Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 929: A lot of warcraft

"You can't just sit and wait like this anymore. The only solution for the present is to find the front line or destroy the core structure of the big line!"

Xiao Yan gasped, and she was a little hard to resist.

Ye Chen nodded and looked at her seriously, "What does Xiaoyan do?"

Xiao Yan said sternly: "The source of power is the formation eye and its power, but I can't see which direction the power of this formation originates from?"

As he said, Xiao Yan drooped his face, head down in despair.

Ye Chen frowned again.

At this time, not far away, a fiery red figure flew up.

It's Zhao Manyang!

His complexion is also not very good, it seems that this evil formation is not good for him. At this moment, his face is blue, holding back the suction from the outside, and his face seems to be frozen.

"Senior Good Time, and everyone!"

He clasped his fists and said, without the inattention and casualness of the past, he obviously realized the danger of the situation.

Ye Chen nodded, watching around, trying to find out who caused the ghost.

Zhao Manyang said: "This is an evil formation. It will produce a kind of force to tear our skin, and finally **** our blood out. I have heard of this formation. We must find its formation as soon as possible."

Xiao Yan said: "We also know how to find out this formation! The current situation, based on the flow of power, is chaotic and it is basically impossible to judge where the formation is."

Zhao Manyang glanced at Xiao Yan, and immediately said, "Well, indeed. I have a baby, it can tell the eye."

After all, he took out a square plate with countless precise runes painted on it. Under the sun, it shone mysteriously.

I saw the light in Zhao Manyang's hand, the square plate was immediately moved, and a black pointer on it began to turn.

The "chih~" sound.

The speed is fast, then gradually slow, and finally stops in a small area, vacillating.

Zhao Manyang put away the magic weapon and said: "Generally, most formations are based on the star stone and use the star power contained in the star stone as the driving force. However, the star power in the star stone cannot be directly absorbed by the human body. Yes, and this kind of star power is called hard star power, and the formation refining device, etc., are just right as the dependence of the operation, and my magic weapon, it can accurately distinguish the subdivision types of the star power, and can accurately Predict the position of this hard star power."

Zhao Manyang said to Ye Chen while walking in the direction of the pointer.

"All as long as you follow the pointer, you can find where the eye is!" Zhao Manyang said.

Ye Chen nodded, looking at Zhao Manyang. His magic weapons should be extraordinary, there should be few such magic weapons, especially in places like the lower realm, they are rare and rare.

And Zhao Manyang has one, which is enough to show his extraordinary.

Without thinking, the group followed Ye Chen and Zhao Manyang and flew.

Zhou Cao was just next to Ye Chen, Ye Chen didn't slow down, his own star power flowed into Zhou Cao's body to bless him.

After walking for a while, Zhao Manyang took out his magic weapon.

The pointer on the magic weapon suddenly burst into a big burst, making a "Zizi" sound, and the pointer, which had been oscillating in a very small area before, suddenly stopped and pointed in one direction.

Zhao Manyang looked solemnly, and said solemnly: "It's here!!"

The five immediately stopped and watched.

Ye Chen's eyes closed slowly, his spirit spread out, and he began to observe the surroundings carefully.

At this moment, a desolate hill is not far from Qingyang City. A few trees are swaying, not a gust of wind. Although it is very ordinary, in this environment, plus the inexplicable suction and oppression that have always existed around Feeling, there was a chill in everyone's hearts, and they couldn't help but feel the wind and wind, making people creepy.

Ye Chen opened his eyes and burst out with a divine light. Shen said: "Here!"

Ye Chen kicked the ground quickly, and the figure flew forward, and everyone followed closely.

Ye Chen just flew a few steps, and came to the back of the hill almost instantly.

Ye Chen stared at the front, everyone fixed their eyes, and a small cave appeared unexpectedly.

"Is it here?" Zhao Manyang asked.

Ye Chen nodded.

"Hide it first!" Xiao Yan suddenly reminded, a little nervous.

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "No, no one inside. It's just..."

no one? ?

Xiao Yan asked strangely, "Is that way to escape?"

"Senior Ye, just what?" Zhao Manyang asked.

"It's just that it seems to be very dangerous inside, yes, there are many...Beastcraft!" Ye Chen said.

"Warcraft??? A lot!!"

Everyone was shocked, and there were monsters guarding the operation of the evil formation.

"How many? Are there any powerful monsters?" Zhou Cao asked.

Ye Chen said in a deep voice: "There are more than twenty monsters, even two monsters, which are better than the two previous seven kills!"


Everyone is not calm now, they are better than the black guys before.

The two men in black are really four-star powerhouses. If it is better than them, it is a four-ring monster!

Although the aura of a four-ring monster is close to that of a four-star warrior, its strength is far stronger than that of ordinary humans.

And the higher the blood of the monster, the stronger the strength.

The bloodlines of monsters are divided into: common species, medium species, advanced species, super species, demon king species, demon king species, demon **** species, and supreme species. There are eight levels in total.

The four-ring warcraft is a warcraft that is more than 400 years old, can live to 400 years, can survive four beast catastrophes, at least it is an advanced species!

High-level monsters and five-star warriors are extremely difficult to deal with if they don't have a particularly prominent place.

But Ye Chen himself knew that his strength could only reach the four-star late stage.

Obviously, these beasts, these different kinds of beasts can stay in a cave, which has clearly explained this problem.

Here is where the eye is.

Zhao Manyang also nodded: "It should be here!"

Ye Chen's face was solemn. For these powerful monsters, what he worried about was...

"We only have to get in." Xiao Yan said. Seeing Ye Chen's solemn expression, she couldn't help asking: "Brother Ye Chen..."

Ye Chen interrupted her and said: "I am not worried about these monsters, I am mainly afraid of the person who can put these monsters here, standing behind and controlling everything!"

"With this ability and strength to set up a large formation, and also arrested more than 20 monsters as guards, the people who designed all of this are by no means simple! It seems that we are all wrong, and shouldn't be the two who fled before. "

"They don't have that energy!!"

Ye Chen said slowly.

After listening, everyone looked solemn. Different degrees of dignity and worry appeared on his face.

Xiao Yan stood up and said softly: "It's too dangerous, Brother Ye Chen, let's just escape!"

Xiao Yan was very worried, staring at Ye Chen with clear eyes, persuading him.

Everyone was stunned.

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