"How daring!" Zi Yu was furious, clasped his hands together, and as the aura ran, his hair became more and more crystalline, and he met Meng Qing's fist.

But he underestimated the power of this punch.

The two fists collided, and he seemed to be hit by a piece of high-speed moving fine iron, his arm twisted in a very terrifying posture, and then flew heavily to the rear.

But Ziyu's strength in the end is not bad, immediately endured the pain, supported the ground with his left hand to keep his body stable, pointed a finger in front, and in an instant, a roar came out.

A strong purple light mass emerged, and a spirit beast covered with purple crystals all over its body, a length of a length, the shape of a wolf, and a sharp horn on its head rushed out, exuding the coercion of a fourth-order spirit beast that belonged to a fourth-order spirit beast, and killed towards Meng Qing!

"Purple Beast, hit him to death!" Zi Yu roared lowly, and her eyes burst with fierce light.

Meng Qing frowned slightly, ran the Imperial Spirit Armor Breaking Skill, strode forward, and pointed forward.


The two collided, and the purple light splashed, as if there were purple flames exploding in the middle of a person and a beast.

Immediately afterwards, a wailing sound came out, and Zi Yu's face turned miserably white in an instant, and blood couldn't stop shooting from the corners of his mouth!

"My beast!" Zi Yu screamed, his roar was heartbreaking, and his beast was actually killed by a punch!

Meng Qing's figure appeared, stepped out in one step, and approached him.

"How is this possible? How could your strength be so terrifying? Zi Yu looked at the fallen Purple Mangbeast and asked in shock.

"I said, it's your turn!" Meng Qing raised his hand again.

Zi Yu panicked, he no longer had the will to fight, and he only wanted to run for his life!

The hardest place on the purple beast's body is its horns, and Fang Cai Meng Qing's punch not only shattered the horns of the purple beast, but also smashed its head, how terrifying is this?

He cast his body, a halo appeared under his feet, and he rushed into the distance.

Meng Qing's eyes showed disdain:

"Want to escape? Can you escape? "

A punch blasted out, the terrifying force invaded upward, the sonic boom continued, killing Ziyu on the spot!

There was a sound of wind coming from the rear, this was also a purple beast, belonging to the purple spirit.

Meng Qing dodged away, pointed his finger, and released the queen ant.


The moment the ant queen fell to the former's body, the purple beast seemed to be hit by a mountain, fell straight to the ground, and the original brilliant purple light was all dispersed!

Zi Ling snorted, and just wanted to dodge, Meng Qing had already approached and pinched her neck.

"Ask you two questions, and if you answer them correctly, they won't kill you.

First, which elder did Qin Yuan buy off against me? Don't tell me that as a disciple, he can interfere with the operation of this secret portal.

Zi Ling was afraid, and said with difficulty:

"I don't know the elder who bought it, my brother and I just entered the sect, we don't know much about these things, and I just acted on orders to make a move against you, I have no malice towards you, just my brother... Ziyu has a good relationship with the barbarians, and I was forced to do so.

She looked at Meng Qing in front of her, as if she was looking at a demon god.

She really couldn't imagine that they were all Primordial peaks, why Meng Qing could kill Zi Yu and Zi Jie in such a short time.

You know, these two people are the first three members of their Zi family's generation, and they will all be the pillars of the Zi family in the future!

"Second, who are the people chasing and killing Da Xuanguo and the others? Can you find their bearings? Meng Qing was expressionless and continued to ask.

Zi Ling quickly nodded:

"I know, it's the original barbarians and the others, and I can track their location."

Meng Qing threw her casually, and said coldly:

"Leave you with your life, quickly take me over, if something happens to them, no matter who it is, they will be buried with them!"

Zi Ling shivered, stood up in a hurry, and after setting a position, pointed to the northwest.

The purple beast got rid of control, became a temporary means of transportation for the two, and rushed towards the distance.

Along the way, the purple beast was very high-profile, which attracted the attention of many people.

Some sharp-eyed people recognized that this was the purple spirit's beast, and they were all a little puzzled.

Soon, someone saw something unusual:

"Oh my God, there is still a man sitting on the purple beast of the purple spirit?"

"Why is that person a little familiar? Wait, that is... Meng Qing?!

"You read that right, right? How could it be that guy?

"Aren't they on the same page, how can they go together?"

This aroused the curiosity of many people, and just when some people wanted to catch up and take a look, the purple beast had already disappeared.

For two days, the purple beast was always rushing with high intensity.

Its eyes changed from the original blue-purple to red, and its body lost a large circle, and the original crystal purple light completely dimmed, and even the speed was much slower than at the beginning.

Zi Ling was timidly on the side, at this moment, she hoped to reach the place where everyone was earlier than Meng Qing.

"Not yet?" Meng Qing frowned.

On the way, the queen ant said that she felt the breath of the demon king ant, and they were approaching the place at this time.

This made Meng Qing worried, because the place where the demon king ant was infested was also the place with the most variables.

The blood of the Demon King Ant has a strong attraction not only to warriors, but also to spirit beasts!

It can be said that this is the most dangerous place in the entire secret realm, and likewise, this is also the place with the most opportunities.

The purple spirit eyes were closed, and along the way, she always maintained a high-intensity soul power output, and the spiritual energy was injected into the body of the purple beast, which made her always fall into a serious overdraft state.

At a certain moment, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked into the distance and said

, "Ten miles ahead, they are in that valley!"

Meng Qing's hand stretched out, and the purple beast stopped walking.

"You can go, if one day you want to avenge your brother, you can come to me, of course, the price may be your life." Meng Qing ran forward alone and quickly disappeared here.


The purple beast fell to the ground and fell into a turtle breath state, which is a situation that only occurs when the overdraft is serious.

Zi Ling quickly put it into the storage space, and at the same time took out bottles and jars from the Qiankun bag and used them at any cost.

Finally, she stood up, her eyes flashing with the flames of vengeance, and chose a path to the left.


Before approaching the front, Meng Qing's soul power had already detected the movement ahead.

Fighting is breaking out in the valley!

In front of Xuan Yi stood a pangolin, his whole body stained with blood, his clothes were torn, but his eyes were very fierce:

"Barbarians, if you want us to submit, you are not qualified enough!"

Opposite them, the three barbarians stood, in addition to three gorillas with terrifying physiques!

This is the universal beast of the barbarians, the silver-backed gorilla, which is an existence with great growth potential in the spirit beast world, and it is said that it can transform into a silver-backed ape when it is a big adult!

Barbarian Xing smiled viciously and roared lowly: "

Xuanyi, surrender as soon as possible, I can still send you to reunite with Meng Qing underground!"

"Dog-like things, I was taught so badly by Meng Qing a few days ago, and I forgot about the pain in a blink of an eye? You barbarians are really a good dog of Qin Yuan, and you are led by his nose, pointing and biting! A young man standing behind Xuan Yi also had injuries on his body, but his expression was firm, and he had no intention of showing weakness.

His name was Wang Lang, one of the four grassroots disciples of the Great Xuan Kingdom, who accompanied Xuan Yi after the break.

"Boy, you want to die!" The barbarian star roared low, clasped his hands, and a gorilla like a rock rushed quickly, beating his chest with both hands, and was about to smash forward!


Suddenly, a great coercive pressure burst out, sweeping from the periphery like a mountain, falling straight down.

A palm print that seemed to materialize appeared and fell from the sky.

Barbarian Star and the others changed color, and before they could react, the slap fell, slamming them to their knees!

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