When Song Tie said this, Ouyang Tiezhu, Zhang Dongzi, and Wang Erma looked at him curiously.

However, Song Tie paused for a while and then continued: "But even though Bai Shaohai is like this, he is still Bai Shaohai! So Junior Brother Ye is still very good."

Ouyang Tiezhu laughed when he heard this.

At this moment, Fan Tulong said loudly in the field: "This is the end of today's test, everyone, go back!"

After saying this, Fan Tulong and Xiangshen came together, and then the two floated away.

The disciples all around looked at each other, and they felt very strange in their hearts.

Because of this battle, no matter it was the peak master Xiangshen or the first guardian Fan Tulong, they didn't know which disciple was, nor did they say what benefits would be gained after winning.

So they felt weird, but weird was weird. Everyone also had their own affairs, so they soon dispersed.

Originally, Ouyang Tiezhu decided to talk to Ye Chenfu, at least to congratulate him for winning against Bai Shaohai.

But he suddenly remembered that his current identity was just an Outer Sect disciple.

But Ye Chenfu was an inner disciple, even mingled with Fan Tulong, and was taught martial arts by Fan Tulong and Xiangshen himself.

So after thinking about this, Ouyang Tiezhu and Song Tie left together.

At the same time, Wan Ru, Wang Yourong, Hu Dalang, and Zheng Yuanzhi came together.

They learned martial arts together for more than a month, so they knew each other very well.

"Congratulations, Junior Brother Ye!" Everyone did not expect that this first sentence was actually said by Zheng Yuanzhi.

At the same time, Hu Dalang rushed over and said, "That's great, Junior Brother Ye! This White Master was finally defeated by us."

"Where, if you hadn't laid the groundwork before, how could I have played Master Bai!"

Ye Chenfu smiled while talking, looking at Zheng Yuanzhi and Hu Dalang.

Then he quickly came back to his senses and said to Wanru, "Are you okay, like junior sister?"

As if shook his head, he replied: "It's not a big problem, it's just that I was shocked by his whip at the beginning, and now I only feel very tired!"

Ye Chenfu looked worried, looked like a younger sister, and finally comforted him softly.

"Hey, Junior Brother Ye! Why don't you care about Senior Sister me?" Wang Yourong leaned over and said with his arms akimbo.

"Oh, Senior Sister You Rong is so beautiful and generous, and she has magical powers to protect her body, how could she get hurt! At most, she loses a bunch of hair, so there's no need to worry!"

Ye Chenfu laughed, and then said to Wang Yourong who stepped forward.

Originally saw Ye Chenfu defeated Bai Shaohai, Wang Yourong was still happy.

But now that Ye Chenfu said that, she immediately felt that the back of her head was very cool.

Suddenly, her face immediately turned into pig liver color, because her proud hair only left less than half.

So she had some blue thin shiitake mushrooms, and she almost cried soon.

She yelled: "Senior Brother Ye, what are you talking about?! Look at this Senior Brother Bai's so cruel heart, I actually cut off my hair, and I'm almost bald."

Ye Chenfu had no choice but to show a sad expression when he heard this.

And Zheng Yuanzhi was also at this time, blessed to the heart, showing a very sad and sympathetic expression.

But Hu Dalang couldn't help it, he quacked and laughed like a duck.

Seeing Hu Dalang's expressions and movements, as well as the appearance of a chest-shocked smile.

So Wang Yourong turned away from looking at him, and at the same time stomped his foot heavily.

Ye Chenfu quickly relieved and said, "Senior sister, don't be sad, you see, in fact, you still have a big advantage!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Yourong felt a little curious, so she immediately turned around.

"Junior Brother Ye, you said I took a big advantage. Where do you start?" Then Wang Yourong realized that when he turned around just now, he left his bald head behind, so it must be very ugly. .

So she felt very sad and shy, and wanted to find a place to get in.

"Of course it took a big advantage. If you don't believe me, it's like a junior sister telling you!"

Ye Chenfu's face improved a lot when he saw Wan Ru.

So he also understood that although Bai Shaohai's black whip just now, like a python opening its mouth, it will feel like swallowing it.

But the Sword Technique, like it, has reached the perfect Realm.

Therefore, her sword moves formed a layer of protection all over her body, so it was as if she had just been shaken out without any substantial damage.

"Senior Brother Ye said very much, think about it, Senior Sister, you made his feet flow like blood, and you tore a pair of shoulder-length sleeves!"

As if he nodded and smiled, "Hair is messed up by you too; do you see if you make people lose a lot of face? What's more, the identity of the family is still the master!"

Only then did Wang Yourong react, as if it was indeed the case.

So she said, "Oh... so, it's not worth it that my hair is chopped? Even though it's uncomfortable for me to become bald."

Ye Chenfu smiled and interjected: "Don't be nervous, don't worry, you have become bald, but you are also stronger!"

Wang Yourong nodded involuntarily, and then felt that there was something wrong with this sentence.

"Why are you teasing me? Is this a mockery?" Wang Yourong said immediately.

"I'm complimenting you!" Ye Chenfu squeezed a few eyes at Hu Dalang.

Hu Dalang immediately understood, and said: "Yes, Yeah, Junior Brother Ye didn't lie! He told me the story of a master punch a few days ago. The master punch was a bald head, and in the end he was very powerful!"

Ye Chenfu said, "Yes, that's right, this statement is absolutely true."

Wang Yourong didn't quite understand whether Ye Chenfu was complimenting himself or mocking himself.

Anyway, she didn't know any so-called one-punch masters, but seeing Hu Dalang's serious appearance, she had to show a suspicious expression.

"Okay, let's go eat!" Ye Chenfu said suddenly, "Oh, right, whoever has the money to lend me a little!"

"What do you want money for?" As if asked immediately: "Eat without spending money."

At this moment, Ye Chenfu suddenly remembered that when he was just ascending to the inner disciple, he had borrowed money from Ouyang Tiezhu because he moved to live.

At that time, he had to inform the disciple who was promoted to have some tea money, so he had to borrow money from Ouyang Tiezhu.

It was not that Ye Chenfu had forgotten, but there were too many recent facts, so he couldn't remember it for a while.

Now he borrowed money from people, so he remembered it again.

"Oh, I just promised that junior fellow, saying that the hatchet was broken to pay two! So I can't go wrong!" Ye Chenfu explained quickly.

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