
or? Just run away.

"But... can you escape?" Cha Fei said suddenly, and he realized that those who could create this formation would not be able to let them escape.

He will not be so stupid.

At this time, a vast expanse of red appeared in all directions, and at a glance, the sky was already a sea of ​​learning.

In a short period of time, the blood arrows turned into rivers and gathered into the sea.

At this moment, all the time... Ye Chen came!

The coming is mighty, with the mighty power of huge waves, and the power is infinite, even more than before.

Ye Chen's face was dignified, this was obviously everything that was carefully designed for himself.

who is it? Painstakingly lonely, and having such strength and energy must make it so complicated.

If you just kill yourself, it really takes a lot of trouble to do this. In my opinion, the purpose of this person is not simply to kill himself.

But... don't have a purpose!

But what exactly is it? !

At this moment, Ye Chen's heart was complicated, and he had no clue.

Ye Chen said in a deep voice: "Let's go and have a look."

After speaking, Ye Chen flew into the air, and the high altitude was covered by a thin red aperture.

The aperture is very wide, almost invisible at a glance, as if the entire Qingyang City, including Qingyang Mountain, was enveloped.

Ye Chen waved a sword of star power, slashing above the aperture.

The aperture oscillated slightly, a trace appeared on the surface, and the aperture flicked sharply, immediately restoring calm.

Ye Chen continued to increase his strength, and slashed towards the top again, a crack appeared on it, and then it was still shaking, and he returned to calm.

Ye Chen frowned, he didn't believe it, couldn't he split it!


It's another cut!


It's another slash, this is Star Skill: Haifeng Banyue Slash!


Ye Chen swung dozens of Qi Blades continuously. A crack appeared in the aperture.


The aperture made a loud clicking sound.

Ye Chen's brows were slightly refreshed, and he finally used it.

Ye Chen charged up again, the golden red energy overflowed in his hand.

Break the light screen in one fell swoop!

A huge hole opened in the aperture.

At this moment, a sea of ​​blood surged not far away. Some are towards Ye Chen, while others... are towards the cracked opening.

The mouth was actually slowly making up, and it quickly made up one third.

Ye Chen stretched his feet and leaped, flying towards the recovering hole.

Countless rivers of blood shot Ye Chen's back sharply, and Ye Chen waved an aurora easily.

Ye Chen turned his head immediately, only one step away from going out.

However, with a bang, Ye Chen flew out, Ye Chen coughed lightly, and flew more than ten meters.

Ye Chen looked to the rear coldly, and suddenly discovered that it was actually that pile of blood attacking him.

The sea of ​​blood was not cut off by his own star power.

The sea of ​​blood instantly condenses into a blood snake!

The blood snake is extremely solid, looking at the ferociousness, it seems to be a solid, like a giant ruby ​​snake, it grows countless meters, and its tail is not visible at a glance.

The hole opened by Ye Chen has been repaired and returned to normal.

The giant snake faced Ye Chen with an expression on his face, and his face was a blood-red shiny piece, and there was a black mass in the middle of its head, which was vague and vaguely looked down on, but it gave people a strange and unusual feeling.

The black shadow flickered, as if blinking, in Ye Chen's eyes, it seemed to provoke himself.

The black ball was like a tongue, constantly spitting out, demonstrating and disdain for him.


The giant snake makes a loud noise, a loud noise, which makes the scalp numb.

Its body straightened immediately and pierced directly like a sword.


The air is vibrating, and the speed can be imagined.


Ye Chen flashed its attack, the air tore, as if the air had been burned.

Ye Chen glanced intently, and at the location where the giant snake was attacked, a burst of thick smoke appeared, which was the water vapor when the water was boiled.

There was a fiery temperature, which was extremely hot.

Ye Chen's eyebrows twitched.

After condensing into a giant snake, it was completely strengthened by the previous sea of ​​blood and blood countless times.

First of all, although its size has shrunk, its hardness has been many times larger. Ye Chen's ordinary blow cannot be crushed, and it seems that the giant snake has consciousness and is still provoking Ye Chen.

Ye Chen hit the snake's head with a fist, and the giant snake escaped intentionally or unintentionally.

Although Ye Chen is also a random strike, his strike is extremely fast, and the head of the giant snake 1 is five Ye Chen's head.

Can successfully avoid Ye Chen, its sensitivity is extremely high.

"What the **** is this!"

What a weird object, this giant snake is made from the blood of countless people.

Moreover, the giant snake is growing at a visible speed. Because people continue to turn into blood, pouring into the giant snake.

Just like steamed buns, the weak ones are quickly steamed softly, and the hard ones are gradually softening.

Rao is so strong that Ye Chen can't guarantee that he can stay in this evil formation for a long time.

Ye Chen glanced at the people below, worried in his heart, he could hold on, but they couldn't wait any longer.

Ye Chen's head hurts a little, and he has no idea. But to break this formation, you must solve the giant snake that has been affecting you and has been chasing him.

This giant snake and the previous blood arrow seem to have the same purpose, which is to rush at him? !

Ye Chen didn't know why.

Ye Chen didn't know what purpose this giant snake had, but it was coming aggressively, and it was definitely not a good kind, it was not a good thing.

Ye Chen retracted his thoughts, his hands became claws, and his other hand raised a bright moon.

Two-pronged approach!

Haifeng Banyue Slash and the Star Power Ball were quickly thrown out at the same time.

Booming towards the giant snake, the giant snake began to dodge, and quickly dodges two attacks.

However, Ye Chen did not stop and did not give the giant snake a chance to react.

Ye Chen quickly opened the distance from the giant snake, constantly changing sets of skillful movements in his hands, and in just a few breaths, he shot countless dazzling glare.

There is a huge amount of energy in it, which is all condensed into entities and thrown out.

No matter how sensitive the response of the giant snake is, it is not as fast as Ye Chen's hand, and it can't resist the influence of the body being too large.

Ye Chen's attack really hit the giant snake.

"Boom" loudly.

Resounding through the clouds, a huge fog swayed to cover the sky.

The thick red fog completely covered the entire sky, and all the space became a red patch in an instant.

Vast but weird!

It also brings infinite accumulation, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"This blood mist can actually affect people's emotions!"

Ye Chen took a deep breath, surprised and puzzled.

"What the **** is this!"

At this time, Rao Shi's blood snake became much stronger, and within a few breaths, it was broken into countless liquid droplets by Ye Chen again.

Ye Chen roared: "Come on!"

Face the four people below. After speaking, Ye Chen stared at his somewhat exhausted body, and once again displayed countless skills.

Aim at the original barrier.

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