Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 917: Do you dare to question?

Zha Ji glanced at Ye Chen first, and found that Ye Chen had an indifferent face, as if he didn't care about Zhao Manyang.

Cha Ji was at ease, since Senior Ye Liangchen didn't speak, then Zhao Manyang could clean up.

Thinking of this, Zha Ji jumped and flew straight to the stage.


"How can the Qingyang City Auction Site be a place where you can presumptuously!!!"

"Hurry up and get down!!!"

Zha Ji, the lord of Qingyang City, sternly scolded without mercy.

Everyone admired the majesty of Chaji, who deserved to be the lord of the city, and his aura was enough.

"So handsome, Santo!"

"Wow! Lord City Lord, the slave family loves it!"

"Loved love!!"

Many women show admiration and pursuit.

The prince charming of the old generation was really not blowing out the hearts of thousands of girls.

While some men admire, they are also a little contemptuous, what a group of nymphomaniacs.

"Haha!! I said Lord City Lord, what do you mean?!"

Zhao Manyang laughed first, and his face became severe at random, and he asked repeatedly.

"Hehe, what do I mean? My Chaji will never allow anyone to dare to make trouble at the Qingyang auction site. I'll give you three seconds. You... get out of here immediately!!"

Cha Ji broke out with a strong momentum.


Everyone is terrified.

Zhao Manyang still smiled, and asked, "My respected Lord City Lord, did your eye see me making trouble? Are you telling me about this?"

He laughed without anger, and his words were full of doubt.

The city lord was taken aback, this kid was not afraid of himself at all, and he asked himself, is this guy really a dead pig and is not afraid of boiling water?

"Do you... have ten billion?" Zha Ji sneered, casting his eyes on Zhao Manyang with disdain.

"Haha, you mean I don’t have 10 billion? You just scold me like this? You are the lord of Qingyang City, you are the master of the city, and you are the steward of this Qingyang auction. This is how the Qingyang auction is managed? This is your Qingyang??"

"I would like to ask Lord City Lord? You...really sure I don't have one of Zhao Zhao-ten billion???"

Zhao Manyang said harshly and sneered at each other, and the lines were filled with no doubt.

The lord Zha Ji was almost speechless.

"You, you... fart!"

"I'm afraid that you, like the previous Wang Buer, don't have the money to fill up the big money, and you will run away directly.

"Well, you are that I have no evidence, so you can spend 10 billion? Can you prove yourself?"

The city lord seemed to find out how to speak, and looked at him with a sneer.

"I prove my innocence? Why should I prove myself? It was you who checked the city lord and questioned me looking for someone. You don't know. When questioning others, you must pay attention to evidence. If you show evidence or say that there is no evidence, you will question me. This is naked slander or slander!"

"With us, this is illegal and is subject to criminal detention!!!"

"Hehe, I advise Lord City Lord to keep your words."

"You..." City Lord Zha Ji was about to speak.

Zhao Manyang was immediately interrupted, not allowing him to intervene: "What are you doing? As for whether I can find someone, whether I can spend 10 billion dollars, this matter is another matter. Since you don't know the details of how I am looking for someone, Don't say anything. When someone Zhao really can't get the money, you will stand up to question me, or even judge me, without any objection."

" come out like this, me, Zhao, ten thousand...not satisfied!!!"

Zhao Manyang has a loud voice and awe-inspiring righteousness, completely occupying the side of the high ground.


Everyone was dumbfounded, and was stunned by Zhao Manyang's words.

Everyone slapped their tongues, and many of the people who reacted first stared at the blushing face of Lord City Lord, and smiled secretly. Of course, these were mostly men, especially those who were jealous of their own women.

Unexpectedly, the mighty City Lord Cha would be so shameless as a shameless junior.

"Huh!" City Lord Zha Ji snorted coldly, "As City Lord Qingyang, as the person in charge here, I am responsible for ensuring the normal order and transaction results of the auction!"

"Don't talk about 10 billion, even if one billion or two billion, I will not let the auctioneer suffer a loss when I check the season. I have to guarantee the interests of the people and the people!!"

"And you, you, a young man who doesn't seem very serious, still involves a big project of 10 billion yuan. I must fully guarantee the normality and smoothness of the transaction. Besides, there are lessons for us!"

"I check the season, so I can't just ignore things!!!"

Jiang is still old and hot, how could Cha Ji be defeated by Zhao Manyang in a few words, because he is obviously tender.

Everyone also admired and admired for a while.

"My Zhao..." Zhao Manyang said.

Shengsheng was interrupted by Zha Ji, as if he had learned something. "And what you said about breaking the law, this matter is not breaking the law in Qingyang, everyone has the right to speak and express opinions!!"

"I'm Qingyang City Lord, I think I know better than your kid." Zha Ji sneered. In fact, he still didn't say a word. As Qingyang City Lord, he manages the entire Qingyang City as well. The makers of the law.

More popular, it's here...I have the final say! !

Are you a kid? What a thing! !

Interrupted by Cha Ji, Zhao Manyang was very upset and arranged his Cha Ji in his heart.

He also sneered, seeming to grab a word: "You said that one billion or two billion must be checked smoothly. Then my kid is like asking, how did you let the senior Ye auction? This fellow Wang Buer ran away!!"

"I want to ask City Lord Zha, how did you guarantee it? Why didn't you stand up as City Lord Qingyang? Why didn't you catch him?!"

"Don't go to the other side, Wang Buer, and compare my Zhao with this kind of person, and ran out to pretend afterwards. This is your Qingyang City" This is the way your Qingyang City Lord treats guests?? !!!"


Everyone sighed and looked at Zhao Manyang with a chill.

This guy really dares to say anything, even the sad things of Senior Ye Liangchen dare to shake it out, this girl is not afraid of death.

That's the blame for so many strong people wanting to accept him as a disciple. In addition to basic qualities such as shameless and shameless, his spirit of not being afraid of death is the most admirable.

A person who is shameless to a certain degree, coupled with a complete spirit of not afraid of death, this person is not easy! ! !

No wonder it's no wonder that now everyone has some understanding of human core qualities.

That's it, that's it!

The look in Zhao Manyang's eyes became complicated.

Not only the previous contempt, but also a trace of worship.

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