"Abominable human beings, the Buddha-figures will sacrifice you to the heavens alive!" The dragon roared, and the thick aura spread like a shock wave, and a mountain was cut in half!

Chen Yu held the long sword, his whole body was vibrant, he was like a ghost hidden in the void, the long sword was outside, and he quickly approached the dragon.

The scales of the dragon's whole body glowed with light, and the intricate patterns above lit up rhythmically, condensing together into a pattern, turning into a dragon claw and striking forward!

The force carried by this dragon's claw seemed to be able to shatter the mountain, making the surrounding space unstable in the moment of condensation!

The aura that belongs to the semi-supreme is revealed at this moment.

Chen Yu's voice came from outside Baizhang: "Shuriken! "


The phantom shadow of the long sword flashed, turned into a straight ray of light and rushed forward, actually bypassing the dragon's claw, cutting across the dragon's body, and almost cutting it off!

The dragon roared, it went crazy!

Behind Wang Meng appeared a phantom that exuded terrifying qi and blood, it was a humanoid lion, with a particularly strong physique, and he merged with him, dragging forward the dragon's tail that only had bones and the lower part of the flesh and blood still connected together, and quickly dragged it backwards.

"It's abominable, the true god dares to touch the Buddha-figure, it's really looking for death!" The dragon roared again, his eyebrows suddenly opened a vertical eye, and a light exuding a terrifying aura was constantly silting, and then shot out forward!


A figure rushed to the front, his name was Li Hou, he made a move with both hands, and several smooth mirrors condensed around him!

The light that hit the top was bounced elsewhere.

Li Hou's hands shook suddenly, and resisting this breath was extremely heavy on him.

He circled his hands and pushed forward, several mirrors changed their angles, and the light above was constantly reflected, and finally bounced back to the wound of the dragon!


There was a sound of a fast knife cutting off the bones, and the lower body of the dragon was cut off alive!

At the same time, the last person of their squad brought a large stone weighing no less than 100,000 pounds and smashed it downwards!

Chen Yu approached the neck of the dragon and cut off a piece of dragon scales again.

Wang Meng took the broken dragon tail bala away, and then quickly turned back, and rushed to kill with several people.

Brother Chicken watched with relish in the cave:

"These people can cooperate, according to this trend, this big snake will die!"

Meng Qing shook his head slightly, his gaze focused on somewhere below the dragon's reverse scale.

It was a cave, and under the gray pupil technique, he could see two living beings in it, both were small dragons, just born, not yet fully opened their eyes, at this time they seemed to hear the movement of the outside world, curled up and moved restlessly.

"If it weren't for these two little guys, this dragon wouldn't be so miserable." Meng Qing commented.

"It is looking for an opportunity to move the battlefield away, people of their level, a little more powerful, these two little dragons will die without a place to be buried." Xiaotai added.

Brother Chicken's eyes widened: "Why do you all see it so thoroughly?" Why didn't I see that?

Xiao Budian rolled straight in the small tower, and his short limbs twitched gently: "Because Uncle Wei is stupid!" "


The runes of the dragon's whole body suddenly turned blood red, and under the reflection of those lines, the scales of its whole body turned red, and it looked like a blood dragon exuding killing qi from a distance!

Wang fiercely held a sledgehammer and was about to strike, but when the sledgehammer hit the top, it seemed to hit Xuan Tie, and the countershock force alone shook his tiger's mouth cracked, and his whole body was shaken with qi and blood.

Chen Yu's face changed, and he roared lowly: "It's not good, leave this place quickly!"

He jumped, grabbed Wang Meng's shoulders and rushed back, while Li Hou and the two quickly left.


A circle of rich qi and blood condensed and formed, releasing it to the surroundings.

Every wisp of these qi and blood is like a steel needle that can penetrate the protection of a demigod weapon!

Meng Qing also hid at the foot of the mountain where he had stood before.

The qi and blood spread, and several surrounding mountains were pierced!

The dragon roared low, dragging the remnants to escape.

Chen Yu took the lead in pursuit, and Wang Meng and the others quickly followed.

Meng Qing stood on the top of the mountain, but found that the surrounding area was devastated.

He approached the cave where the two little dragons were hiding before, but found that it was sealed by a force of qi and blood.

Xiao Tai transmitted the voice: "Master, someone is watching you from afar, and this place has been exposed."

Meng Qing frowned: "Can you hold him back?" I don't want to hand over all of this little dragon.

"Yes." Xiao Tai answered, and a light curtain appeared, on which the light and shadow were intertwined, faintly reflecting his figure:

"This is an illusion, it can only last for a quarter of an hour at most, we need to speed up."

Meng Qing nodded, he looked at the protective light curtain, took out the demon spirit pestle, and did not inject spiritual qi, but gently poked forward.

The light curtain disintegrated, and everything disappeared.

The cave is full of animal furs, the ground is very soft, and there is no imaginary smell of blood, but a milky smell.

Meng Qing went to the deepest place, but found two dragons the size of a calf sleeping side by side.

The little dragons were snow-white all over, and their huge heads occupied two-thirds of their entire bodies, and Meng Qing touched them lightly, but found that their bodies were very soft and felt excellent.

There was a change in the body, it was actually the origin mysteries, it was released along Meng Qing's palm, and the right one was selected.

"This is..." Meng Qing was puzzled, but found that the Origin Qi suddenly condensed into something like a brand, imprinting a mark on the head of that little dragon!

"Don't mess around, they don't cultivate, you're going to kill them!" Meng Qing hurriedly stepped forward to check, but found that the little dragon was not abnormal except for the slight glow in the place under the brand.

He let out a soft sigh.

"The master hurries, someone is approaching here." Xiaotai said nervously.

Meng Qing nodded, but soon he was worried, because there was no place to put this little dragon!

He can only put spirit beasts that have signed a contract to control beasts in the cave, and it is too crowded to put a small person in the small tower!

The Origin Qi was slowly released, condensing a vortex in front of him, which put the little dragon into it, and then turned into a point of light and drilled into Meng Qing's lower abdomen.

"What is this operation? Could it be that Origin Aoyi admired this little dragon and was ready to cultivate him? Xiaowen was surprised.

"What do you mean?" Meng Qing was puzzled.

"Rarely, I mean rarely, there is a possibility that if a creature's talent is extremely terrifying, then he will be chosen by a mysterious righteousness, and since birth, he will be brought into a unique space by that mysterious cultivation.

You think about it, ordinary warriors only begin to explore their own mysteries after arriving at the holy sacrifice, and some people even postpone to false gods or even true gods, and that creature is surrounded by mysteries as soon as they are born, and how big should the gap be when they become gods? After Xiao Tai finished explaining, she added:

"This kind of anti-heavenly existence is like the eight brothers in the cultivation world, insoluble and invincible, and because of this, the probability of appearing is extremely low, there is one in ancient times, there is one in ancient times, and now, I don't know yet."

Xiaowen looked puzzled: "What is Brother Baa?" "

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