Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 918: Brother is a liar

Zha Ji sighed, he glanced at Ye Chen.

This kid dared to aim at Senior Ye, really bold.

Ye Chen's expression was very calm, he was thinking about life at this moment, and he didn't pay attention to the conversation between the two.

Zha Ji frowned, this happened. Senior, he was poking at your pain points, ah, you are too kind.

The curved corners of Zhao Manyang's lips made a perfect smile, hahaha, this old boy seemed speechless.

As expected to be my son, Zhao, really better than that, the lord of the dignified city will not be let down by me.

Zha Ji frowned and smiled: "If this is the case, I won't worry about you too much, I will give you this bead and you will take out the money."

Zha Ji smiled relievedly, and looked at Zhao Manyang with meaningful eyes. The labor and capital are not arguing with you about this right or wrong, but the city lord will see if you can give out 10 billion.

As long as you can't take it out, hum...but you will look good later, hahahaha!

Cha Ji burst into laughter, and seemed to have seen the scene of waiting to beat Zhao Manyang violently, making him kneel to beg for mercy and call grandpa.

The old man didn't want to care about you, you have to slap the old man in the face, then, in that case, I will not show mercy.

I check the season and anyone who knows me knows that I will avenge my grace, revenge if I have vengeance, the grace of dripping water will reciprocate, and the slightest vengeance will be returned ten times.

This is how I check someone’s life.

Looking at Zhao Manyang, there is no fear at this moment or the fear of being killed afterwards, and he is very calm, looking at this secretly proud Lord City Lord with a full smile.

With a smile raised at the corner of his mouth, he hummed: "You all said that you are Qingyang City Lord and the main person in charge of this Qingyang auction. Then you don't even know the rules of this auction??"

"The final settlement of the auction is after the auction. When the auction is over, they will claim and exchange the goods later. You tell me to hand in the money now?"

"You, Qingyang City Master, are at this level? I don't know that? You still speak proudly! I don't think you are worthy of being the Master of Qingyang City!!"

"Let you be the Lord of Qingyang City is not the blessing of Qingyang without hundreds of people, but the misfortune of the people of Qingyang City, great misfortune!!!"

Zhao Manyang spoke righteously and looked at Zha Ji with cold eyes.

Cha Ji was said to be the boss with staring eyes.

This, this guy is simply a shameless shameless person! ! !

At this moment, the city lord himself did not know how to scold him, but the guy in front of him who was dressed in disheveled and tattered clothes was really hateful! ! !

The lord of the city clenched his fist, wishing to blow his head with a punch.

He still held back, restraining the infinitely turbulent heart, he stroked the undulating chest, panting.

For more than ten years, he has never been so angry so much. He tried to restrain himself, hanging his fingers in the air, pointing at Zhao Manyang, whose face is full of smiles at the moment.

"Zhuzi, dare to be presumptuous here, you, you..."

He wanted to kill him, but he didn't say a word. After all, it was not good for his reputation.

For a while, wait for the auction to pass, hehe...

I pierce someone and never leave my hand.

Cha Ji seemed to think clearly, and smiled hard, but it was a cold grin: "Okay, I'll talk about it later!"


Everyone sighed for a while, this guy was so embarrassed that the city owner was so embarrassed. It is conceivable that once this kid becomes the climate, it will inevitably be a great scourge, and it will cause immeasurable harm to the world.

Everyone agrees this way.

At this time, they thought of a sentence:

Nothing to do without fear, to engage in a tiger, to be proficient in everything, not to be afraid of all!

Then, they definitely know:

This guy has been alive soon.

If you dare to provoke Lord City Lord, isn't this looking for death?

It can almost be concluded that Zhao Manyang is dead. Before he could survive, it can only be said to be a fluke, this time... can he be so lucky?

It's not that a person can be so lucky. Generally speaking, there are only three things, and luck will not come often.

After all, the two four-star bosses who offended the two four-star bosses last two times were able to survive comfortably because both of them admire them well.

This time, no one is admiring him anymore, no one helps him to see what he is fighting with City Lord Cha.

"Hey, after all, he is a young man who hasn't been involved in the world deeply. I don't know what to avoid and show it! I will know it after a few years of being beaten by the society. Hey, but I am afraid he will not survive today. , That’s good, there will be one less catastrophe in the world."

Someone sighed, with a deep and sophisticated tone.

People around can't help but stretch out their thumbs and praise: This is really true!

"But brother, you are only seventeen years old. It seems that you are not as old as that old brother picking up tatters? How do you say he is a young man?"

The cute little woman pulled the sleeves of the boy in white next to her, and asked incomprehensibly with her little head.

The little girl was just as tall as the table, less than half the height of a teenager, asked milky voice.

The little girl's voice is crisp, pure and lovely. People around can clearly hear it.

Everyone knew instantly that what he said just now was made by this young man, and everyone was amazed at him, so young, his tone is so old-fashioned.

Young people now, tut...

"Now~" The boy was taken aback, his face suddenly flushed.

Glancing at his sister, slapped her head angrily: "Little girl, don't talk nonsense, what do you know!"

Seeing her brother's sudden anger, the little girl blinked her eyes and looked puzzled.

moment. She hummed: "Hmph, **** brother, I used to say that when people grow up, they should learn to be independent and do things by themselves. Now they are called People Little Girl Movies. My brother is a liar, and what he said is really unbelievable!!!"

"Huh, liar!"

"con man!"

The little girl couldn't stop, she kept scolding her brother. He kept talking angrily, as if he wouldn't let it go.

For a while, the boy was flushed, avoiding the gaze from around him, he was angry and anxious, and he was really embarrassed today.

I knew I wouldn't bring the little girl.

Humph! Don't even think about me taking her out in the future, it's a big mistake.

The boy lowered his head and gave his sister angrily. "Xiaodie, wait for me, don't think I will bring you out in the future, and practice swords at home every day from now on!"

As soon as she said this, the little girl's face changed slightly, she bit her mouth instantly and covered her mouth with her hand.

"Brother, Xiaodie was wrong!"

The little girl's face changed quickly, holding her brother's hand, shaking left and right, with a cute and coquettish look.

Whoever reads it can't help but agree to him.

The teenager sneered: "Hehe, I was fooled by you before, go away, don't want to shake me, I won't forgive you this time!"

"Absolutely, yes, no, yes!" The boy was firm, and he could see how angry he was now.

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