pointing to the gentle green jade under the red cloth opened by the beauty, not like its name at all, it should be red.

Gentle and soft, this is how people see him at a glance.

"Yanyang Yuzhu?" Ye Chen muttered, having never heard of this.

A green bead with green liquid flowing in it is extraordinary and comfortable to see.

Ye Chen suddenly remembered that Zhao Manyang fell down, oh not the moment he flew down, he shouted and waited slowly, as if he was thinking that he was going to auction this pearl.

Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment. This guy seemed to be here in time. If he didn't put a foot in it and auction this little brother's place, maybe Zhao Manyang would have just touched him.

It seems that this guy is a good one, knowing the news of the auction in advance.

Zhao Manyang stood up in an uproar, with a snapping noise, what else was broken?

Zhao Manyang stared at the bead fiercely, slapped his palm, and his eyes burst with cold light, "This thing...who dares to **** Ben Shao, Ben Shao will not let him go!"

"To tell you the truth, my son, Zhao, is never afraid to fight against people, only who dares to **** it, hum...it is natural to understand!"

Everyone was stunned, why are people so crazy now?

There was another pretending "Wang Fuer", Sora was covered in cowhide, but couldn't get a lot of money, and finally ran away and slapped him in the face.

Everyone sneered.

"I see a lot of people like this, they are all dumbfounded, and they end up dying miserably."

"It's this kid again. It seems that the old man underestimated him. He is really shameless."

"Hmph, labor and management will see how this guy makes me understand!"

A strong man shouted: "Labor and capital don't understand! Fifty million!"

The host was stunned. He hadn't said the quotation and bidding principles yet. Since he directly called out 50 million.

"Haha, 50 million want to be against each other? Overestimated!" Zhao Manyang laughed contemptuously, holding up a finger.

"This, this is?"

"Does he want to pay 100 million?"

"What the **** is this thing worth 100 million?"

"It's estimated to be one hundred million. You see him in tatters. I am afraid that one hundred million is the limit."

"It makes sense, but I still think one hundred million will be too much, do you think he can take it out?"

"Hey, I'm afraid I can't get one to run away."

"This kid dares to offend Qingyang City?"

"Hehe, I think you are making fun, let alone a Qingyang city, even the guy in black just dared to fight with him, let alone the little Qingyang, that guy in black is a powerhouse with at least four stars. ! It can be said that any four-star powerhouse can directly destroy one, no, ten Qingyang cities!"

"Hi! Also, really!"

"This kid should be someone who likes to die, or is not afraid of death. Look at his arrogant energy. I guess he is doing death right now. In the end, he will definitely not be able to spend money and decide to run away."

"Run, I think this guy really dares."

"This time, Qingyang City should have taken precautions. After all, I just ran one. Hey, I didn't even catch Senior Ye. It's a lucky guy, but I won't have that chance next time."

"Haha, wait for a good show to watch. It's interesting, it's really interesting today, I look forward to it."

When Zhao Manyang heard them say one hundred million, he was stunned. They thought I had no money to find someone?

I will let you see and see today! ! !

"One billion?" Zhao Manyang sneered, "Ben Shao said ten billion!"

"Boom boom boom~"

Everyone's minds were stunned. This guy said, he was talking about... ten billion? ? ? ! ! !

This Nima, what about ten billion?

The previous price of 2 billion made Wang Bu'er, the famous and famous Wang Fuer, run away in shock.

As a descendant of a great family, Wang Buer can't even get 2 billion. You say 10 billion? !

Even the most powerful families in the lower realm may not be able to get 10 billion into it. These families are rich, not because they have a lot of cash, but because they have large property capital.

The annual Qingyang auction is now settled and is a real-time transaction. Can this be taken out?

Even if there is a big family that can put out 10 billion, they don't think it will be for a few beads, let alone add a high price directly like this, it is not an obvious waste of money.

This guy... doesn't think he has any money, he is here to pretend! Come to stir the scene!

Commonly known as ‘troublemaker! ’This is such a person.

Almost at the same time, everyone had such thoughts.

Cha Ji's face became a little unhappy.

Even if the big guy makes trouble, he can't provoke them, he can only admit it and pass it muffled.

But what kind of dried shrimp have you come out to be the dragon king? Want to write something?

What about you, I still think it is not enough to hit him in the face of Cha Ji.

That's the case, I will use you kid to Liwei today to wash away the shame.

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