"Of course not, you are wandering around here, you should know where this is, walk a distance to the north, you are close to the riot place, this is the Sanjiao Zone, many rogues and Jiangyang thieves often operate here, how can our cultivation gain a foothold here?" The farmer said softly.

Meng Qing nodded.

Then, when the farmer mentioned the tree, his face was full of reverence, and he looked at the latter as if he were looking at a god.

Indeed, in this warrior world, if one can shelter one side from the weak, then for those people, the one who shelters is their god!

It's actually quite pure.

Meng Qing asked several spirit beasts if they could see the reality of this big tree, but the answer they got was no.

In a conversation with the farmer, he also gradually learned the origin of this big tree, and on a night when ten thousand beasts traveled, it seemed to fall from the sky, roll up the village and flee away, so that it was protected from the attack of the beast tide.

Meng Qing listened, but then became curious.

Is there something unique about this village? He had already seen that this big tree was not simple, but the more so, the latter should not save these people out of kindness, right?

The two talked for a while, about Meng Qing's origin and whereabouts, he only said that with the master outside the experience, this time he went out alone to go to Genting Heavenly Palace to meet the world.

When he knew that he was also a martial arts cultivator, the farmer was a lot more humble:

"I can see that you are also a cultivator, my family boss is practicing martial arts over there, Sir may as well go and see, the time is not early, I have to go to the pot, otherwise the meal should be late."

When Meng Qing arrived in the backyard, he found a thin and thin young man sitting cross-legged on a small tree, with a broken book spread out on several stone tables made of bluestone.

As if sensing someone coming, the boy turned around, his appearance was very handsome, but his eyes revealed determination, and when he saw him, he immediately stepped forward to hide the book behind him, and at the same time asked:

"Who are you?" What are your intentions in coming to my house?

Meng Qing wanted to laugh, this young man looked only twelve or thirteen years old, his cultivation was already in the early stage of the cave heaven, if this was in the lower realm, he must be a wizard, but in the upper realm, it seemed sparse and ordinary.

If it is related to the family background, this naturally takes some effort to achieve, and the efforts behind this teenager are definitely not small.

It's just that such an age shouldn't have such a thick quack, which is not good.

"How do you think your skills compare to the other teenagers in the village?" Whether it can be counted as the first. Meng Qing asked.

The corners of the young man's mouth rose slightly, as if he remembered something proud, but the smile quickly converged, and he dragged: "Their realm is too low, and they are not worthy of being my opponent."

Meng Qing pointed to the small tree:

"In that case, then can you use that small tree to help me make a spear?"

Although the young man hesitated, he still stepped forward and gestured:

"No, this tree is still short in growth years, not enough to reach that step."

Meng Qing stepped forward slowly: "The same applies to you, you are still young, too persistent in cultivation, and wanting to obtain cultivation in Aura may damage your martial arts foundation."

The young man was obviously not convinced, and said word by word: "Correct your two mistakes, first, I am not a child!" Second, you don't even have aura fluctuations in your body, not even me, and you are not worthy of pointing me out!" Eat me first! He

stomped on the ground with the soles of his feet, trotted on the ground like an ape, and then quickly borrowed his strength and ejected a punch.

During this period, golden light spread on the young man's fist, and there were a few fragmented runes mixed above.

These runes seemed to be dim or even not formed, but they gave the boy's fist a great increase.

Meng Qing recognized at a glance that these rune fragments were old and innate runes!

He didn't move, letting his fist fall.

The young man fell with a pop, and he only felt that his fist thought that a piece of steel had been hammered, and the fire was swollen and hotly painful!

He immediately retreated, his mouth constantly gasping for air, and his fists were slightly red and swollen.

At the same time, his eyes were red and tears swirled in them.

Brother Chicken waited to see this scene rolling on the ground in the cave, and finally gloated: "Haha, it looks painful, right?" Outside

, Meng Qing stepped forward, facing the young man's red and swollen fist slightly, the immortal law operated, and a little green intention shrouded forward.

The young man only felt that the originally hot fist actually emitted a burst of coolness at this time, and then, the redness and swelling faded, and a heat wave spread from the fist to the body, which actually made his spiritual energy base become a little stronger!

He raised his head and looked at Meng Qing like an idol.

"Now, do you think I'm qualified to say you?" Meng Qing asked.

The young man nodded repeatedly, and then he knelt down with a snort and said, "Fang Cai inadvertently offended Sir, please don't blame Sir, and also ask Sir to take me as an apprentice."

This sudden move stunned Meng Qing.

Is the shift that big? Too sudden, right?

Seeing that Meng Qing didn't react, the young man actually kowtowed to him a few times!

He quickly pulled him up and said seriously: "The man has gold under his knees, don't kneel and kowtow casually." The

young man asked, "Did the gentleman promise to take me as an apprentice?"

Meng Qing shook his head, and the young man knelt down again when he saw this: "Please Sir accept me as an apprentice!"

He was a little speechless, and after a tug he finally made a concession:

"I will not take you as an apprentice, but I will stay here for two days, during which I can teach you, and how much you can learn depends on your own creation."

The young man nodded repeatedly: "My name is Tsui Hark, and Mr. can call me Xiao Ke." The

broken book fell from the boy's waist, and Meng Qing was about to pick it up, but Tsui Hark was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, quickly picked it up and retreated a few times, while looking towards the entrance of the village with a weak heart.

"Mr. Book can't be read, and the tree god said that he can't show it to anyone, otherwise he won't teach me to cultivate in the future."

Meng Qing was surprised: "The tree god still guides you in cultivation?" Could it be that this book is also given by it?

Tsui Hark nodded, and at the same time said proudly: "This book was obtained after kneeling under the tree god for three consecutive nights!" The

corner of Meng Qing's mouth twitched, he didn't know what to say for a while, although the result was good, but this process... It's a bit knee-draining.

Xiao Tai commented: "This is the real kneeling clan, this child can achieve great things in the future!" Soon

, the farmer made the meal.

A plate of pickles, a cage of white-faced steamed buns, a small pot of yellow rice porridge, a small bowl in the middle of which contains some salted meat, and two bowls of turbid wine in his and the farmer's place, this is a meal.

The farmer was obviously a little restrained, rubbing his hands uneasily:

"Please don't be strange, sir, the home is really simple, only these things."

Meng Qing smiled and said, "Even a sip of water is a treat to me, it's too polite." Brother

Chicken was quite disgusted: "Can this thing be compared with mountain and sea delicacies?"

Xiao Tai wanted to cover her face, but said angrily: "Don't put everyone at the same level as you in any realm, don't you know what is the situation of this owner?" These meats are half of the savings of this farmer's family, and you can take half of your savings to entertain you when you go to the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain people's house? "

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