Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 960: Dull leaf dust

Now Xiao Yan was holding Ye Chen's arm, and the two looked like a young couple in love, and the two of them looked like talented women, and they didn't look like they were short of money.

The surrounding hawkers will naturally not let go of this business opportunity.

Listening to the hawker's words, Ye Chen coughed slightly and walked over slowly.

"Don't talk nonsense, she is actually my sister, but since they are all here, let's pick one thing from you."

Xiao Yan's eyes dimmed when he heard Ye Chen talking about his younger sister, but he immediately recovered and did not let anyone notice.

"Yan'er, how about I buy you a hairpin."

Ye Chen looked at the rows of different styles of hairpins in front of him, and thought of buying one for Xiao Yan.

"Okay! Exactly, Yan'er wants to buy a hairpin recently, but the one picked by Ye Chen must be better than the one bought by Yan'er."

Ye Chen was almost embarrassed when he heard Xiao Yan's words. Although he had no objection to his own vision, if Xiao Yan looked down on it, wouldn't it be embarrassing.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen became more attentive, and his eyes were piercing, looking at the rows of hairpins, trying to compare the one that suits Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan stood behind and looked at Ye Chen’s concentrated expression. He was in a daze. Everyone often said that boys who concentrate on doing one thing are the most handsome. Of course, Xiao Yan also eats this set, looking at Ye Chen’s concentration. By the way, Xiao Yan's small face couldn't help becoming more rosy.

Looking at the expressions of these two people, the shopkeeper had already understood everything. The relationship between the two did not look like brothers and sisters, so he looked at Xiao Yan's expressions again.

The shopkeepers who have read countless people immediately understood it. You must know that in this matter, many times are fans of the authorities and bystanders are clear.

"Come on, Yan'er, how about you try these two."

After a while, Ye Chen finally raised his head from the hairpin counter, and walked over with two delicate hairpins.

Both hairpins have their own characteristics. One is a very simple shape. The silver-white hairpin is decorated with a small yellow flower.

The other one must be compared to the one just now. It looks a little too gorgeous, with pearls and a string of hanging crystals on it.

Xiao Yan looked at the two hairpins carefully, as if he wanted to see the difference.

"Oh! What else is Yan'er looking at, come on! I'll put it on for you!"

Ye Chen picked up the simple one in his hand, and put the hairpin on Xiao Yan slowly.

At this moment, the noisy streets all around seemed to disappear, and only two people were left facing each other. At this moment, both of them seemed to understand something. Xiao Yan and Ye Chen just wanted to speak, and suddenly the noisy voices all around came out again. .

The hairpin has also reached Xiao Yan's head.

Xiao Yan smiled at Ye Chen and asked Ye Chen softly, his eyes also dodged.

"Yan'er must look good on it!"

Ye Chen is naturally fine, no matter which one Xiao Yan chooses, in fact, with her capital, no matter what she does, her temperament will always be there.

After all, the temperament of the body is there, and that face is really top-notch no one.

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan turned around slightly and fluffed the hair on his face, and gave a soft hmm.

Ye Chen looked at Xiao Yan's posture and didn't know what to do. You must know that he might not be able to deal with the kind of girls!

"Well, I want this, how much is it."

The peddler looked at Ye Chen's appearance and made a cheering gesture at him, making Ye Chen dumbfounded.

He had always regarded Xiao Yan as his younger sister before, but Ye Chen didn't know what to say when this developed into this.

Then Ye Chen quickly paid the money and pulled Xiao Yan away from here, but along the way, both Xiao Yan and Ye Chen didn't speak, as if an awkward atmosphere burst out between the two.

"Brother Ye Chen, why don't you speak!"

Finally, Xiao Yan couldn't help but opened his mouth first, but this opening directly shook the problem to Ye Chen. This trick can be described as unpredictable.

"No! I'm just thinking about talking about it."

"By the way, since you are all here, do you have anything else you want, do you want to go around and I'll accompany you!"

Xiao Yan listened to Ye Chen's words, smiled lightly, turned his head and blinked at him.

"Then, okay! Brother Ye Chen, you have to accompany me!"

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words, smiled bitterly, and nodded gently, since he said it, it will definitely be done.

"Brother Ye Chen, have you really always regarded me as a younger sister?"

Suddenly Xiao Yan suddenly said something like this, this question stopped Ye Chen from asking.

In fact, Ye Chen is not to blame, it's just that he himself has depressed his position in Xiao Yan's heart.

You must know that she had been living in such a small village with her grandfather before, and she rarely saw outsiders, plus there were enemy prying eyes in the upper realm, and that life must have been not very good.

Then she grew up slowly, and the second person she met who left a strong mark in her life was Ye Chen. Ye Chen's cultivation base and Ye Chen's behavior all fascinated Xiao Yan.

After leaving Grandpa, a sense of loss followed, and it was very likely that she would never see each other again, the only person around her who was familiar.

A strong sense of dependence will naturally emerge at this time.

"Actually, I have always regarded you as my sister."

After Xiao Yan heard Ye Chen's words, her body trembled visibly, and she could see what she wanted to cover up.

But with the drop of a tear, Ye Chen found out that something was wrong.

"Yan'er, why are you crying!"

Ye Chen exclaimed and wanted to run to Xiao Yan's side.

"Don't move! I'm just your sister! We'd better not have too much contact!"

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words, the whole person was stupid.

He didn't understand why Xiao Yan wanted to do this, why he wanted to say such things.

"Sorry, Ye Chen, I'm still not used to having someone by my side, as long as we don't, let's separate first."

After Xiao Yan finished speaking, he rushed towards a place Ye Chen had never been to, and the teardrops in her eyes couldn't stop falling.

"My son, what's the matter with you?! Is there any conflict?"

Watching the whole process, several hawkers also approached Ye Chen and asked what happened.

Hearing a few people's questions, he sighed slowly.

"I don't know what's going on, she cried suddenly and said that she would be separated from me."

When the surrounding vendors heard Ye Chen's words, they were all taken aback.

Good guy, then this is a very serious matter!

Several people looked at each other, not knowing whether to intervene in this matter.

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