He was assigned to the first team.

This is a must for everyone who is new to the hunting camp.

The camp where they rested was in a relatively closed place, with a small room for each person, with nothing but a bed, and of course, there was only so much space here.

Inside the small tower, Xiao Budian shouted: "This place is too small, right? It's not enough for me to roll over a few times.

Meng Qing's face was expressionless: "This truly explains the meaning that the bed is only used for sleeping."

Xiao Bu nodded and looked up, his big eyes blinking: "What else can you do besides sleep?"

Meng Qing thought about it, but did not find a suitable answer, so he had to say: "It can only be used for sleeping, and I haven't found other uses for the time being." Brother

Chicken smiled wickedly: "It can only be used to sleep, but you can freely choose who to sleep with!" As

soon as the words fell, a slap fell, and the six gods and masters who beat it down.

"I warn you, don't teach the bad little ones, once something happens to those supreme questions of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain in the future, I won't help you get to the bottom." Meng Qing threatened.

Brother Chicken was stunned, without him, the strength of those supremes in Ten Thousand Beast Mountain was really terrifying!

At least, it is far from being able to compete now.

Meng Qing changed into equipment, and when he joined the formation, a warrior with a stronger aura than the other four went to other camps.

"Meng Qing, you patrol with us first, the assassin lottery goes, our principle here is to patrol if you have nothing to do, otherwise you will be caught and you will have to detain cultivation resources." Wang Meng said.

A few people went out, and along the way, Wang Meng talked to him in detail about the rules in the hunting camp and what not to do.

He was also carefully informed in some places during patrols.

Meng Qing looked around, but found that the aura here was very unfamiliar, and there were not many people patrolling outside, he asked:

"Are the warriors in the hunting camp cultivating on weekdays?" There should have been more than so many people in the camp, right?

Wang Meng explained: "We are all performing tasks, unlike other camps, we need to fight for the resources of cultivation on weekdays, and the source is to perform tasks, such as hunting spirit beasts, completing commissions from other military camps, and so on."

Finally, Wang Meng also said that the assassin went to the lottery before, which meant to go to receive the mission.

"Rise in knowledge." Meng Qing said bluntly.

It took him a full hour to visit the hunting camp, of course, there were some places he could not go to now, because he was not qualified to access such secrets.

Another hour later, their token lit up, it was the Assassin.

Several people left imprints on Meng Qing's token, each of which was a miniature teleportation array, which was used to communicate with each other and facilitate mutual care when performing tasks.

This is quite similar to some communication tools in previous lives! He thought so in his heart.

The assassins were waiting for them at the gate of the camp, and Wang Meng asked, "What task have you received this time?" The

person standing in front of him was in silver armor, he was about thirty years old, his face was square, his eye sockets were deeply sunken, his eyes were sharp, and the edges of his cheeks were very obvious, plus that military uniform, he was even more temperamental.

The assassin's name was Chen Yu, and he elaborated: "A half-supreme realm dragon came out of Qianzhang in the northwest, and previously ambushed a resource vehicle of our alliance, causing great losses, and our task is to get rid of it. When

several people heard this, their expressions were suddenly shocked, and Wang Meng rubbed his hands even more:

"Okay, a dragon in the half-supreme realm, the flesh can sell at least a few demigod medicines, right?" Brother, this is to get rich!

Chen Yu glanced at Meng Qing, left a mark on his token, and ordered Wang Meng to take good care of him before lining up.

No spirit beast dares to approach within a radius of thousands of zhang, this is an absolutely safe realm.

But the team did not let their guard down.

The strength of the military alliance in the entire riot land is enough to rank in the top three, but the road to the forefront is poured with the blood of countless enemies, and because of this, their enemies are numerous!

From time to time, there are remnants of the previous forces ambushing various camps everywhere, although they can't do much damage, but it is a disaster for these warriors with lower strength!

It took a day to catch the road on the plain.

The warriors in the team were very relaxed at first, but later they were also out of breath, without him, this armor is hundreds of pounds, and when it comes into contact with the aura, the lines above will continue to accumulate energy, which is even heavier!

A mountain range in the distance comes into view.

When there were still thousands of feet away, a fishy smell hit, making Meng Qing constantly gag.

"Be careful, we have entered the territory of that spirit beast!" Chen Yu reminded.

Wang Meng did not turn around, and said to Meng Qing: "Wait a while and follow me closely, if the assassin gives the order to attack, you will decide whether to participate in the battle depending on the situation!"

Meng Qing nodded.

They entered the mountains, which were full of traces of impact.

The trees were disconnected, many were even uprooted, and even large spirit beasts died tragically, and their bodies were crushed into meat mud!

"I lean, is this dragon crazy? Is that a thunderhorned elephant? Li Fei saw a scene in the distance and couldn't help but burst into foul language.

Everyone looked at it, and their scalps were numb.

It was a spirit beast nearly fifty feet long, with an unusually large size, the most striking thing was a silver horn on its forehead.

It died violently here, its whole body except for its head became meat mud, and there was only a little flesh connected to its neck, but there were one tooth mark after another!

It seems to have been dead for a long time, and a fist-sized mung bean fly feeds above, which makes people physically uncomfortable.

Chen Yu frowned:

"I feel his breath, you follow me."

His whole body shone with silver light, and his body was hidden in space, leaving only an aura that only they could perceive.

The five people converged their whole body aura to the extreme and quickly followed.

After climbing over a hill, they found the target.

It was a spirit beast of nearly two hundred zhang, like a long worm, dormant on the top of the mountain, its whole body shining with scales, and the surrounding spiritual energy came into contact with light at this time, which was eye-catching.

Its aura was violent and vain, as if it had just recovered from a serious injury.

Xiao Tai was surprised: "No wonder this thing is so manic, it turns out that it has just given birth, look at this posture, is it to recover after giving birth?"

"I don't know..."

Before he finished speaking, the distance between Chen Yu and Jiaolong was less than ten zhang.

The dragon, which was originally in a scattered state, suddenly woke up, and its scales bloomed brightly, as if it had foreseen danger.

He stood in place, his breath converged, his eyes fixed on the front.

The dragon roared low, and the sound was transmitted to all around, and the low-level spirit beasts in the distant mountains fled far away.

It looked around and even destroyed a mountain, but found nothing.

It returned to the top of the mountain where it was lying before, its body relaxed, its scales relaxed, and it turned on the sun mode again.

Chen Yu moved.


He was like a flash of thunder, only in the blink of an eye, a long sword was unsheathed, and the dragon's neck was stabbed in a place where the rules of the pattern were completely different from other places.

A piece of anti-scale is broken in half, and blood is raging!

At the same time, Wang Meng and the others quickly scattered, their swords and shields shining, and bombarded forward from three directions at the same time!

Four openings were opened on the dragon's body in an instant, and the blood couldn't stop gushing!

It moved, the scales of the whole body contracted, and the body curled, in the process Chen Yu turned back and made up a knife at the reverse scale again, once again causing the dragon to be injured.

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