Zhou Ni, the leader of the giant ghost gang, roared lowly: "Which one is so arrogant without long eyes? I don't know that my wolf warrior is in the limelight now? I want to die!

Xu Xiu obviously knew something, and asked curiously:

"Is it that the hunting camp of the military alliance has come to ransom people?"

Meng Qing got up: "Except for them, no one dares to be so arrogant now, go, and take all those prisoners with them." The

group arrived at the city gate.

After Meng Qing mastered the Wolf Warrior, it took a day to cast a city wall, although it didn't look very beautiful, it was like an iron pimple piled up, but it was much better than a plaque hanging on a gate before.

The group climbed the city wall, and this huge city wall was a little shaky!

Meng Qing asked with a dark face,

"Which part is responsible for repairing this?"

Zhou Ni was obviously a little aggrieved: "Boss, it's really too hasty time you gave, just one day, I spent half a day waiting to move stones from everywhere, and then I barely piled it up, just this is the result of the brothers working overtime day and night..."

Meng Qing thought about it: "When this happens, you go up together, the city wall is our lifeline, we must not make mistakes, otherwise I only ask you!"

Everyone nodded.

Below, a figure with a full body exuding anger stood there, staring at Meng Qing with dead eyes, looking like he would attack at any time.

This is exactly Luo Qi.

"Without further ado, what about the resources I want?" Meng Qing went straight to the point.

Luo Qing was silent, and threw out a package, mixed with a breath of spiritual energy flying forward.

Meng Qing caught it and counteracted the dark energy above with his aura.

A wisp of soul power penetrated, only to find that this mustard bracelet was larger than any inner space he had seen before.

It is divided into four areas, and the first thing that catches your eye is the accumulation of demigod medicine like a small mountain, and roughly speaking, there are no less than 5,000 plants!

The second area is the holy medicine, which is also the largest area, with a sweep of breath, 30,000 plants.

The third area contains thirty demigod weapons, all of which are knives, guns and clubs.

And the fourth area was actually piled up with martial arts!

From the law of becoming kings to the law of gods, everything is available!

This is definitely an eye-popping property.

Meng Qing paid special attention to it and found that there were no restrictions on these martial arts, and they were not things that the military alliance used to make up numbers.

"Release people."

The city gate opened, and dozens of warriors dressed in coarse cloth walked out one after another, they all had black cloth on their heads, and they had just come into contact with the sun, and they were all a little unable to open their eyes.

Luo Qing, who was originally angry, was stunned, and at a certain moment, she thought that she had seen it wrong!

Is this really a warrior from a hunting camp?

The hunting camp, which has always shocked the entire riot land with its prestige, even the armor has been stripped?

Some of them had clothes that fit so badly that they could not cover their upper bodies and could not cover their bottoms, and a gust of wind came out, and they could freeze.

Qi Guang was the first to react, and when he saw that his body was bare, especially the mustard bracelet and the armor that he regarded as life were stripped away, he suddenly roared:

"My grass, Meng Qing, you are making a fortune!"

Others followed.

Meng Qing raised his head slightly: "The Wolf Warrior has just been established, many places need to be rebuilt, I just lack a group of labor under my hand, originally I didn't plan to let you come, but I suddenly found that with your ignorant personality, it may be a good thing to hone and hone here with me." As soon as

he lifted his footsteps, he floated down from the city wall, pressed his palm downward, and a breath suppressed downward, and the spiritual energy gushed out, turning into chains and floating behind him.

Seeing this, the people below immediately fled like a mouse seeing a cat, hiding behind Luo Qing.

Luo Qing looked up:

"I think you did a little too much, don't you know what armor means to a warrior?" How do you want me to gain a foothold in the future for the warriors of the hunting camp?

Meng Qing spread his hands:

"Is it excessive? Do living people have the qualifications to talk excessively? If it weren't for the fact that it would be best for me that they were alive, do you really think they would still be alive? If it weren't for these resources, none of them would have been able to run that night.

After all, if I kill you all, I can beat my reputation as a wolf warrior to the greatest extent, right?

Luo Qing was silent.

After a moment, she turned around and said to a group of warriors who were shivering in the cold wind and chaos:

"Those who lose themselves must earn it back by themselves, let's go back."

"Wait." Meng Qing stopped them.

Luo Qing stopped his pace and looked sideways slightly.

A cloud of green light flew over, and she subconsciously reached out to catch it, it was actually her magic staff.

Luo Qing was stunned, and without waiting for her to think more, Meng Qing had already turned around and returned to the city wall, and the body of the group was hidden below.

Meng Qing returned to the main hall, he thought for a moment, and took out sixty percent of the elixir he got:

"And optimistic, this is the starting capital of the wolf warrior, all the resources collected by your ministries before are left for your own development, from now on, there is only one way for the wolf warrior to obtain resources, that is, to expand outward!"

The bosses of several departments were stunned.

"But the resources near us are basically stable, is it possible that we can't start a war against the three major forces?" Xu Xiu was worried.

"No need, just in the land of freedom, I read the map in the past two days, there are mines and elixir resources of the three major forces in many places? You don't have to be polite, take people to sweep them all. Meng Qing ordered.

Xu Xiu's face immediately changed: "But..."

Meng Qing interrupted him: "You think I'm discussing with you?" That's an order! I don't care what force you belonged to before, or what force you were attached to for what reason, but now, you belong to the wolf warrior, as long as it is beneficial to the wolf warrior, at all costs, understand? Several

people immediately fell silent.

After all the few people left, Xiao Tai asked curiously:

"Is the master a little extreme?" Now that the Wolf Warrior has just been established, these people must still have different intentions in their hearts, and the master's move is tantamount to completely cutting off contact with the original relationship network.

Meng Qing entered the depths of the hall, he knocked on a secret door, and there was a secret passage below, and a spacious house was connected at the end.

This was built by Li Yuan deliberately instructed him during the transformation, in order to avoid others disturbing him when cultivating.

He sat down cross-kneeled, and instead of answering Mrs. Xiao's question head-on, he asked,

"Do you remember how long I've been here?"

Xiaotai thought for a moment and gave an affirmative answer:

"A little more than two months."

Meng Qing nodded: "Yes, two months, there are less than ten months left before the opening of the Supreme Academy, but I am still far from the goal to be accomplished, and if I want to compete with those top geniuses, I must take my strength to the next level!"

What I am doing now can be said to be too hasty, but more is still helpless, there are still many things I need to do, and I really don't have time to take it slowly.

The little lady and the others were silent, and the ant queen asked,

"What is the master's next plan?"

Meng Qing smiled slightly: "Leave some suspense, you will know when you have more resources in your hands!" And wait for the news of their six parts! "

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