The image of the oven he visualized has not yet been realized, as if a force has been erased from his mind!

Meng Qing only thought that he was hallucinating and tried again.

But the image of Dading just appeared, like a board brush erasing the handwriting on the blackboard, everything disappeared at once!

Meng Qing was puzzled:

"What is the situation?"

Xiao Zhen paused: "If the image of the oven chosen by the master goes against the will of this heaven and earth, it may be forcibly erased by that will, but that is a small probability event." "

Meng Qing immediately seemed to have seen the ghost, is this all right?

He did not believe in this evil and used the Origin Qi to urge it.

This time, when that obscure power had just been generated, the Origin Qi was mighty and eliminated its life!

Meng Qing was shocked, this is a bit of a commotion, could it be that the Origin Qi is so fierce that even the will of this heaven and earth can not be resisted?

The image of the oven was set, and the qi and blood in his body gushed out, and at the same time, the origin qi was also playing an auxiliary role.

A vague Great Ding phantom was gradually becoming solidified.

If there were others here, you could see the difference between Meng Qing and the others at a glance, that is, ordinary people's ovens were all crimson or blood red, but the latter's was dark gray!

The rising sun shines, reflecting and refracting various colors of luster on the body!

These are the most refined runes, and each one requires the warrior to condense through cultivation and perception, and cannot take shortcuts.

It took a full hour for Meng Qing to open his eyes.

The oven behind him gradually dimmed and finally disappeared into his body.

"Master, how do you feel?" Xiaotai asked.

Meng Qing scratched his head: "It's a strange feeling, this is a bit similar to the secret technique of the queen ant, although it is a qi and blood oven, I can get a lot of increase in a short time by burning spiritual energy!"

Several spirit beasts were stunned, but what Meng Qing said at this time was beyond their understanding.

"This is too outrageous, can it be that the qi and blood oven can be mutated now?" Xiaotai was puzzled.

Normally, in addition to making its own qi and blood heritage stronger, the only role left is to pretend, but now it can also increase combat effectiveness? It's a bit outrageous!

In order to verify his guess, Meng Qing summoned the imperfect oven.

In the cave, Xiao Tai looked at the gray lump, and her face was slightly complicated.

"It's hard to imagine that other ovens are somewhat violent and bloody aesthetics, and it is not easy for the owner's oven to be abstract and ugly."

Meng Qing resisted the adult's desire, no matter what, this is really the truth!

Aura injection, he immediately seemed to have hit chicken blood, and the speed of consuming Spiritual Qi soared rapidly, while the opposite was the skyrocketing of Aura Qi!

He punched out, the surrounding void was distorted, and in many places, there were scattered fragments disintegrating outward, it is not an exaggeration to say that ordinary extreme true martial arts may not be able to block this punch!

As soon as he moves, one step is a hundred zhang!

"It's really hard to imagine, this increase is a little too scary." Meng Qing said seriously.

Xiao Tai was quite disgusted: "Others are afraid that the increase rate is too low, why does the owner still dislike Gao?" As the old saying goes, dogs eat seafood and can't chew a taste. The

corner of Meng Qing's mouth twitched, and he knocked on Xiao Tai's head: "You don't know how to learn well?" What to do with this nonsense all day?

Xiaotai couldn't bear to show weakness: "Nonsense, that's also learned from you!" "

The former is speechless for a while, it seems that this is really the case!

He put away the gray oven, found a clear pool, washed briefly and changed his clothes before continuing on the road.

It wasn't until noon that he saw plumes of cooking smoke rising from a distance.

Meng Qing quickened his steps.

It was a small mountain village in a valley, and although it was located in the wilderness, it was not simple.

He opened his pupils, but found that this small mountain village was covered with a layer of formation, and the spiritual energy shrouded it, which not only played a protective role, but also made the spiritual energy in the village more concentrated.

He approached that side, and when he was a hundred feet away, a faint aura locked onto him first.

It was a big tree at the entrance of the village!

"I grass this big tree, this whole valley actually depends on its roots!" Xiao Tai was shocked.

Meng Qing used the pupil technique, but he could only see a gray patch.

He couldn't help but be stunned, this was the first time this had happened since he had cultivated the Pupil Technique!

The tree danced in the wind, and a branch stretched forward, standing straight in front of him, fixed on him.

After a moment, Eda retreated towards the rear, as if nothing had happened.

"Is this an acknowledgement of us?" Meng Qing asked tentatively.

"It should be, if it is not recognized, I am afraid that the owner is now skewered into lamb skewers." Little Tai Dao.

Meng Qing walked towards it, and it didn't take long for the people in the village to find him.

Those were three or two people with hoes on their backs and dressed as farmers, their breath was not strong, they were just martial kings, but their qi and blood were very strong.

"Stranger, lost here?" They came over and took the initiative to talk.

These people were very simple, and when Meng Qing gave an affirmative answer, they took the initiative to invite Meng Qing back as a guest.

Meng Qing went to the appointment.

Entering the village, a group of half-grown children were playing, and when some children saw Meng Qing, they ran first and asked,

"Who are you?" Did you come to the village to find someone?

A farmer immediately straightened his face: "Boy, don't be rude."

Meng Qing said again and again: "It's okay, it's just a child."

When asked about Meng Qing's intentions, the latter said: "It's okay, the visitor is a guest, and it's not too late to stay here for two days, you go back with an uncle first, if you want to know the way outside, you can also ask me."

Meng Qing thanked him.

He followed the first person he spoke to home, which was a few houses made entirely of thatch and planks, and had a peasant atmosphere.

When I walked into the backyard, I heard a burst of shouting.

The farmer explained: "This is the eldest of my family, I have liked to dance knives and guns since I was a child, and I didn't know where to get a martial arts book some time ago, so I just let him go blindly."

Out of curiosity, Meng Qing asked more,

"Is there no Mr. Wuxue in the village?" To survive in this place, it is not very good to cultivate without a little. The

farmer smiled bitterly: "Mr. Wuxue? Who in the village has the kung fu to do this? They all guard their own acres and three-cents of land, if they are abandoned because of other wasted farming, there is no grain harvest, but they really can't even eat.

Meng Qing was stunned, he had never thought of this.

The farmer brought a small bench, carefully wiped it clean with his sleeves and handed it over to signal him to sit down, and said in pieces:

"Before the appearance of the tree god, let alone eat enough, the village could not survive without handing over two or three strong men every year, and after the tree god appeared, although he would change places frequently, at least life was much calmer, without the influence of those rogues and robbers."

Meng Qing caught the key word and asked in surprise: "Mobile?" Wasn't the village here before? "

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