A person slowly walked into it from outside the valley, bathed in golden light, like a god!

On his shoulder, a fist-sized golden ant was like a small sun, and that terrifying coercion was all emanating from its body!

Xuan Yi's eyes widened, first he couldn't believe it, and then he said in ecstasy:

"Meng Qing? Is it really you?! "

If you reminisce about the past, you can solve these small troubles in front of you first." Meng Qing waved his hand, turned his gaze, looked at the brute star, and then his expression became cold.

Barbarian Star looked up with difficulty:

"What level of beast is this?" Why is there such terrifying coercion?

Meng Qing stepped forward and said coldly:

"It seems that the punishment given to you last time is not profound enough, so pay attention in the next life."

As soon as the palm was raised, the golden flame flew out, instantly attached to the three people and three beasts, which was exactly the Heavenly Obituary Golden Yan!

The heart-rending screams suddenly came out.

The barbarian star used spiritual energy, but instead of being extinguished, those flames became more and more vigorous, even burning their lives!

"Meng Qing, I am the young patriarch of the barbarians, if you kill me, my barbarians will inevitably die with you!" Barbarian Star was afraid, and verbally threatened.

Meng Qing's expression was indifferent, and with a move of his hand, the three of them flew away:

"Do you think that if I don't do anything to you, you will give up?" I have some expectations for how the barbarians plan to stay with me. The

flames continued to burn, and during this period, the three barbarian stars were very tough at first, but later they were insults, and all kinds of unbearable words were spoken by them.

Meng Qing was annoyed and let Brother Chicken go all out, and burned them to ashes in less than a hundred breaths.

Ahead, Xuan Yi swallowed his saliva with some difficulty:

"You actually ... Kill them all?!

"How else? Don't forget that they were going to kill you just now, and if I don't come, you will die." Meng Qing said lightly.

Several people were silent, and Wang Lang said with admiration:

"Speaking of which, these people also said that a few people from the Zi family went to chase and kill senior brother, and now it seems that most of them have not found senior brother!"

Meng Qing's tone was still flat:

"They were also killed by me."

The three of them were immediately shocked and looked at Meng Qing in disbelief.

"Let's not talk about this, what about Xuanshu?" Meng Qing asked.

Xuan Yi's face suddenly changed, and he stepped forward and said eagerly:

"Meng Qing, you must save Xuan Shu, he was hit by the beast of the barbarian star and fell into a coma, we didn't detect the injury, but her condition is very bad!"

"Where is she now?"

"Keep going inside! Fang Cai Manxing chased here, we broke off..." Before

Xuan Yi finished speaking, Meng Qing had already set off and rushed forward at full speed.

Advancing a hundred feet forward, the temperature around him suddenly began to drop, and the wind blew through, making his hair stand on end.

Meng Qing was surprised that this chill was actually aimed at the divine soul!

All the way forward, footprints began to appear on the ground, cluttered, stretching all the way forward.

It wasn't long before blood even appeared on the ground!

Meng Qing's heart tightened.

He didn't want something to happen to Xuanshu, Elder Xuan was kind to him, although he didn't say it explicitly when he came, but Meng Qing felt that he should protect Xuanshu, and now the barbarians are chasing and killing the former because of him!

Don't be fine!

Meng Qing increased his speed, the passage suddenly opened, and immediately, Meng Qing saw a scene that he would never forget.

Outside, tombs stand in front, small ones less than a foot, large ones with hundreds of zhang, horizontally in front, like mountains!

Where is this?

At this moment, Meng Qing suddenly felt as if he was being stared at by a line of sight, and in an instant, goosebumps appeared all over his body.

This feeling, he only felt when facing a mad dog alone in his previous life kindergarten!

Soon, this feeling disappeared, and even the cold feeling that was given to him around him gradually disappeared.

Meng Qing tentatively stepped forward and probed the surroundings with his soul power, but he was initially hindered, as if he was in a small space and could not be used.

As that feeling of obstruction wears off, everything returns to normal.

He found the location where Xuanshu and the others were.

When they stepped over, the few people who were originally guarding around were still a little nervous, but when they sensed that it was Meng Qing, they suddenly felt a sense of relief.

Xuan Shu was lying on the ground, her face was as pale as paper, although her soul power was strong, her blood qi seemed to have been drained, and it gradually tended to dry up!

"Senior Brother Meng, you must save Xuanshu." A young girl was crying, almost begging him.

"How long has this been going on?" Meng Qing's face sank, and he could sense that Xuan Shu's current state was very bad.

"It has become like this since we were hit by the beast of the barbarian star, at first we thought it was just an injury, but then we passed out directly." A teenager said briefly.

"Master, this is the Silverback God Curse!" In his sleeve robe, the ant queen suddenly said.

"Silverback Curse? Is this a good thing for silverback gorillas? Meng Qing frowned slightly, thinking that those three had been killed, his heart sank.

"It can be understood in this way, the silverback god spell is a spell that the silverback gorilla has a small probability of comprehending when the bloodline of the gorilla returns, once the move is hit, this spell will feed on the warrior's qi and blood, when the warrior's qi and blood are completely devoured, the spell matures, and the silverback gorilla devours this spell, which will increase the perception of this move." Queen Ant explained.

Meng Qing's face was very gloomy, he never expected that the barbarians would have such a vicious trick!

The queen ant said:

"Normal and unsolvable, but now there is a way to try it, the blood of the demon king ant can enhance the physique, if you can get enough blood, instantly reach the critical value that the spell can withstand, maybe you can kill it!"

"It seems that this is the only way." Meng Qing came to the spirit, no matter what, it is better to have a way than to be in a hurry.

He got up and looked ahead, it was very silent, and there were few creatures.

"I have a way to heal Xuanshu, you wait here, don't move, I'll go back." Meng Qing instructed.

Several people nodded, looking at his distant figure, and someone worried:

"Senior Brother Meng, what is this planning to do?" Could it be that he wants to hunt the Demon King Ant?!

"It is rumored that the blood of this creature can enhance the physique, I hope Senior Brother Meng can find it smoothly!"

"Who's there?" Someone suddenly turned around, stared ahead, and scolded.

Two figures walked out together, it was Xuan Yi and Wang Lang:

"Don't worry, it's us."


The deeper into the depths of this realm, the more limited the places where soul power can probe.

Meng Qing frowned, the feeling that had made his scalp numb before reappeared, and the temperature around him was also dropping rapidly, biting cold!

A shimmer appeared ahead, which instantly caught his attention.

As he approached, Meng Qing's expression suddenly became wonderful, and there were shadows and shadows there, and there were Dao figures moving!

Ethereal, these figures shuttled between the graves, busy back and forth.

Soon, he noticed something strange.

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