Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 961: Research children into danger

"Then, before, what else before?"

Ye Chen frowned slightly as he listened to the questioning of a few people, but seeing that the few people were not malicious, he didn't say anything hurtful.

However, these people were a bit too broad in their control. After these people's questioning, Ye Chen still told the whole story.

"Oh! Little brother, you can't do this!"

Ye Chen looked at an aunt next to him and said no to him, and instantly the whole person was ill.

"Auntie, you can't justify this! Why can't I do it!"

"It's not that I said you. If you think about other little girls, it must be interesting to you!"

Ye Chen listened to the aunt's words and was stunned, not knowing what to say.

"Yes, boy, I think that girl just now is fine."

At this time, several aunts next to him were also talking to Ye Chen babbledly.

It took a long time for Ye Chen to come back to his senses, and recalled all the things he and Xiao Yan had been with.

"This Nizi won't really like me anymore!"

Thinking of Ye Chen's mood is a bit complicated, because he must be leaving here, although he doesn't know when that day will arrive, but leaving this is really one of Ye Chen's goals.

"Young man, what are you still thinking about, don't go after it!"

Listening to the aunt's words, Ye Chen responded twice and hurriedly ran towards that side.

On the road, he kept thinking about how to face Xiao Yan and how to tell her.

Ye Chen sighed lightly, and continued to search for the traces of Xiao Yan.

Suddenly there was a shout from the side lane.

"Yeah! There is such a pure girl! How dare to come to us! Do you want to die?!"

"You! What do you want to do!"

Ye Chen was startled, this was Xiao Yan's voice!

Regardless of other things, he moved the star power and entered the lane in an instant.

"What do I want?! I want!"

As soon as the big man reached out his hand, he was hit ten meters away by a phantom.

"Xiao Yan! You! Are you okay!"

Ye Chen grabbed Xiao Yan's hand anxiously and checked whether she was injured.

"You! What are you doing here! I said! It's better for us to separate!"

Ye Chen chuckled as he listened to Xiao Yan's words.

"Little fool, how could I leave you alone?!"

"You kid dare to hit me!"

The big man just now was dragged out of the wall by his two younger brothers. Although his upper body was covered with dirt, it can still be seen that he was not harmed.

Ye Chen listened to the voice coming from the side, and gently rubbed Xiao Yan's head.

"Okay, Yan'er, wait a while next to you now, and when your brother Ye Chen finishes handling this matter, he will make it clear to you."

Xiao Yan nodded obediently after listening to Ye Chen's words, and hid aside obediently.

After comforting Xiao Yan, Ye Chen slowly turned around and looked at the very embarrassed man in front of him.

"Oh?! I didn't expect it to be okay after I ran into it. It looks like you are quite hard!"

"Boy! Do you dare to ruin my good deeds! Give me death!"

The big man waved his hand gently, and the two younger brothers rushed to Ye Chen directly.

Naturally, Ye Chen would not be afraid of these two little soldiers. Those who came first must be cannon fodder.

Ye Chen had already given the death penalty to these three people long ago, and he dared to stop his researcher here. That was really not too eye-catching. I hope they can pay attention to it in the next life.

Ye Chen evaded the attack of the two younger brothers in a staggered step, and the two of them smashed through the wall on the side and flew into the street.

But it was messy here. The people on the street seemed to have been ridiculed a long time ago. They were all afraid of causing trouble to the upper body. They just wrapped the clothes wrapped around them, pretending not to see them, and ran away quickly.

The big man looked at his little brother who was beaten by Ye Chen, spit on there, and cursed the two.

"You two rubbish! Can't even beat him! Then what am I supporting you for!"

Ye Chen didn't kill him just now, but just shot them flying, but this big man looked like he couldn't wait to die.

Ye Chen squinted his eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, but the big man was still reprimanding the little brother so he didn't see it, but this didn't affect anything.

In Ye Chen's eyes, this big man was already dead.

The red flames in Ye Chen's hands slowly appeared. Compared with weapons, Ye Chen still likes to use flames, but to deal with this kind of person, it is better for him to bear it and die.

Ye Chen's footsteps were blowing into the wind, and suddenly the big man seemed to feel something. He twisted his body to block Ye Chen's blow.

However, the part that encountered the Ye Chen flame exudes bursts of meaty fragrance.

The big man snorted and confronted Ye Chen intently.

He was too careless just now, and now he realizes that the current battle may be dead!

When the big man thought of Ye Chen's attack just now, the cold sweat on his head could not stop.

"I didn't expect you to be so mean and sneak attack!"

"I think you want to scold so much, so you don't bother to stop it. Why don't you scold now? I still want to hear it!"

The big man listened to Ye Chen's words, the cold sweat was flowing more and more, but he did not dare to act rashly, because he knew Ye Chen's strength in the fight just now.

If you really want to fight, then you must be unable to fight.

"This young man, let's discuss what's going on."

Ye Chen looked at the big man in front of him with interest, wondering what he could say.

"whats the matter?!"

The big man heard Ye Chen's words back to him, and he thought there was a turning point in this matter, and his face couldn't help but leak out of joy.

But only Ye Chen knew that the big man today, no matter what he said, was dead.

Now Ye Chen looked at the fat distorted face in front of him, almost didn't laugh.

"This young man, you just need to let me go, I can give you money, one million is not enough!"

Looking at Ye Chen's face, the big man knew that the money didn't work, and quickly changed his mind.

"Yes, how can people like Young Xia lack money, so be it! Young Xia, I will give you a magic weapon, as long as you let me go, I will give it to you."

Qian Yechen was really not interested just now, after all, he still had more than 200 million in his hands, but the magic weapon really aroused Ye Chen's interest.

"What magic weapon? Show it out!"

Looking at Ye Chen's expression, the big man knew that there was a play, and the smile on his face became more exaggerated.

"Come on, young man, look at this magic weapon."

The big man handed Ye Chen a silver-white sword. Ye Chen took the sword and observed it in his hand.

"What's the use of this!"

The big man smiled, and immediately explained the effect of this magic weapon to Ye Chen.

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