However, it was only a little stagnant, and he still rushed forward indefinitely.

The whip and hunting sounded, suddenly turned into a black mist and hit the leaves up and down.

Ye Chenfu held the hatchet in his hand, unfurling the Sword Technique without fear, and immediately formed a light curtain of sword light in front of him.

This light curtain seemed to know that it was a lot stronger than just before.

When Fan Tulong saw this scene, he frowned and said, "Why do you want to learn that girl's Sword Technique? Why not use the powerful dragon elephant fist I taught him?"

Xiang Shen hehe smiled and said, "Let's look at it. Seven days ago, I saw his powerful dragon elephant fist, and it seemed that he had already achieved something!"

The black mist collided with the light curtain, and the black mist suddenly disappeared.

Bai Shaohai felt the tiger's mouth numb, and his entire right arm trembled, almost unable to hold his black iron whip.

However, when he couldn't bear it, he quickly injected True Qi into the black iron whip.

Suddenly the defeat was reversed, and the black light curtain and the blue light curtain suddenly handed over again.

At this time, the disciples onlookers, especially the disciples in the first row, couldn't help but squinted; because the field was full of light, after a fight, both of them stepped back several feet.

Bai Shaohai felt that if he didn't take any real time to come out today, he might be losing face in full view.

So he shouted "Xuan Lei Palm"! He put away the black whip, and the palm wind rushed towards Ye Chenfu.

Seeing the opponent, Ye Chenfu put away the Magic Treasures and attacked with his palm, so he also put the hatchet in his waist.

Then he shouted: "Kanglong has no regrets!"

There was a manic wave of air around his body, and then suddenly intertwined with Bai Shaohai.

The two rays of light continued to collide. Although both of them were wearing light blue clothes, it was clear that Ye Chenfu's light blue was even more obvious.

Because compared with that, Bai Shaohai's light blue clothes lost both sleeves.

Therefore, comparing the two groups of trailing shadows, it appears that Ye Shenfu is more vivid.

Their Movement Technique speeds seemed to be the same, so at this time, most of the onlookers couldn't see who was who.

Suddenly, Ye Chenfu shouted again, and suddenly roared: "All things are back together!" He attacked Bai Shaohai with a punch at close range.

Bai Shaohai was unavoidable, and he was not behind in terms of aura, so he shouted "Turn bones like cotton" and attacked Ye Chenfu with a palm.

In an instant, there was a huge crash in the field, like a broken iron pan, like bells and drums, and then both of them flew upside down.

But no one knew that there was a big pocket on the outside of Ye Chenfu's jacket. Originally, Ye Chenfu pinned the hatchet to his waist.

But then he felt that the fight was somewhat responsive, so he was in the fight and put the hatchet in the big chest pocket.

As a result, Ye Chenfu hit Bai Shaohai's chest with a punch, and Bai Shaohai also hit Ye Chenfu's heart with a palm.

So both of them flew out, and because the change happened too fast, no one noticed where they hit.

Suddenly the light receded, everyone watched Ye Chenfu fly out and fall to the ground, while Bai Shaohai on the other side fell into the water tank.

Unlike the previous matches, there was no loud exclamation in the onlookers watching the disciples this time.

But watching the situation in the field very silently, some people felt that Bai Shaohai was very dangerous.

Because he fell into a tank with water, there was no movement for a long while.

But Ye Chenfu fell to the ground with a trace of blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth, but after a while, he jumped from the ground again.

Then he took out a hatchet from the clothes on his chest under everyone's very surprised gaze.

Holding the hatchet, he shook in the air.

And the hatchet seemed to be softened by some high temperature, and it drooped down like it was made of mud.

It seemed that she was worried, but she laughed again when she saw this scene, because he knew that Ye Chenfu was okay.

Ye Chenfu shook the hatchet, soft as cotton, in his hand, and the hatchet broke into dregs and fell to the ground.

Disciples immediately started the discussion, so the scene became noisy again. They discussed the hatchet for a while, and then began to talk about Bai Shaohai.

"No, no? Brother Bai is still planting green onions upside down in the water tank. Isn't he bad luck?"

"Close your crow's mouth, with the strength of the Cultivation Base as the chief agent, how could it be possible that Ye Chenfu would be beaten to death?"

"Fuck you, I didn't say that Senior Brother Bai was beaten to death by Ye Chenfu, I mean it wouldn't be too bad, right? What do you think, you kid, you want to talk nonsense all day long."

Listening to the messy sounds around, it seemed that there was a smile at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Xiang Shen and Fan Tulong also found something wrong.

So Fan Tulong leaped over from the water tank not far away. He lifted the upside-down Bai Shaohai out of the water tank and shook it, then put it on the ground and patted the opponent's face.

In this shot, he discovered that Bai Shaohai was actually in a coma, so he quickly got his pulse.

"His breath is messy!" Fan Tulong said, and went to check where Bai Shaohai was hit.

Because there was no need to check, Bai Shaohai's sternum was deflated at this time, and it was obvious that he had fractured his ribs.

However, Fan Tulong took a closer look, and immediately found two inner disciples, and carried Bai Shaohai away.

Because of this level of competition, it is tacitly to put life and death aside.

After all, before Bidou, Fan Tulong and Xiangshen didn't say that they should show mercy to their men, and said nothing like that.

So Ye Chenfu wounded the opponent, and no one thought he did something inappropriate, but everyone was still amazed at this time, thinking that Ye Chenfu was simply too powerful.

Song Tie and Ouyang Tiezhu, as well as Zhang Dongzi, and Wang Erma, they also watched in the crowd.

"I think this situation is not right, it should be the first four people who have almost done the white master, so let our brother Ye take advantage!" Wang Erma said while analyzing.

Zhang Dongzi also nodded, and then she said his own opinion: "Yes, you see Wang Yourong almost killed him just now! And just like a younger sister, he also fought Brother Bai miserably."

Ouyang Tiezhu interjected at this time: "What about Brother Ye when it's cheaper? Isn't good luck a kind of strength? Don't speak in this tone. Anyway, I think Brother Ye also defeated Master Bai by his own ability."

Hearing this, Song Tie, who had been silent for a long time, also nodded.

He finally said: "Even if the first four are strong, they will be exhausted after a round of battle, and only then did Ye Chenfu pick up the bargain..."

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