Although there are many small forces fighting in this free land, most of them are subordinates of several major forces in the free royal city.

In the past, the taxes and other taxes in this area changed hands many times, and finally reached the hands of the three major forces!

For the three major forces, although the resources of this free land are not much, in the long run, it has also played a role that cannot be ignored for them to stabilize their rule!

But now that it was taken away by Meng Qing, everyone who heard the news expected that there would be a storm!

At the same time, within the military alliance

, the political general stood in the middle of the tent, and there were several figures standing in front of him, his face was gloomy and terrifying, and those people did not even dare to come out of the atmosphere.

"Now that things have reached the point of no return, I think you have also seen it, but I didn't expect that a small character who defected to our military alliance really became a climate." The political general said softly, although he acted lightly, his clenched fists revealed that he was not calm in his heart.

"The subordinates are willing to go and capture this traitor, and ask the general for permission." One person spoke in a deep voice, and the space around him trembled slightly when he spoke!

This is a powerful True Martial Perfection level powerhouse, and at the same time, one of the main generals of the hunting camp, his name is Qin Yi.

The political general shook his head:

"I also thought about forcibly making a move, but don't forget that we have an agreement with the madman and the silver envoy that we can't send the supreme powerhouse to make a move, and you want to break the contract?"

Qin Yi said again:

"What the subordinates cultivate is the mysteries of space, and they are sure to sneak into it without knowing it!"

A deep voice spread on the other side:

"Zhenwu? It may not be possible, according to reliable information, Meng Qing is likely to have a supreme-level beast, and besides, those beast Venerables in Wanshou Mountain will definitely lay means on the innate holy beast. "

Supreme Class Beast? How is this possible? He is just the true God of perfection! Qin Yi was shocked, except for the political general and the person who spoke to Fang Cai, the rest of the people looked incredulous.

A person walked out from the darkness, this was a thin man who seemed to have only skin and bones, his whole body was abnormally white, his eyes were blood-red, and his breath was violent, like a spirit beast that would run away at any time!

"What is impossible, otherwise you explain why he was able to defeat all the members of the hunting camp alone?" Have we kept a bunch of waste for so long? The man questioned.

Needles were suddenly heard in the tent.

Not to mention the True God Perfection, even these supreme-level powerhouses in the field may not be able to capture the entire hunting camp alone.

That number of warriors is enough to cause qualitative changes in quantity, not to mention that they all have the strength to fight beyond the ranks!

The political general's clenched fists loosened a little, and he said expressionlessly:

"I think you also know that Luo Qing has returned, and you all know Meng Qing's conditions?" Tell us what you think. At

the mention of this, those Zhenwu suddenly closed their mouths, they couldn't forget that when Luo Qi returned, the political general killed all the prisoners on the iron pillar with a wave of his hand.

Especially the messy aura on Luo Qing's body and a cold posture that seemed to kill someone, they all guessed something, but they didn't dare to say it.

Seeing this, the political general said softly:

"No problem, please come and speak freely today, and talk about your understanding and practice."

Those people still keep their mouths shut tightly.

Instead, the man said

, "In my opinion, we will take out the resources that satisfy him, and first exchange all the people in the hunting camp back."

The political general raised his eyebrows slightly, this point must actually be done, although he wanted to do this, but some things could not come out of his mouth.

"And then?"

The man glanced at several supremes around him.

The political general said: "Go down, order the reserve office to prepare resources, and make sure to exchange all the warriors of my hunting camp back." "

Those men, as amnestied, quickly retreated.

The political general then said, "Master Chen, please say." Chen

Shi walked to the left of the tent, where there was a sand table, and above it was the map of the forces of the entire riot land.

With a slight squeeze of his palm, the region where the Free Land was located quickly integrated and became a new part of this huge map, and a small flag fell, and a Meng was written on it!

The political general's face changed slightly: "Master Chen, why is this?"

Chen Shi said softly: "This riotous land has been standing for a long time, it's time for some new voices to appear, instead of letting foreign forces intervene, it is better to let this hairy boy make trouble, how the process is is not important, but it must give some people the illusion that

my riotous place is not monolithic!"

"You mean those forces in the outside world? Chen Shi went to the outside world to experience this time, what news did he get? The politician asked.

"I met some old friends, many of them held important positions within some forces, and without involving their own safety, I got some information that an adult who participated in the creation of the Supreme Academy wanted to put down the riot land!" Chen Shi said a major news.

The political general set up a barrier around him and said in shock:

"How is this possible? How can such a strong person intersect with me and so on?

Chen Shi shook his head:

"At first, I didn't believe it, but I used part of Shouyuan to deduce the heavenly machine, and I did see this possibility, and I got some information, but I seemed to know something I shouldn't know, and Shouyuan was swallowed up by a large part."

The political general hurriedly stepped forward, he probed with his breath, only to find that although the person in front of him seemed to be in the prime of life, the divine fire was like an old man with a broken wind!

"What the hell is going on here?" The political general's eyes turned red.

Chen Shi smiled and said, "Don't worry about me, come, now if you occupy the free land for Meng Qing, or even unify all the forces here, what will you do?" The

politician returned to normal, glanced at the map a few times, pondered slightly, and finally said:

"Make yourself strong first?"

"Yes, I have specifically visited some places where this person went on a mission, and after reproducing the battle scene at that time, I came to the conclusion that this person is likely to have three or more beasts!" Chen Shi once again said a big news!

The political general's body shook suddenly: "Then isn't he..." "

Listen to me first, he has many beasts, so he needs many resources to break through, he has shown the ability to devour, which is related to his beasts, so I guess that after he stabilizes the new forces, he will definitely visit those realms that sell spirit beasts on a large scale." Chen Shi said again.

"You mean, we're going to set up an ambush in advance?" The political general asked.

"Ambush? He is in the land of the free, how do you set up an ambush? Do you really want to break the agreement with the other two forces? Chen Shi said.

The politician was a little puzzled: "So what do we need to do?"

"Buy those places in advance and show favor to him at all costs, but not in the name of the military alliance, but in your name!" Master Chen said gently.


In the Land of Freedom -

In just two days, the military alliance has been completely new!

The previous buildings have all been redecorated, flowers and plants have also been replaced, the military alliance and the original Tianmeng style have been completely replaced, and the people from several major forces have all changed into new robes, and there is an indescribable harmony between actions.

Meng Qing was sitting in the main hall listening to the reports of several other branches, when suddenly, someone outside trotted in:

"Qiyu Gang Lord, there is a silver-armored half-supreme outside the city shouting for you to go out."

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